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  • Stat-padding

    hey earlier today I saw this guy with a really high score; much higher than anyone elses. Was he stat padding? and if so how would you stat pad with only one person and no one working with him? btw how would i report him and can I?

  • #2
    his score > your score
    him = stat padder?


    • #3
      there are a bunch of threads about this already :locked:


      • #4
        "omgwtf25" ?????


        • #5
          what was his name?? And what server? What was he is possible the guy is just really good.


          • #6
            I think he is referring to that sick mind guy who has billions of points, all unlocks, and is Sgt. Maj.

            so no there is 0 possibility that he got it legitimately be it bug or cheat


            • #7
              seen ppl have over 300pts in a round amd said they didnt stat padd


              • #8
                Originally posted by jdogg007-FED
                seen ppl have over 300pts in a round amd said they didnt stat padd
                they might have just gone around BH capping.


                • #9
                  But is it possible to stat pad with just one person?


                  • #10
                    not that I know of.


                    • #11
                      I was thinking of this, I think you just might be able to ONLY if you have the bug where it shows a person on their team as your team member then you maybe could, But it would be hard to figure out. kindof.


                      • #12
                        I've seen a person get 100+ on Karkand with the next highest being mid 30's, stranger still is that 90 was support points. Wish I saw how he did it, good or exploit. So that leads me to ask how do I use battle recorder to track what an indiviual did during a game?


                        • #13
                          Its not hard to get 100+ points on karkand and I see it all the time. I usually average 70+ on that stupid map resing people and dropping med packs in all the usual places.

                          and to the originator of this thread, just because his score was better then yours doesnt mean he was padding anything. Dont jump on the "hes an exploiter bandwagon" because you suck. Get some kind of proof, ANYTHING before coming here and starting a silly ass thread like this one.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by omgwtf25
                            But is it possible to stat pad with just one person?
                            Jump in a jet. Find a random team mate. Point jet at them, and go really, really fast. Jump out at the last second and press 9 9 9 9 9 alot. When you land on the ground, get out the defribs and revive. Repeat this several hundred times as needed.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MachineGunDave
                              Jump in a jet. Find a random team mate. Point jet at them, and go really, really fast. Jump out at the last second and press 9 9 9 9 9 alot. When you land on the ground, get out the defribs and revive. Repeat this several hundred times as needed.
                              Oops you got my secret! How dare you share it :cry:

