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Squads, best kit combos?

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  • #16
    A transport chopper with three engineers, two medics and support!

    (Asterisk* indicates desired Squad Leader)

    Dual Armor Squad - Engineer (2), Medic (1), Support (1), Anti-Tank (1), Assault* (1).

    This squad will be split into two vehicles and stay immediately close to each other, preferable setup is a single engineer driving a tank with the rest of the squad behind in an APC. The other engineer drives the APC and the rest of the squad uses the gun ports in the back, in order to keep both maintained.

    The APC will guard the rear of the tank as they progress to stop any Special Ops from running up to them and to defend against other rear attacks. Besides being rear gunners, the infantry team will be properly setup to support each other if they need to leave their vehicle.

    The Assault and AT can also move outside, staying in proximity of the vehicle while having the support and medic inside to aid them with automatic supply abilities.


    Mortar Team - Assault (3), Support* (2), Medic (1)

    Simple setup, the three assault units will cause massive area damage at a distance with excessive grenade fire, as if some kind of mini-artillery, or more accurately, mortar fire. The volume of grenades is even very effective against tanks, and is a grand tactic for clearing enemies around a flag.

    Two support units are necessary to keep up to speed with the amount of grenades launched, and one medic to heal anybody hit during the barrage. Both support do not contribute to firing at all, but keep to the teamwork aspect of their abilities, so gunfire will not reveal their location.

    Nobody has the right to whine when the nade isn't fired at point-blank range.


    Tactical Insertion - SpecOps (2), Sniper (1), Support* (2), Medic (1)

    When against lots of enemy units in dire situations (heavy defense on last enemy base), a team of Special Ops, along with a medic and support move into enemy territory. The SpecOps will take point and exchange most of the fire, falling back when necessary to the medic and support.

    The squad leader and a sniper stay in close proximity to wait for reinforcements (Squad spawn) and give cover fire when available.


    • #17
      Medics and AT. Medics for reviving the rest of your squad, and AT so when an LAV or tank doesn't come along and kill everybody and you're not completely defenseless. I can't count how many times a squad will be effective in doing almost anything, but when some armored vehicle comes along noone has the ability to get them. Even if one AT guy can shoot him, he can die and noone else can kill the armoed vehicle. Atleast 2 AT. Atleast 2 medic. The rest with something like support. Well atleast one support, maybe an engineer if you're cruising in a convoy of LAV's and Tanks. Having a sniper is your squad isn't so bad either, although not my first choice.


      • #18
        1 Medic, 2 Assault, 2 AT, 1 Support


        • #19
          For city maps, 1 assault 1 support 1 specops 1 at and 2 medics.


          • #20
            Hrm makes for some interesting reading ty fer yer input


            • #21
              1 Assualt
              2 Support
              2 Anti-Tank
              1 Medic


              • #22
                I'd say this:

                SL- Assualt (has good balance of firepower if let by himself)
                Mem 1- Medic (self-explanitory)
                Mem 2- Support (self-explanitory)
                Mem 3- AT (self-explanitory)
                Mem 4- Sniper (should be a good one though, not some noob)
                Mem 5- Spec Ops (for scouting positions before taking the whole squad in)


                • #23
                  2 Supports 2 AT's 1 spec-ops 1 engie! 2 Supports to lay suppresing fire 1 Spec-ops to blow the hell out what ever he want's and 2 AT's for tanks 1 engie for mines and repairs.


                  • #24
                    Maverick&Iceman - Engineer* (2), Support (2), SpecOps (1)

                    An engineer and support get into each F-15 or whichever two seater planes there are. One F-15 will go over enemy territory, and be in over his head against enemy planes and AA emplacements. The other F-15 pilot will have an emotional fit and hesitate until he can let go of his past demons and make it to the scene just in time to save the first pilot.

                    Then the pilots would fly by the airbase, making the SpecOps spill his coffee.

                    "How Do I Shot Guns?" - Sniper (1-6), SpecOps (1-6)

                    Get a varying number of snipers and Special Ops units, put them in vital vehicles, and put those vital vehicles where they have no use.

                    Planes and helicopters will be used continuously by the same soldier to make cool explosion patterns in the side of a cliff, and Anti-Air vehicles will become anti-infantry vehicles. If the vehicle being used is quite speedy, it will then be used as a tool of terror, armed to the bumper with explosive plastique.

                    If there is a tall structure with only one way to get up there, claymores will be used to block off the roof of that structure so that the snipers can see without being snuck up on by anybody if those Duck Hunt skills from long ago are still intact. The dog laughs at them a lot.

                    RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE - Medic (6)

                    No man left behind! Unless one gets blown up or drowns! Then its nobody else left behind! Even if that guy's legs are pinned under some tank treads, treads belonging to an occupied enemy tank, he's always good to go!

                    The power of GOD flows through your... battery pack and into your defribrilator paddles... which are in your hands! The power of life is startling in the eyes of your peers and threatening in the minds of your opposition! Move onward and spread knowledge of this evangelical power that you yourself (and fifty-thousand other guys) posess!

