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Pistol/knive badge

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  • #16
    I got both knife and pistol as well as the vet pistol on sharqi peninsula... lots of snipers, 64 man preferable lots of e runnin and gunnin u just have to be really quick on the draw... i coulda gotten both knife and pistol in the same round had i thought of it soon enuff, i got my knife badge then went back to pwnin with the 203, then when tickets got low i pulled my pistol to mess around and finished with 6 pistol kills when the round ended.... most my squad mates have gotten theirs on this map as well... one other hint in case u didnt know use yer UAV when its up helps out a lot to get the drop on guys... happy hunting


    • #17
      nubs i have both veteran and ive had them for a while now. piece of advice. dont try to get badges, play the game for fun you will get them sooner or later


      • #18
        Strike at Karkand and Mastuaar City are great maps to try and get this badge. I suggest that you get the knife badges first as it's the harder badge to get and you'll easily learn how to flank, cover, and hide to get your kills. After getting the knife badges, trying to get the pistol badges should be a lot easier as it did to me.


        • #19
          Ok, Ok, here's how you get the pistol badges... it's SIMPLE. I shouldn't give this away... but here's how:

          First of all, if you want to just get it by plugging guys with the pistol.. goto KARKAND... and wait for the opposite team to take that fruit stand or whatever it is... it's the flag that is right next to those wooden stands.. with a TOW to the north of it... near the flag that is next to the bridge to the MEC main.

          There is a balcony that is to the NORTH of this fruitstand base. Go stand on this balcony, and hit guys below with your pistol.. make sure you are zoomed with the pistol, because you get less recoil... especially watch for guys on the TOW missile, because the are prime for the pickin...

          METHOD #2.. or use both together.. get the M24, or M95 sniper rifle... SHOOT GUYS ONE TIME... this will take away 80-95% of their HP... quickily switch to pistol, zoom in, and voila.. pistol kill with ease.... 1-2 hits will kill them. Just remember to zoom, and remember that the pistol will hit from FAR away.. you might not think it will, but when you rattle off 10 shots.. even if it's FAR FAR away, you'll likely hit 1-2 times and get the kill.

          Pistol badges = cake.

          Now knifing... well, that just takes some balls... you can spend all map like a wus running around looking for snipers or whatever... or you can just run around like a psycho, and take EVERY opportunity you get to hit a guy from behind with the knife.


          • #20
            You won't get a knife badge in the course of normal play...cuz the reason you run around with a knife is for the knife badges! I find the knife badges easier to get than pistol for some reason lol


            • #21
              try killing snipers with knife or he commander or guys in stingers tows and stuff use ur preimary weapon 2 weaken then use pistol 2 kill


              • #22
                I just got my knife badge!! What i did was kil the people that where being revived or snipers.


                • #23
                  so is it 500 kills or 200 with freakin pistol to get expert seen both on sites.


                  • #24
                    to get expert knife you have to have a global knifing of over 100 i think it is and get 17 knife kills in 1 round. i dont even have the expert although i have over 600 knife kills lol

