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  • #16
    on Dragon valley earlier i was accused of being a stat padder cause i had 83 points mid way through the round and the closest has 22. Nothing to do with the fact that i was in a M1A1 with a few crates around, driving up and down the road to the 1st check point continously taking out about 3 squads who for some reason which defies belief had no AT guys at all


    • #17
      Originally posted by ABD_Bangbus
      Its not hard to get 100+ points on karkand and I see it all the time. I usually average 70+ on that stupid map resing people and dropping med packs in all the usual places.

      and to the originator of this thread, just because his score was better then yours doesnt mean he was padding anything. Dont jump on the "hes an exploiter bandwagon" because you suck. Get some kind of proof, ANYTHING before coming here and starting a silly ass thread like this one.
      he said this guys' score was much higher than everyone else. he didn't say it was higher than his own score specifically. sure it can be legit or bh whoring, but when everyone else has a score of like 50 and one or 2 guys have a score of 200, you know something is up.


      • #18
        I have figured it out, one person can stat pad/exploit. All you need is two or three accounts, same number of computers and one player. You can figure the rest out.


        • #19
          No, because the two or three accounts would have the same (or very similar) scores. He's referring to a single person in the table... unless, of course, he camped the spawn point of the accounts on the opposing team... which would show the same amount of deaths for his kills. Either way, not possible.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Sloi
            No, because the two or three accounts would have the same (or very similar) scores. He's referring to a single person in the table... unless, of course, he camped the spawn point of the accounts on the opposing team... which would show the same amount of deaths for his kills. Either way, not possible.
            Well that would be make all stat padding obvious. Take the supply pading, one supply troop and spec-ops just throwing his C4 out (not using it), the supply guy would make huge points. Set it up in a hidden place, use a script to controll your players then go about other business for a awhile poof couple hundred points a game. Supply points are not traced in game, so admins would have to put a stop to it, else another player would have to stumble on to it.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Pentagon_Man
              I've seen a person get 100+ on Karkand with the next highest being mid 30's, stranger still is that 90 was support points.

              I got a score like this on karland today quite easily by being medic, revive like hell an cap as many flags as you can.


              • #22
                Originally posted by AraGoth*

                I got a score like this on karland today quite easily by being medic, revive like hell an cap as many flags as you can.

                Right, and drop med packs around flags. Karkand is one of those maps where you'll run up to a flag and there will already be like 3 med packs on the ground.

                I sometimes wish medics got MINUS points for healing enemies with their placed med packs...

