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New map coming soon:Strike at EA HQ

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  • #31
    Just take out their publishing department.


    • #32
      We could piss in their water fountain.
      Wipe our arses over their keyboards,saying that I bet they hardly use em anyways


      • #33
        Originally posted by Gidde
        Worst post i have ever seen,spoiled brat,try to enjoy what EA/DICE have made instead,its the best online game ever.Im getting really tired of this whine and crybabys,if you dont like EA`s games,Well dont bother buy them,i aint gonna miss you.
        Be quiet you nipple rash!
        I never had a problem before with EA but it slightly annoys me when I spend alot of money just to play the game to find it's buggy as hell.


        • #34
          status on map:still working


          • #35
            Originally posted by BravoTwoZeroUK
            Be quiet you nipple rash!
            I never had a problem before with EA but it slightly annoys me when I spend alot of money just to play the game to find it's buggy as hell.
            Ok,but aint most of the new big games buggy,i think they are,HL2 was buggy as hell,Valve managed to fix that after some months,BF2 has been out for 1.5 month now,and you guys except miracels to happend or what,now a patch is coming up in august a big one as well,it will take care of many problems,but i can promise you after that patch peopel will start to whine again.It just making me sick,will it ever end,this constant whining and crying.Almost every titel is buggy and almost every game needs to be patched,i also had small problems when i started playing BF2,but i knew a patch will fix those issues,when the latest patch came out the game was much better.I mean it takes a while to make a game like BF2,when they realese a game its still almost BETA but playable,its up to us gamers to find out issues,then EA listen
            to the community and make they game we want.Give it time,and for love of god stop this crying.


            • #36
              No flaming please


              • #37
                I think this is hilarious


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Gidde
                  Ok,but aint most of the new big games buggy,i think they are,HL2 was buggy as hell,Valve managed to fix that after some months,BF2 has been out for 1.5 month now,and you guys except miracels to happend or what,now a patch is coming up in august a big one as well,it will take care of many problems,but i can promise you after that patch peopel will start to whine again.It just making me sick,will it ever end,this constant whining and crying.Almost every titel is buggy and almost every game needs to be patched,i also had small problems when i started playing BF2,but i knew a patch will fix those issues,when the latest patch came out the game was much better.I mean it takes a while to make a game like BF2,when they realese a game its still almost BETA but playable,its up to us gamers to find out issues,then EA listen
                  to the community and make they game we want.Give it time,and for love of god stop this crying.
                  I aint actually I do like the game that's why I still play it..


                  • #39
                    No bugs, I feel left out. I'm crying too.!1111!!!!"!?!?!.!.

                    Dirty bastards.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by [i]_Bleed_to_Death
                      You guys are pathetic, every piece of softaware has bugs in it, what did you expect? If you hate EA so much then why the hell did you buy battlefield 2? I am actually enjoying the game and dont have ANY problems with it.
                      well said .. its just like people saying how much they hate MS = microsoft .. with out them there wouldnt have been a PC to play on in the first place . take a step back and breathe .. life is good and BF2 is fun ..


                      • #41
                        no flaming please, comments on map welcome


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Gidde
                          Ok,but aint most of the new big games buggy,i think they are,HL2 was buggy as hell,Valve managed to fix that after some months,BF2 has been out for 1.5 month now,and you guys except miracels to happend or what,now a patch is coming up in august a big one as well,it will take care of many problems,but i can promise you after that patch peopel will start to whine again.It just making me sick,will it ever end,this constant whining and crying.Almost every titel is buggy and almost every game needs to be patched,i also had small problems when i started playing BF2,but i knew a patch will fix those issues,when the latest patch came out the game was much better.I mean it takes a while to make a game like BF2,when they realese a game its still almost BETA but playable,its up to us gamers to find out issues,then EA listen
                          to the community and make they game we want.Give it time,and for love of god stop this crying.
                          Bugs in game are one thing but when the dam game locks up your pc and you have to physicaly turn it of (WHICH CAN **** UP YOUR HARDDRIVE BIG TIME) is that to be expected. Also your ****ing pc restarting for no reason becouse a game is that to be expected no it ****ing isnt i do like this game a hell of alot but they took the piss by releaseing something so god dam buggy it can FU CK your pc up. BTW i didnt have hardly any problems at all untill the twats made the 1.02 patch since then its increased my problems ten fold (so DONT count on the 1.03 path being any BETTER). And dont you ****ing dare say uninstall it like some other ****er did to me in another post becouse this is an online game i dont get a refund from the shop i baught it from i was told this as i bought the game (i though fair enough) .But if i go to a shop and buy a mobile phone and the ****er dosnt work properly i can take it back but at this moement in time i want me ****ing moneys worth and i do like the game so i aint uninstalling i just dont want any MAJOR ****ing BUGS init.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Super Six Three
                            no flaming please, comments on map welcome
                            sorry i didnt see your post before i did my last one but the map does sound cool .


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by 18zulukiller
                              sorry i didnt see your post before i did my last one but the map does sound cool .
                              :laugh: thanks i'm still working on it


                              • #45
                                Haha, I don't really have a stance against EA, but this map sounds fun!

                                Any screenshots?

