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The Big Vihicle Capture Flag Poll

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Teaves
    I think this is what everyone wants, i havent seen a single person wanting them to stop the ground vehicles capping flags. This poll was clearly written by someone against the change that EA are bringing in next patch (1.03) where they ARE making it impossible to cap from the air :nerr:
    Where did you get this info about not being able to cap from the air? The poll was brought up in another thread, the op stated negatives to get people to think, not to taint the results.


    • #47
      The EA changelog, if you hunt around you will find more details descriptions to go with the basic list.

      There ARE no bad points about stopping the helicopters from capping they can do everything like they do now, and rape whole area's while slowly circling. But the crew (not the gunners unless you are brave and want to cap without defense) will actually need to jump out and capture flags if they just charge throught to a rear flag as they do currently. OR the Black Hawk will now be a proper support and transport vehicle the way it was meant to be, giving covering fire to the rest of the team while transporting passensgers.

      I have looked at it from both sides, and indeed played it from both sides, i have whored in a BH as well BECAUSE i will never ever get shot down unless someone onboard makes a mistake, usually the pilot, but VOIP even negates that now more people use it "<gunner> spin me 10 degrees left" so he can take out a peice of armour that cant even shoot back because you can easilly stay above his guns elevations.

      The jeeps really are your biggest concern, the .50 MG on the roof can do some damage BUT not more the 2 engineers can repair quicker then he can take off (let alone a full set of 3) and any BH pilot that take more the 2 seconds to rotate his gunners onto the jeep shouldt be flying on the first place.

      From experience the only people against the change are ones that either almost ALWAYS use the black hawk or almost always go USCM only (as the original poster of this poll does, check his stats for a reason he dosent get annoyed by the BH :thatsbad: )


      • #48
        The problem I have with heli captures is the fact that they can get from flag to flag so quickly that anyone on the ground will always be left behind. I agree with earlier posters about them being able to cap flags when you are still defending them. One guy should be enough to stop a flag capture if he is in the flag zone. They should have to find and kill him so that the area is really "secure". That alone should slow things down a bit for them and would encourage defense of flags in your teams possesion.


        • #49
          I think something that would benifit everyone for flag caping would be to make it so a person has to stay within a certain range of the flag or it will go back to neutral. This way you cant have a chopper just hop from flag to flag and it also promotes flag defense =) That, and/or give points for staying by a flag for a period of time. Nothing outlandish but a point or two every 5-6 min wouldnt be bad. So people would still gain by defending a flag. Not akin to that of running off for a new one, but Id say with the average influx of "sneaky" cappers it should equate to your average point gain in a round.


          • #50
            several people have said that in other bf2 games you could cap with a helo.

            was it such a big complaint as it is with this game? is it done often? this is my 1st BF game but i have a feeling they didn't. why? no points to accumulate.

            the point/ranking system in this game has really screwed it up, imo. i've said before that this game would be so much better without the point system.


            • #51
              its a big complaint because the more people that are in the capture radius, the faster you take the flag. Really I think they should just turn that off. Just make it so it takes the same time no matter how many people. That would fix everything because this wasnt a problem in Desert Combat really.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Teaves
                The EA changelog, if you hunt around you will find more details descriptions to go with the basic list.
                Looked but sorry no luck. Please give us a link for reference.

