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Poll: Should Mounted Machine guns be better?

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  • Poll: Should Mounted Machine guns be better?

    Mounted machine guns are on many vehicles but for the most part they are no more effective than your standard weapon. They perform well against slow moving air targets but against troops they don't provide much cover and don't do enough damage to offset the risk of using them.

    So assuming you think they need some love:

    Would you rather see them do more damage or have splash damage?

    More damage would make them more lethal when aimed properly.

    Splash damage would make it more effective at keeps enemies heads down.

    What this will lead to hopefully is players using the Humvee/jeeps more and seeing mounted machines guns be very valuable.

  • #2
    they already do more damage, have a higher rate of fire, unlimted ammo and higher accuracy.


    • #3
      They pwn. They kill in 2-3 hits ala PKM, with the accuracy of the Spec Ops. The only thing a mounted gun need fear is a sniper.


      • #4
        Man, did you ever use a mounted machine gun ?

        You can take out Jeeps and choppers like hel with those things and against troops, well you can bam them to hel in no time, those things are very good and strong in my opinion


        • #5
          I agree, mounted guns are spot on in my opinion, use them when closing in on a flag, do the F2 thing to clear out any flag campers, usually does the trick.


          • #6
            And it has smooth turning when the tank turns the turret, unlike BF42 you almost stick with the same view when the tank moves. It is a freaking killer, i rack up points by killing someone with it and when the tank gets hit i jump out and repair it. Leaving the tank no danger to enemy hijackers since the main tanker guy is always inside.


            • #7
              i agree as well they rock


              • #8
                All things considered they just don't do enough to make anyone use them for more than a moment. It's easy to destroy the vehicle with just about anything, it's a very big magnet for enemy fire, and it still take 2-3 hits to kill infantry? I will infantry with my ak-47 with 2-3 hits...

                They should be better imo. Infantry should be shredded by Mounted Machines guns, similar to how they are from mini guns in teh BH. I don't want it to be that effective but when a humvee comes round the corner and opesn up with that gun infantry should be running for their lives.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tumbler
                  All things considered they just don't do enough to make anyone use them for more than a moment. It's easy to destroy the vehicle with just about anything, it's a very big magnet for enemy fire, and it still take 2-3 hits to kill infantry? I will infantry with my ak-47 with 2-3 hits...

                  They should be better imo. Infantry should be shredded by Mounted Machines guns, similar to how they are from mini guns in teh BH. I don't want it to be that effective but when a humvee comes round the corner and opesn up with that gun infantry should be running for their lives.

                  Tumbler, they are strong, and if you aim properly you can take out infantry in one shot.

                  You never have to reload, and they have no recoil plus the fact they are very acurate in combination with strong and you take out infantry from miles away, maybe you don't use them a lot, but I do use them a lot, when in a flag point and there is a mounted gun near, I will use t to kill enemy's, and no, I won't stay there because you can't move the things


                  • #10
                    I just want to know why a 0.50cal from the M95 does more damage than the 0.50cal of the machinegun, and why the pkm 7.62mm can penetrate cockpit glass but the 0.50cal cant.


                    • #11
                      when its stationary you dont get better damage on them, its much more accurate so more bullets hit. its only 5.56 so it wont do much damage on vehicles and such


                      • #12
                        Placement. I put my hummer next to the second flag on karkand and got 21 peeps in a row as they ran forward in the fog.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Munchies
                          I just want to know why a 0.50cal from the M95 does more damage than the 0.50cal of the machinegun, and why the pkm 7.62mm can penetrate cockpit glass but the 0.50cal cant.
                          Its called bullet velocity, the longer the barrel is, the faster the bullet will go, the more powerful the shot is on impact. As you all know the M95 has a lot longer barrel than the M2 / PKT


                          • #14
                            They will already smoke the hell out of a helicopter...was shooting down Cobra's with the machine gun on top of the van (MEC side) after just a few short bursts...was very gratifiying If you are judicious with your use against infantry (ie, short bursts, careful aim) you can be very effective with it, otherwise, you'll stay overheated... (btw, recommend ducking frequently, otherwise you are easy sniper bait).


                            • #15
                              well here's the thing with any of the machines guns, mounted or not - people aren't afraid of them.

                              i've ben prone shooting my saw at a guy standing still and he still kills me. he just stood there, didn't crouch or go prone. this happens all the time.

                              i don't know how else to balance it, but when someone is shooting a machine gun like that, they should be going for cover, not walking across the street like there's no problem. they need to be more accurate or do more damage or something. even point blank it takes a lot of shots to kill a guy with the saw.

