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Looking to join/create a squad......

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  • #31
    Is that 8:00pm London time ?


    • #32
      Originally posted by wiltedjoint
      Is that 8:00pm London time ?
      No, CET=Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Holland etc etc (CET=Central European Time iirc).

      It'll be 7pm London time.


      • #33
        Try this code for a chatroom, should work


        codebase = ""
        code = "fwschat.FwsChat.class"
        name = "FwsChat"
        width = "500"
        height = "350"
        hspace = "0"
        vspace = "0"
        align = "middle"
        <param name="user" value="jbfusion">


        • #34
          Originally posted by Batch
          Try this code for a chatroom, should work
          Thanks for the tip, but I already got it working


          • #35
            It's 8:41pm right now and Klatregutt and I are on teamspeak right now in case any one wants join. TS server ip - no user id but password is squad. Hope to see ya soon.


            • #36
              Sorry about yesterday, we had a power outtage here Was it just the two of you, or did anyone else join in?

              Anyone up for a game tonight, same time?


              • #37
                Hi Berrern, Triggerhappy and I played for a couple of hours yesterday as a two-man, locked squad. We used Teamspeak, worked like a charm, but there are some advantages to in-game VOIP as well.
                Obviously, with only two people, 50% of the squad is dead a lot of the time , so we need more people.
                I think triggerhappy is ready tonight, but I won't be able to join in, at least until about 10-11 o o'clock. My weekend is pretty open, so I'm up for some gaming then, especially late night.

                We should maybe figure out a way to contact eachother apart from this thread (and Xfire)?

                See u!


                • #38
                  Great idea I must admit

                  Im also from norway, and a friend in the clan is also from norway, and two from sweden.

                  If ur interested to play with us sometimes, u are more than welcome to talk to me, so u can use our TS channel..

                  My xfire: Torgrim

                  And if u want to have further contact u can visit


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Klatregutt
                    We should maybe figure out a way to contact eachother apart from this thread (and Xfire)?
                    I've already bought webhosting, and the domain should be ready in about 48 hours.. I'm already working on setting up a forum, a small chat room, and a page with info about where we're playing.

                    That should help

                    EDIT: I'll talk to my provider tomorrow, maybe for a few bucks extra they'd be willing to host a TeamSpeak server aswell! This way we wont have to spend time looking for free servers.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by wiltedjoint
                      Hi, my in-game name is triggerhappy1944 and I'm looking to create or join a squad (6 players max) to play with nightly. I live in sweden and I would prefer european (english speaking) players. I'm not really interested in a clan per say but just a tight knit squad who want to tear **** up on a nightly basis. The problem with clans is that they get big and are hard to get together on a consistant basis. Plus there's generally too much hierarchy involved. so if anyone is interested in helping me form this 6 man team, "Mount Up"!!!
                      Yo .. im ready .. Here in midsommarkransen and ready to play ... myself an 2 other friends play on server nightly .. from 20 -2 in this time range .. ALWAYS MEC or China , unless there isnt a slot then we have to go USMC :...
                      pm me . and we can swap email addresses .
                      hej då .

                      my nik is akasuperNEWB


                      • #41
                        Re: Looking to join/create a squad......

                        Klatregutt & Wiltedjoint; please check your PM inbox


                        • #42
                          Re: Looking to join/create a squad......


