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ultra high sound for everyone

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  • ultra high sound for everyone

    you can use the ultra high option by going to your BF2 documents, profile...then audio.con and changing high to ultra high and hardware to creative x-fi, i have tested this and it didnt crash on my system...maybe it was me but things sounded alot flyin overhead sounded more real? explosions were more intense...idk...u try it n come back here n tell if u had a difference

  • #2
    At work now, but I will when I get home. Using an Audigy 2 ZS with 5.1, so I'm expecting an improvement.

    Although, the sounds are already getting to me. I hear machine gun fire in the shower now. Freaky.


    • #3
      lol, i have an audigy 1 soft modded to audigy 2 zs and for me for a1 users... bored -[so.stoned]- haha, but anyways yeah...ppl should test much of a fps drop (if any) and uhm any sounds they notice that are better....not specifically but...yeah, juss in general O.o


      • #4
        Can I not change the sound settings to ultra high in game?


        • #5
          I can switch it to Ultra high, and also X-Fi, guess it was the OpenAL driver update


          • #6
            what sound card are you using? Apparently, my Audigy 2 ZS doesn't support Creative X-Fi.

            You're right though. I'll try the beta driver. Thanks.


            • #7
              OpenAL driver update?
              How, where, when, why!?!


              • #8
                There was a thread for Audigy 2 users who were having problems with BF2 where the guy posted an OpenAL update that you could use to fix the problem.


                • #9
                  creative x-fi is a new card thas not out yet...


                  • #10
                    this is to pretty much force the option with any card.... i did the openal thing a while ago for performance, it didnt give me the option...unless this is a different one, if so....linkage please..


                    • #11
                      Ultra High, X-Fi sound would NOT work as of now because as someone already said, the X-Fi cards are not available to us as of now.

                      This is like saying that there is a new Pixel Shader version, and you can somehow "unlock" it in a game to run on a video card that DOESNT support the version... it simply doesn't work out.


                      • #12
                        are you retarded? have you tried it?....this is audio, not video....WAY ****ING DIFFERENT YOU MORON, do you understand the point of this thread? im not even going to explain if you can't figure it out yourself........anyways.... even if u dont get extra performance with the x-fi setting, u can still unlock the ultra high setting for ****in sound quality...and it does sound better, so quit asuming, or contradicting people's thoughts and ideas....what are you gonna tell me next? i cant softmod my a1 to an a2? well i did...u gonna tell me i cant overclock me cpu without it exploding? shutup........ and have a nice day


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by storlied
                          are you retarded? have you tried it?....this is audio, not video....WAY ****ING DIFFERENT YOU MORON, do you understand the point of this thread? im not even going to explain if you can't figure it out yourself........anyways.... even if u dont get extra performance with the x-fi setting, u can still unlock the ultra high setting for ****in sound quality...and it does sound better, so quit asuming, or contradicting people's thoughts and ideas....what are you gonna tell me next? i cant softmod my a1 to an a2? well i did...u gonna tell me i cant overclock me cpu without it exploding? shutup........ and have a nice day
                          No, I am not retarded.

                          What I'm saying is that you are trying to reap the benefits of sound quality and features not possible by the sound cards we currently have.

                          In about a month or so, when the X-Fi cards ship to stores, we'll see how good it sounds.

                          This is the same thing as the "ULTRA HIGH" video setting(s), which did absolutely NOTHING.


                          • #14
                            true, but again...complication: video > audio........ have you tried it? to me, it did sound different...but hey, your always entitled to your for other people, i wonder if they heard a difference, so far they have one person sayin there is, and one sayin there isnt.... hm..... if more people will test this maybe we will find out what it does n doesnt.... maybe im imagining it, maybe not...idk.... lets see what other people thing.....


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by storlied
                              true, but again...complication: video > audio........ have you tried it? to me, it did sound different...but hey, your always entitled to your for other people, i wonder if they heard a difference, so far they have one person sayin there is, and one sayin there isnt.... hm..... if more people will test this maybe we will find out what it does n doesnt.... maybe im imagining it, maybe not...idk.... lets see what other people thing.....
                              Ok, I'll try it, but I can almost guarantee you it won't make a difference - brb with opinions on it.

