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God Of Sniping

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  • Re: God Of Sniping

    Title thread and first post are misleading.

    Mods need to rename the thread title.



    • Re: God Of Sniping

      IT was great and i am glad to see some many of you got mad about this. It was well done and those who complained need to learn something about advice. Advice is free....... So do what you will with it.


      • Re: God Of Sniping

        That's a nice bit of shooting, staged or not. Most of the movies made are set up, I don't understand why all this banter was necessary. Oh well, you'll always get the od couple of morons. Eh?


        • Re: God Of Sniping

          Originally posted by Al3x
          1) You cant blow vehicles up with m95. It doesnt even work trough the glass sometimes.
          2) The way you aim and shoot is bs. I tried m95. Even if someone is proned, and you've been aiming at his head not moving the crosshair,m95 still has crap accuracy. thats why its accuracy is HIGH and not VERY HIGH like the m24. Even the m24 wouldnt be able to make 60% of those shots.
          3)You can't 1 shot kill all those people. Especially at the distances you did
          4)The way you knifed people was bs. They were either bots or people with 0 reflexes.

          What really ****es me off is you try and pass it off as a training video and as if its true when its not. Cool video, but fake. I tried the m95 loads of times and its nothing like that.

          And yes, try it for yourself in a normal game, you do have to wait a sec before shooting. Otherwise you'll have a really high miss %.
          Do you actually EVER READ ANYTHING before you post?

          He said that he edited it so that it "appears" as if he kills them straight away when sometimes he misses and has to reload and he didnt include that because it would be boring. No they are not bots they are just gormless people, plus the guy is sprinting. BTW i have blown vehicles up with the M95 so i don't know what your on about mate. Sorry but every sentence you said was either wrong or it just sounded lke you didn't think about what you were saying.


          • Re: God Of Sniping

            i shot down a chopper with a shootie last week - depends how much life is left and who gets the last shot on the before they die.

            Sniping is easy - lsighly harder on 1.3 for some reason but in all i think goes to show just aim for the edge of the head most times for a 1 shot 1 kill.


            • Re: God Of Sniping

              Originally posted by vo2max
              Wynterheart - firstly, it's a video, lighten up.

              Secondly, I had fraps running at all times (2x80GB raptors = fun), nothing was staged, though I did have a friend help out with a few of the shots - predamaging some vehicles, etc. All in the boundaries of the game, and in the nature of the video.

              Thirdly - I don't know what your talking about regarding the crosshair expansion, I've never had any shot (except servers with pings above 150) that required me to wait a second before shooting, I'm sure if you take a look at other threads regarding snipers, you would find this out.

              Fourth - there were lots of parts where I edited - i.e. the sniper on the oil tower - that required two shots, but in a video, who wants to see someone missing, reloading, and shooting again? The part where I knifed the guy in the street - I already knew he was there, I simply looked behind me, then turned to the open part of the wall, and ran out and got him.

              Fifth - this is a movie!

              so bascially the movie was edited to make the m95 seem better than it actually is....


              • Re: God Of Sniping

                If you interpret it that way then yes.

