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The Big Vihicle Capture Flag Poll

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  • The Big Vihicle Capture Flag Poll

    Lots of discussion goes around over this, certainly over hte heli's capturing flags, point beeing of some people it isn't realistic and it's to easy sometimes, but I want ro remind you some points.

    - You can't capture a flag anymore with a vihicle, but the enemy can stay in it's vihicle to defend it, so away i balance

    - if someone shoul stay in the vihicle and one capture the flag, well, then you need at least 2 people to capture it, but only one to defend it, so away is the balance

    - at some maps, like operation clean sweep, it will become imposible this way to take some flags behind because it would take to long to get there, maps are designed at this moment to the curent gameplay

    - maybe in a perfect wrld it would work , some guys stay in the vihicle, some take the flag, but it's all human playing paople, things like perfect teamwork isn't possible, and pushing the people towards it is going to take down gameplay, not everyone plays the game for hours a day, some just play it when they have time, those are going to get ripped of

  • #2
    I forgot, some people say, it isn't realistic to capture flags with vihicles or choppers, wel, sorry but capturing a flag means having control over an area, and in battlefield, wel, there re vihicles included (one of the big features of the game) and those can take control of an area.

    The point is not for pulling up a flag, the point is keep control or master control over areas, this is now done with flag points


    • #3
      The real issue I see is you get out of your tank to capture a flag the enemy then hop into it and kill you. Vehicles being accessible to both sides mean getting out of a powerful one like an APC or Tank in the middle of an enemy base to cap a flag is a very stupid thing to do.

      I don't really see the same issues with choppers or the lesser ground vehicles.


      • #4
        If you are going to do a poll, at least try and be netural about it.

        As for my vote, there isn't really an option, the vehicle capping doesnt sux, but it could be fine tuned a bit.


        • #5
          I don't really see the same issues with choppers or the lesser ground vehicles.
          it's battlefield, there suposed to be lots of vihicles, this is just the point , it's not like another FPS, and some guys want to turn it into just another FPS


          • #6
            BF2 is about vehicles. Gameplay gets a lot worse if they don't allow vehicles to cap flags.


            • #7
              Vehicles will remain unused, that would kill the game.


              • #8
                Its not like using vehicles to cap flags is a smart thing to do. First of all, driving up to it is a challenge unless you are alone, in which case its just stupid. When the tank is parking in an enemy spawnpoint you can fully expect a SpcOp to spawn right beside you without you ever being able to see him and blow you up.


                • #9
                  keep the game how it is. If you have a problem with heli's capping the flag then be an AT or hop on a mounted gun and defend it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by sleazell
                    keep the game how it is. If you have a problem with heli's capping the flag then be an AT or hop on a mounted gun and defend it.
                    Well heli capping is not really up for debate. Its being fixed so discussion on it is kind of pointless.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by iewgnem
                      you can fully expect a SpcOp to spawn right beside you without you ever being able to see him and blow you up.
                      If you jump out of the tank chances are that the same SpecOp hops in your tank and shoots you with it. Or better yet your teammate comes and steals it...


                      • #12
                        There's no rule preventing typing your message in word and spell checking then pasting it into a post or reply.

                        Not to be too harsh but this reads more like hurried in game chat than something thought out. I have to wonder the number of people that gave up reading this post after the first line.

                        BF2 is a combined arms game and the flag rules are fine, I liked the flag area control comment. Adjust the weapons for realism and make mechanics get out to fix any vehicle while choppers have to land for ammo/ repairs and perhaps have an auto pilot landing button but make planes land for the same. In air repair and arming does make aircraft stronger than they should be and it is obviously unrealistic compared with the limits of the other vehicles.


                        • #13
                          I think they should limit the speed of the cap to 3 people if they are in a vehicle. No more speed capping in a BlackHawk.



                          • #14
                            I really get a rush when a Black hawk is on the way to capture a flag (I am defending), and I am in a tank. My win is on the way.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by rombaft
                              I forgot, some people say, it isn't realistic to capture flags with vihicles or choppers, wel, sorry but capturing a flag means having control over an area, and in battlefield, wel, there re vihicles included (one of the big features of the game) and those can take control of an area.
                              Because in real life armies go around capturing flags to control an area ...
                              (on foot or in vehicles :P)

