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New map coming soon:Strike at EA HQ

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  • #46
    no sir


    • #47
      sorry to say but i canceled the making of the map because it offends EA Games


      • #48
        Originally posted by Noobzilla
        take a chill pill dude...

        Im no half cocked nut job ready to go postal.. I was just making some

        and btw, youre not too brilliant yourself...saying if you hate BF2 then
        why did you buy it ?? How would we know UNTIL we bought it ?

        All Im saying is that its FULL of bugs... and NO, No other multiplayer
        game I have purchased in the past 3 years has had THIS many issues..
        and dude, I have nearly them all...

        I take it that you didnt buy BF1942??? However, EA fixed alot of the problems that the game had.


        • #49
          Why cancel the map? just dont give it a name like Strike at EA HQ.
          Lets see some screens of how far you got.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Noobzilla
            that map would be boring..

            either 2 things would happen..

            1.. we'd storm the EA headquarters only to find a bunch of out to lunch,
            sleeping morons incapable of fighting back..


            2.. A note on the door saying; 'On Vacation'.
            ROFLMAO probally so


            • #51
              Originally posted by Super Six Three
              sorry to say but i canceled the making of the map because it offends EA Games
              downer it still sounded like a good map lmao call it strike at dice instead


              • #52
                and also i have 3 more errors the made me cancel it


                • #53
                  So what if EA is offended by it, make it anyway. We could have cool weapons, but EA could have the power of money. If they have enough, they could buy you out.

                  I guess it worked with the NFL, it could work there too.


                  • #54
                    da map i just canceled


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by 18zulukiller
                      Bugs in game are one thing but when the dam game locks up your pc and you have to physicaly turn it of (WHICH CAN **** UP YOUR HARDDRIVE BIG TIME) is that to be expected. Also your ****ing pc restarting for no reason becouse a game is that to be expected no it ****ing isnt i do like this game a hell of alot but they took the piss by releaseing something so god dam buggy it can FU CK your pc up. BTW i didnt have hardly any problems at all untill the twats made the 1.02 patch since then its increased my problems ten fold (so DONT count on the 1.03 path being any BETTER). And dont you ****ing dare say uninstall it like some other ****er did to me in another post becouse this is an online game i dont get a refund from the shop i baught it from i was told this as i bought the game (i though fair enough) .But if i go to a shop and buy a mobile phone and the ****er dosnt work properly i can take it back but at this moement in time i want me ****ing moneys worth and i do like the game so i aint uninstalling i just dont want any MAJOR ****ing BUGS init.

                      Well i dont know what`s wrong with your comp,to me your stats in BF2 is pretty good,i wonder how you can play so good if you they game is so buggy and all that.I have similar stats like you and my game runs great.Defrag you disk,clean it with regsupreme,keep it clean and maybe it will run better.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Noobzilla
                        that map would be boring..

                        either 2 things would happen..

                        1.. we'd storm the EA headquarters only to find a bunch of out to lunch,
                        sleeping morons incapable of fighting back..


                        2.. A note on the door saying; 'On Vacation'.

                        #3 EA would buy our country, take our weapons and force us to play there games.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Gidde
                          Well i dont know what`s wrong with your comp,to me your stats in BF2 is pretty good,i wonder how you can play so good if you they game is so buggy and all that.I have similar stats like you and my game runs great.Defrag you disk,clean it with regsupreme,keep it clean and maybe it will run better.
                          I keep the game on a seperate HD mate with a seperate version of windows its clean very clean no problems there . And to be honest with you mate my stats are not that great i dont play for stats its proberly just the amount of time ive played that makes it look good ive proberly got something stupid like 180+ hours in game .

                          EDIT : ow and i forgot to mention im haveing murder with my i.s.p. so after say 9pm i have massive connection problems for everything not just BF2 (well i can browse the net).

                          Word of warning if your in the UK DO NOT go with Bulldogdsl so far ive had to wait over 100 days to get upgrade to 8mb been charged loads of money that i didnt owe them (they were chargeing me for an upgrade id not had yet pluss my old connection) ow yeah and the phone line ive got of them ive got to phone numbers on it and no one can ring in.

                          Thats why the bugs in BF2 realy do me head in i have a set time frame to get some games in and if the games doing that crap it realy cuts into my time.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Super Six Three
                            sorry to say but i canceled the making of the map because it offends EA Games

                            oh now, we wouldnt want that would we..

                            this whole game is offensive to real programmers everywhere..

                            Ive bought nearly every multiplayer game that came out over the past
                            several years... this one is the worst coded, and least thought out one
                            I have seen..

                            Looks to me like that had good ideas... went thru with them.. got 95%
                            done and said Lets Release it!

                            We are all paying beta testers..

                            and the rules they have for their PRECIOUS RANKED SERVERS
                            are ridiculous.. EA is the gestapo of game publishers.

                            EA... look at EPIC for a business model.. they do things right..and when
                            they dont, they fix it immediately.. not months later..


                            • #59
                              Responding to individual posts or people would take a while so I'll just address the groups
                              People Who Hate EA-Yes the game is buggy as hell and they should have put more beta in and fixed them, do your best to enjoy it. An EA map would be both funny and really cool if anyone would be serious about making it.
                              People Who Make Jokes-You guys are funny ignore the people who insult you because you have a sense of humor.
                              People Who Insult The Above-This is an online forum, on which people discuss battlefield 2. They discuss both its negative and positive aspects. If you can't handle that without breaking down and insulting people, you should probably leave the forum.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by BobLong
                                Responding to individual posts or people would take a while so I'll just address the groups
                                People Who Hate EA-Yes the game is buggy as hell and they should have put more beta in and fixed them, do your best to enjoy it. An EA map would be both funny and really cool if anyone would be serious about making it.
                                People Who Make Jokes-You guys are funny ignore the people who insult you because you have a sense of humor.
                                People Who Insult The Above-This is an online forum, on which people discuss battlefield 2. They discuss both its negative and positive aspects. If you can't handle that without breaking down and insulting people, you should probably leave the forum.

                                everyone has the right to post here unless the administrator says
                                otherwise.. so your advice is nil.

