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Poll: Should Mounted Machine guns be better?

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  • #31
    sometimes I'll take a coffee break on S@K and I'll go all anti-infantry with the mounted machine guns and it ****ing amazes me just about 70% of people you shoot at go prone and try to kill you with their rifles, wtf run you idiot it's pretty much your only chance! I have been shot in the head while laying down fire with the MG occaisionally but I can rack up kills real good if we got a good tanker who can keep the tank/apc off me. I wonder what it would be like if you could get people to spawn at the back flags and move all the vodniks up to the 1st and 2nd flag? there's 6 vodniks to start out with and there's usually three streets on approach to most flags....that's like 2 vodniks covering each street. D:


    • #32
      okay the 14 idiots who voted that it should do more splash damage are idiots and should be shot. MG's dont have the capability to do splash damage. 50 cal rounds are big but if one lands next to you its not going to do anything unless it miraculously ricochets in your face.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Mailman
        okay the 14 idiots who voted that it should do more splash damage are idiots and should be shot. MG's dont have the capability to do splash damage. 50 cal rounds are big but if one lands next to you its not going to do anything unless it miraculously ricochets in your face.
        but if one lands next to you its not going to do anything unless it miraculously ricochets in your face.

        LOL. Wow man you need a reality check. A .50 caliber bullet causes massive damage when it hits on or near a target. These are not rifle rounds that make little marks on buildings, these rounds penetrate walls and rip to hell anything in front of them.

        Remember Black Hawk Down? Remember when the spec forces guys jumped on the 50 and was spraying everything that moved? Did that look like nothing happens when those rounds hit? 50 caliber mounted machines guns are very destructive.

        Also keep in mind that .50 caliber guns were used on almost all US planes in WW2. I assure you if they do enough damage to rip planes out of the sky they will hurt if they even get near you. .....Still laughing at that "if it lands next to you it won't hurt" hahahhaah.


        • #34
          LoL. Just looked at the latest poll results.

          There are a total of 63 Votes but it says only 58 ppl have voted weird. Kept trying to understand how the no change ppl had 51% of the vote when they other 2 categories totaled more than 30...

          Am surprised so many ppl like the mounted machine guns the way they are.


          • #35
            I really don't think the guns need any change dude.


            • #36
              Remember Black Hawk Down? Remember when you saw it in theatres and though how cool it looked? Remember how it was a movie?

              A 12mm ball round will do nothing but make a bigger hole than a 9mm or 5.56mm round.

              The wall-mounted and vehicle-mounted guns are powerful enough, too powerful if anything. Its a good thing you can't hit targets accurately while the vehicle is moving.

              I'm in agreeance with those who want the support class gun to be more accurate; why would having the same gun planted firmly on the ground be three times as inaccurate as one on the back of a vehicle?


              • #37
                Originally posted by Tumbler
                Mounted machine guns are on many vehicles but for the most part they are no more effective than your standard weapon. They perform well against slow moving air targets but against troops they don't provide much cover and don't do enough damage to offset the risk of using them.

                So assuming you think they need some love:

                Would you rather see them do more damage or have splash damage?

                More damage would make them more lethal when aimed properly.

                Splash damage would make it more effective at keeps enemies heads down.

                What this will lead to hopefully is players using the Humvee/jeeps more and seeing mounted machines guns be very valuable.
                What game have you been playing? Not only do the mounted guns do more damage they also have very little recticule bloom. One of the most effective anti helo weapons in the game (besides the IGLA/Stingers) are the mounted MG's. Splash damage?! Are you nuts? They dont need to be adjusted, period.


                • #38
                  Well the stationary ones and the hood mounted ones are just that army's light machine gun. The PLA and MEC's FAV has a Kord 12.7, which fires .50 BMG. Which is the same as the M95. Which should do the same damage. The USMC DPV has a 50 cal machine gun like on the tanks.

                  The only problem i have is that the larger machine guns seem to be affected too much by the vehicle and you can never get a decent shot unless you are parked. Especially with infantry.

                  There are many weapons in this game that share the same ammo and have different damage.

                  I guess its all just to keep the balance.


                  • #39
                    My biggest problem with the machine guns mounted on the jeeps are the ppl that jump in and drive away even though you clearly are using it for base defense... wish I could take out the ignition keys On some maps where anti tankers are not so common, the jeeps are really powerful if used correctly.

