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Playing against the best

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  • Playing against the best

    Has anyone here very played agains someone who was ranked 5 or higher. There not much better than there rest of us avrage joes. I was Firebird sumting and exp.electric or sumthin like that. When i met both of them guess what they were doing...BH whoring

    So i got in a jet and Ramed there BH outa the sky...leaving firebird (the pilot) with 5 TKs, and when i found electrick i musta killed him at least 3 times... :laugh:

    Now i can say i bested the best players in the world

  • #2
    Let me ask you something. Did it really bring you that much glory to take down these players? Remember, this is nothing more than a game, and one that rewards people with too much free time.



    • #3
      Congrads. dude.


      • #4
        Ya, this was a big thing for me, and i do have to much free time... that y i play video games

        y do u play video games?


        • #5
          Oh dear...


          • #6
            I played with Elektric, he just tanked whored the whole time. He's not even a great driver (see pic). I went on his top gun and he goes charging against 4 AT soldiers and an Abrahms, then when we both die he yells at me like its my fault "Sheesh buddy get out and repair the tank from behind!" Yeah, like thats gonna do anything other than get me run over/blasted by you when we get wasted.

            Edit: Forgot I hit the wrong key and didnt get a pic, anyways I was lagging and it was a pic of him tank whoring upside down


            • #7
              Get exp.electric on strike at karkland ive seen him on this server a couple of times (If thats the right i.p. its karkland 24/7). Anyway i have to be honest and say hes a VERY VERY GOOD PLAYER in or out of a tank well on karkland from what ive seen anyway.


              • #8
                Originally posted by penguino
                Has anyone here very played agains someone who was ranked 5 or higher. There not much better than there rest of us avrage joes....Now i can say i bested the best players in the world
                Oh yes and no. I have seen Bald Tacos around and he seemed good when I saw him but don't get fooled into thinking the folks at the top of the ranked ladder are the best players.

                Try finding some of the members from the better clans and see how you do? Also killing a better play once or three times on a map is not a big deal. If you told us you killed them 10 times in a row or half your kills were that player it might have some weight. Or everytime you faced them you always dropped them then sure.

                Remember even the best players are going to get dropped 1 out of 3 times or something similar.

                Also, remember this is a game about teamwork. You can took a squad of good players and they would own a pub team with only one great/world class player, etc.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tranzphat
                  Also, remember this is a game about teamwork. You can took a squad of good players and they would own a pub team with only one great/world class player, etc.
                  Exactly! Every great player (playing alone) will fall to a decent squad. Preach it brother!


                  • #10
                    im about somewhere in the 1000-2000 range of top players, and I could school most of the top 5. They are either tank whores or stat padders usually and have no sense of teamwork.

                    nice stripes on your arm, but they're not gonna save you against good players such as myself and others.


                    • #11
                      i played against bush viper, he was like top 20 some time ago. Pretty decent player, not really a vehicle whore, killed him couple times, killed me couple times.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by [xXx]gh0st
                        im about somewhere in the 1000-2000 range of top players, and I could school most of the top 5. They are either tank whores or stat padders usually and have no sense of teamwork.

                        nice stripes on your arm, but they're not gonna save you against good players such as myself and others.

                        dude, you have a 0.7 kdr
                        4000 kills and 6000 deaths

                        you are far, far, far away from a 'good player'


                        • #13
                          Ive played in the city maps server that #1 exp.elektric and #4 BBQ4U play in a fair bit, exp was being a medic at the time and still owned with no whoring, likes to bunnyhop a bit though! Im sure they whore a fair bit but regardless they are very good players..


                          • #14
                            Psst. SaladFork. Don't be a troll :P. There is nothin' wrong with him being happy about taken down a high ranked player. Don't try and give someone grief for it bro.


                            • #15
                              I've played with [TR]Dissb NUMEROUS times. I can HONESTLY say he's a GREAT GREAT player. I'll admit he play karkand a lot, however, he never once stepped foot in an M1A2, and only touched the APC once a round. He is an AWESOME squad leader. Every game I played with him, I joined his squad. Not only did we win every game, except one on stalemate, but we were the best squad for every round. Kudos to him.

