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Helicopter Weak Point

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Fishw0rk
    Exactly. Its freaking ridiculous that a tank's main gun needs to find a "weak" spot in a choppers armor.
    I agree. Two days ago I was sitting in T-90 50 meters from the flag. BH is coming to cap the flag without noticing me, three guys in BH. I shot BH with main gun in crew compartment, following with multiple hits from machine gun. And guess what? BH didn't even smoke All guys in BH alive and well flying away from the flag. Completely ridiculous.


    • #32
      the fighting choppers go down very easy by shooting on the front window, weakest point I think, blackhawks seem to go down best if you shoot in the chopper


      • #33
        Originally posted by Got3nâ„¢
        not sure about the Blackhawk, but i do know that the tanks have a 1 shot kill spot, where if a tank or an apc missle hits you in a certain spot it taks you down to 1 bar of health...then....BOOM!

        Hi, any video that demonstrates that tank weak spot??



        • #34
          Originally posted by dragon159753
          i either go for propellors(main or tail) or the pilot, if u can't seem to shoot it down, i just try and kill the passengers
          I have had some luck using the AT weapon firing at the back of the cockpit, but the best strategy that I've found is using the AT weapon or M203 grenade launcher to take out the crew inside the chopper. I've seen 5 guys fall out dead from one of my blasts with the M203. You didn't bring down the chopper, but there are 5 guys who will respawn with no ride to get back in the battle. You send the chopper home empty (except for the pilot)


          • #35
            Originally posted by [R-Mod]Scoggs
            i've noticed that one M95 round to the pilots face makes it spin out of control.....
            Maybe that's because a M95 round in someone's face kills them?


            • #36
              Originally posted by WheelCipher
              You didn't bring down the chopper, but there are 5 guys who will respawn with no ride to get back in the battle. You send the chopper home empty (except for the pilot)
              Sadly wrong and another unbalanced aspect of the whole thing. If they are squaded with someone still alive in there, they can respawn inside it. Of course, assuming you do manage to take it down, it will respawn about 20 seconds later...


              • #37
                Originally posted by Kenny 10 Bellys
                Shooting cockpits of choppers with anything other than the M95 will do nothing to the pilot, they are safe behind their armour.
                Well, I can't say for sure what I hit, but I have killed the pilot without killing anyone else in a BH as an AT. I thought I hit the windshield though. How do I know? Well, they were all my buddies and we were all in teamspeak. Another buddy jumped into the cockpit and away fthey flew for repairs.


                • #38
                  I've been killed as pilot in a blackhawk more then once. In fact quite often. It would kill me and the rest of the crew would be harmless. It was always from a rocket. Could have been a TOW missle but often it happens in Mashuur city. In the blackhawk of course.


                  • #39
                    champion video stormtrooper

                    anybody care to do some testing?


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Sploitz
                      I've been experimenting shooting helicopters in different areas with rockets to see if it's possible to destroy or at least set them on fire in one hit. I've hit the tail, the rotor, and in my experience, the best bet is to try to land it right on the pilot's face. Then, at least you have the chance to take him out, and have the chopper drift into the ground. You still get the kills for everyone on board.

                      But has anyone found a weak spot on helicopters?

                      if its a blackhawk aim for the open sides with the expoed engineers or aim for the cockpit and shoot the pilot out with the AT rocket or m95

