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Helicopter Weak Point

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  • #16
    Taking the pilot out does nothing, depending on who's on board. I always know if the pilot dies, and I just hop in the cockpit and fly away.

    Last night I was watching a Blackhawk and I saw it get hit by 2 jet missiles, a crapload of missiles from another copter, and 1 anti-tank missile all at the same time. Now that's how you take out a Blackhawk


    • #17
      Originally posted by LT_Bootymac
      Taking the pilot out does nothing, depending on who's on board. I always know if the pilot dies, and I just hop in the cockpit and fly away.
      Not always though. I was on Mashtuur and took out a loaded MEC chopper, pilot died, chopper drifted into a building in like, 1 second, so the crew didn't really have time to jump in.

      Then a beautiful display of Sploitz [Killed] Joe Shmoe 5 times :P


      • #18
        i've noticed that one M95 round to the pilots face makes it spin out of control.....


        • #19
          I don't think 1 or 2 AT shots alone will take down a full health BH. In my experience, at least 4. I will test it in single player tonight.


          • #20
            not sure about the Blackhawk, but i do know that the tanks have a 1 shot kill spot, where if a tank or an apc missle hits you in a certain spot it taks you down to 1 bar of health...then....BOOM!


            • #21
              Originally posted by [R-Mod]Scoggs
              i've noticed that one M95 round to the pilots face makes it spin out of control.....
              This is the ridiculous thing about choppers. I notice whenever I bail, the chopper
              unmanned keeps going up and up and up. That would never happen in real life!!!!!!!! The chopper would come crashing down. However, you'd have a hard time bailing from a cobra in real life as well.


              • #22
                on the top of the main rotor, i was in a broken building and i used the m203 on the top of a heli capin a flag, it dropped instantly.


                • #23
                  Helicopters tend to take 3 AT shots and 2 Tank shots to go down. If you hit the cockpit with a rocket/g launcher/tank shell the explosion will obviously kill the pilot. Works on Attack Helicopters too and it can be used to kill the pilot or the gunner. I have done it to both.


                  • #24
                    Well, i was just messing around in a 64 player local server, and i went into the crew compartment (where the passengers and engineers sit) and i was AT. I shot one rocket to the roof of the compartment, i died, and the BH blowed up, good thing i set the respawn time to 1 second though, it was fun, but it's kinda hard to hit the roof of the crew compartment.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by AgentOS
                      Helicopters tend to take 3 AT shots and 2 Tank shots to go down. If you hit the cockpit with a rocket/g launcher/tank shell the explosion will obviously kill the pilot. Works on Attack Helicopters too and it can be used to kill the pilot or the gunner. I have done it to both.
                      On the contrary, I shot a cobra 2 times on the cockpit canopy with a T90 main cannon and it was barely smoking. Something needs to be done about that.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by shadow_wolf
                        On the contrary, I shot a cobra 2 times on the cockpit canopy with a T90 main cannon and it was barely smoking. Something needs to be done about that.
                        Exactly. Its freaking ridiculous that a tank's main gun needs to find a "weak" spot in a choppers armor. One shot ANYWHERE on the chopper should send it flying across the map.


                        • #27
                          Exhaust Ports


                          • #28
                            Well, I found it quite cool to kill a Cobra yesterday with a shotgun
                            It was hit once with a stinger before and then I got it with 2 shots, in close combat fighting, on the cockpit.


                            • #29
                              Shooting cockpits of choppers with anything other than the M95 will do nothing to the pilot, they are safe behind their armour. I play AT most of the time and can verify it takers WAY more than 2 AT rounds or 2 tank rounds to take out a Blackhawk. Normally you get a couple of hits in and then you are minced by the minigunners, or the thing flies off smoking and gets repaired before you have time to reload or relock with stingers/AT.

                              Shooting the interior with AT(Eryx/SRAW) will damage the crew and the chopper, but if they have a medic and/or an engineer and you dont kill them outright you have just wasted a round. Your best shot at the passengers is with the M203 grenade launcher and try to hit the wall directly behind the pilot. This has the glorious effect of not only killing/wounding the minigunners but also occasionally the pilot too, dropping the helo to the ground.


                              • #30
                                Some dude got a 1hit kill on a fully repaired BH and it just so happens BF recorder was on.

                                The key point may be that it was a repaired BH and not a fresh one. It had been stolen, shot up, taken back to the MEC base and repaired. It was also repaired partially by the engy on board. It may be that BF didn't register that it had been repaired. The pilot and passenger both saw it as full health though and the smoke had stopped coming out of it.


                                It appears the SRAW impacted upon the wheel although the missile model carries on a bit to the rotor (this happens alot in BFR though)

                                It may be a variation on the bug that causes the attack heli guns to stop working after a couple of reloads. i.e. after a few restocks BF stops recording that an object heals/rearms or something. It could be a stealth bug to stop people owning n00bs for too long hehe.

                                You can also see how terrible the missiles are in that vid at the start. NO active flares and they all fly right underneath