                    The damage is fine, the precision is great, just wish I had more of that stuff in my little PKM. A bipod as someone suggested would be great, and the possibility to kneel behind a wall and use the wall for support. Oh, tracers would make me a happy boy. Usually there's no doubt where you are firing from anyway so tracers to help lead in the fire would be really nice


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by ABD_Bangbus
                      What game have you been playing? Not only do the mounted guns do more damage they also have very little recticule bloom. One of the most effective anti helo weapons in the game (besides the IGLA/Stingers) are the mounted MG's. Splash damage?! Are you nuts? They dont need to be adjusted, period.
                      You are correct, against helo's they do very very well, but if we added splash damage it wouldn't increase that ability it would simply make taking out infantry in the open easier.

                      One of the weakness's this weapon has is that if any enemy running across the road you have very little chance of hitting him with the mounted machine gun. If he stops to fire at you you'll probably kill him. If he's smart he'll just straff as you fire and lob a grenade/bunny hop out of the way. That one grenade/203/whatever will proabably take out the humvee or at least set it on fire.

                      Adding splash damage would make the mounted machine guns own infantry in the open and make them think twice before popping around the corner for a lucky shot.

                      Something I see a lot is you are firing at a corner non stop with the 50, an enemy pops out into your line of fire, shoots a grenade and strafes back to cover, mabye taking one hit but he's still alive. I think the Mounted Machine guns should chew him up when he tries that. Just my opinion. I think this would make the Humvee's/FAV/etc a lot more useful and we'd see ppl using them more.


                      • #41
                        I love mounted machine guns and use them whenever possible. Almost sniper accuracy, no recloil, great rate of fire and good damage. The ones in the jeep and van provide a decent shield to boot. You're also able to crouch when using them in any vehicle to avoid damage. I only wish you could crouch on the ones mounted to sandbags and other objects.

                        They are awesome, I've mowed down 5 people in about 6 seconds with the ones on the jeep/van, they're also able to destroy helicopters or at least drive them off. They're great and don't need anything.

                        Anyone who says they suck is an idiot and probobly used them once and died... or something.. because they totally own infantry which is what they were made to do.


                        • #42
                          Added splash damage? So in other words you want a extremely accurate, high rate of fire, mini grenade launcher? How that got past the "Bad Idea" part of the thought process is beyond me. Learn to lead your targets. I have no problems hitting a running person with the 50 on the back of a hum-v/tank. Last thing we need is another n00b cannon in the game.


                          • #43
                            A forthcoming replacement for the 50 cal HMG is quick changeable to a grenade launcher (in fact, thats better put the other way around)

                            They had grenade launcher MGs (effectively an mg with splash damage) in Joint Ops on the fast attack vehicles and boats - with unlimited ammo - it got a little insane. People would sit at one remote spot of the map and just spam spam spam a spawn. Very funny when you were doing it - annoying as f**k on the receiving end.

                            Guns are fine, improve the accuracy of the support weapons, so i don't have to do the "Wiggle of Death" with my iron sights


                            • #44
                              Myself i would leave them alone, if anything go the other way, the mounted MG's if anything should be toned down a bit, i hear what your saying about when your in motion, but thats only with a crazy driver with his foot on the floor. With the MEC buggy in particular (with the 360 degree top turret) and a good driver/gunner combo it can be awesome, if he slows to half speed and calms down on the steering wheel you can simply speed off when you see a Tank or APC and quickly dispatch anything else, including heicopters, at an alarming rate. (except the BH if he actually spots you of course and lines up a door gunner :cry: )

                              As for the hummers and similar vehicles with the big metal shield in front of the MG, if you park them correctly keeping the metal plate facing the enemy, you can mow down anything that sticks his head out, in fact you see a lot of people driving on thier own just to press F2 when they see anyone or when they reach flags.

                              Just to add, the basic Support MG's are pretty innacurate, but i have unlocked the PKM and its a whole different story, no longer do you simply show everyone where you are hiding by firing the Support guns, and once you feel braver with it, you can be really effective as well. Saying that though, they still are no match for the mounted MG's, which i go one on one with often (and always lose!)

                              The only thing i would like is a semi-accurate way of firing from standing, by mounting them on low walls, sandbags, etc (D.O.D style) but i believe they may be addressing that in the patch, if i remember the changelist correctly


                              • #45
                                50cals don't shoot like 50s and thats the only thing I don't like. 50s are wonderful pieces of equipment and shred things apart.

