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Failed Mutiny Vote Should Result In Lost Team Points

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  • Failed Mutiny Vote Should Result In Lost Team Points

    Yes, after playing with some real dorks today, you know the type; they disregard orders, make demands and cry when they don't get their way, expect you to prioritize them when they aren't in squads, and generally be asses until they finish it all off with continued mutiny votes.

    I have nothing against mutiny votes. Sometimes they are necessary. But let's make this more realistic.

    A failed mutiny vote cast by a player should result in them losing some serious points on their individual team score. Mutiny demoralizes the team, and puts distrust in other player's minds about the Commander's abilities.

    A failed mutiny vote by the same player 3 times should be kicked and banned from the server.

    After all, in real life military situations, you obey your superior officer, or face serious consequences.

    This may hinder the babies from starting a mutiny vote every 30 seconds, and make them lose points if they are wrong in calling it in the first place.

  • #2
    But then everyone will be afraid of losing score and then they all will vote, even if you are doing a good job.


    • #3
      And there are bugs that cause votes to start.. I've been in a server when someone called a mutiny, and while the mutiny vote was going on, someone joined server. Right after that vote ended (always fails ya know), the game says that the person that joined called a mutiny.. They'll say over chat that they didn't start it.

      I've also been a victim of map votes being started in my name.. Hell, I don't have the first clue how to even start a map vote, and, if I didn, I wouldn't have called one for the map it said I did!


      • #4
        Will never happen. As the OP stated above, no one wants to lose score and this can be a real grief tool for someone that just wants to be a total dick on your team. You think griefing with TK's was bad? Wait until you become a commander and some assclown on your team who feels like being a dick performs a mutiny for the hell of it. Now not only does the commander have to worry about losing points from assclowns getting into friendly artillery fire, but now from mutiny griefers.

        I am sure you had some good intentions with this idea, but if you think about it more, it will never work.


        • #5
          No way. I've been under terrible commanders before, and everyone hates him, but we usually come 2-3 votes short of mutiny, simply because someone forgets to vote or doesn't notice it. I have never, in all the time of playing BF2, seen a mutiny vote actually go through. Ever.


          • #6
            Take it a step further, players who initiate failed mutinies will be stripped of their rank, have their accounts banned, stats reset, they would also be court martialed by a real military tribunal and sent to Gitmo to serve six consecutive life sentences.


            • #7
              Yeah whatever... I never mutiny anyways, it's just lame.

              I know there are alot of crappy commanders out there but i dont mutiny because i know the mutiny wont succeed and if it does then another dork will go and do it to me...

              I totally agree that mutiny votes and kick votes is demoralising and disturbing as well.
              So sure, punish the morons but a punishment should be issued to one that fail the mutiny by 50%... If more than half of the votes is mutiny then there is no need to punish. (Because it seems that alot of players think the commander is crap.)



              • #8
                If such a system were introduced, no one would volunteer to be a commander.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dr. Bullet
                  No way. I've been under terrible commanders before, and everyone hates him, but we usually come 2-3 votes short of mutiny, simply because someone forgets to vote or doesn't notice it. I have never, in all the time of playing BF2, seen a mutiny vote actually go through. Ever.
                  Same here. We had an AFK commander once. Dude was just camped out down near the boat landing on Sharqi. Never moved. No supplies, no arty, no UAV, no orders. That's worse than a commander out on the front lines fighting and just UAVing and supplying for his own good. Someone called a mutiny and spammed the chat with "COMMANDER IS AFK AND MILKING THE 2X BONUS!" Still didn't pass.


                  • #10
                    If such a system were introduced, no one would volunteer to be a commander.
                    *Points at the person who didn't read the post*


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Dark0ne
                      *Points at the person who didn't read the post*
                      Don't quote me and not clearify yourself and to why you are quoting me.

                      I read every post well.

                      If my post was delayed and someone else posted the same thing, that is an internet issue.


                      • #12
                        Losing points for a failed vote sounds like a good idea for all these guys who spam changing the map to Karkand and mutinying the commander, but then...

                        A team-oriented player who calls a mutiny doesn't succeed at kicking out the crappy commander, all because most players know only of the page down key, and loses points since nobody around cares.

                        A simple method to stop mass mutiny/votes is to allow one vote per player per round, only to stop one guy calling a mutiny over and over, which is always the situation. If the mutiny fails, someone else will call it, but that's only in a situation where most people are in agreeance and the vote only just missed, or somesuch.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ent|ty
                          Yes, after playing with some real dorks today, you know the type; they disregard orders, make demands and cry when they don't get their way, expect you to prioritize them when they aren't in squads, and generally be asses until they finish it all off with continued mutiny votes.

                          I have nothing against mutiny votes. Sometimes they are necessary. But let's make this more realistic.

                          A failed mutiny vote cast by a player should result in them losing some serious points on their individual team score. Mutiny demoralizes the team, and puts distrust in other player's minds about the Commander's abilities.

                          A failed mutiny vote by the same player 3 times should be kicked and banned from the server.

                          After all, in real life military situations, you obey your superior officer, or face serious consequences.

                          This may hinder the babies from starting a mutiny vote every 30 seconds, and make them lose points if they are wrong in calling it in the first place.

                          Outstanding idea. :nod:

                          No reason for this not to work.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by [i]_Bleed_to_Death
                            But then everyone will be afraid of losing score and then they all will vote, even if you are doing a good job.
                            that is very true... some ppl just go vote happy


                            • #15
                              But then, wouldn't people be afraid of munitying(sp?) their commander? If there was a chance you would lose points because because someone forgot or missed the vote no one would ever mutiny their commander and we would get a lot more crappy ones. The votes are good when you have a poor commander, they don't always go through and you shouldn't be punished for it. Sometimes I initiate a vote because I've seen the same commander in his role for the past 3 rounds and would like to try myself (or give someone else a chance). He's not a bad commander, and if the team sees he's good he'll remain, but it gives the people a chance to change things up. Punishing someone for doing that is ridiculous.

                              It seems like what you really want to stop if people spamming the Mutiny button. Which I think you could come up with better ways to prevent ( limiting mutiny votes to every 5 minutes, 3 per round, or only high rank players can initiate it, etc).

