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Playing against the best

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  • #16
    ... just because some one is in the top 5 on the leaderboards dosent meen there the best... it just means that they have way to much time on there hands... even more than me and im 15 and out for the summer... and i have head that most of them play in shifts like one guy will play the account 12 noon -12 mid night and another guy will have play the account 12mid night to 12 noon. not saying they all do that but who ever plays the accounts sure has alot of times on there hands...


    • #17
      Originally posted by 18zulukiller
      Get exp.electric on strike at karkland ive seen him on this server a couple of times (If thats the right i.p. its karkland 24/7). Anyway i have to be honest and say hes a VERY VERY GOOD PLAYER in or out of a tank well on karkland from what ive seen anyway.
      He ought to be good, with the amount of time he's spent playing it. Even the very good players get killed and with the way the game is ranked based on global points, a high overall score doesn't always mean they're invincible. Often it's because they play a lot.


      • #18
        those ranks on bfhq arent indicative of ****. it just means they have been playing more than anyone else.


        • #19
          Originally posted by StaticBlue
          Psst. SaladFork. Don't be a troll :P. There is nothin' wrong with him being happy about taken down a high ranked player. Don't try and give someone grief for it bro.
          He's never, ever been a 'Troll' and what he said is the honest truth. He contributes more to the forums and BF2 community more than most do and he wasn't trying to cause friction, I'm sure of it.


          • #20
            The only 1 I've come across so far was a chopper whore.
            There's an obvious pattern they whore it !


            • #21
              Originally posted by 18zulukiller
              Get exp.electric on strike at karkland ive seen him on this server a couple of times (If thats the right i.p. its karkland 24/7). Anyway i have to be honest and say hes a VERY VERY GOOD PLAYER in or out of a tank well on karkland from what ive seen anyway.
              my brother played with him on strike, elektric IS a good player and did his job as medic when he could


              • #22
                electric is a good helo pilot, even in a plane i couldent shoot him down! Normaly a helo is a sitting duck for me but he kept dropin flares and flying under trees a stuff so i rammed him....(shame he got 5 tk's 4 it)


                • #23
                  If you play as much as you must to get in the top 5, I'm sure the practice alone makes you a great player. Just because people whore for points, doesn't mean they have no skill. They might just not be using it.


                  • #24
                    Thanks for the protection, I appreciate it. Didn't know I was actually a known face here yet, =D

                    Yeah, I guess I was a bit harsh. There must be a lot of glory in killing someone who's much higher rank than you, regardless of the situation(s) surrounding it.

                    Congratulations to you, and in the near future, I hope that you will be one of the top players so the rest of us can get some joy from killing you online, =P



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by chinpokomon
                      dude, you have a 0.7 kdr
                      4000 kills and 6000 deaths

                      you are far, far, far away from a 'good player'
                      He also plays Medic. Medics should have the lowest K/D ratio because they are always trying to save others risking getting shot. I've never played against any of the guys in the top 5.


                      • #26
                        KDR is a faulty at best show of your skill, it rewards putting your life above that of other team mates and actually taking flags. Point per minutes also is faulty, as it rewards people who focus on points but not tactics. Without actually playing with someone, it is pretty hard to tell their skill.


                        • #27
                          I played against some of the top blokes down under, and yeh they're pretty damn good, they were from a clan and i saw TEAMWORK! bloody hell! I was in a safe spot and they were hanging out defending a base, and most were hiding but i could see a couple. Shot them, headshots, but the medic kept on coming out and revving them, so i took him out instead - it took me a few mins of watching to see where he was. then someone switched kits and revved him. They cottoned pretty quickly that they shouldnt stay still and drifted away, i lost sight of them for a while so i went to cap the flag, laid my claymores and got a couple of kills, but the medic hung back and revved them, then i got pinged, i was very impressed with their coordination and cunning.


                          • #28
                            I have only seen elktric in tanks and APC's...


                            • #29
                              yeah dude, wtf are you talking about. If I wanted to just solo, I would have a MUCH, MUCH higher KDR... HOWEVER, I am a team player, I am always a squad leader and almost always a medic, reviving my men to acomplish goals. be it capturing or defending a base.

                              Just because I do not tank whore or run solo w/ an M203 does not make me a noob. If you wanted to find out I would be more than happy to play any other class and show you how much of a noob I am.

                              Think before you speak, or in this case, type and save yourself the humiliation.

                              Besides, if i wanted to pwn noobs, I would just play UT2k4 and/or CS: S.



                              oh and another thing, think of all the times I've been spawn killed, blown up in some vehicle that I just jumped into or getting the crap bombed out of me on an aircraft carrier as I try to get a flying vehicle. that crap adds up....alot.


                              • #30
                                really, it's been a couple days, I would like to know what you have to say about this now.

