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mine hack?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Relativity
    If you just placed the mines, there is a delay before they "activate", so a tank can take advantage of this and run right through them. I found this out the hard way.
    mines were placed about 2-3 minutes before i saw the tanks. i fired several rounds from my pistol at the tanks to get their attention to try to get them to come up that hill. not sure if the pistol fire drew them up or if they just were headed that way anyway.

    as for the mines going between the treads, i have heard that people can go prone and a tank can drive over them or even a mine. i have also heard its not possible to do that. there seems to be a lot of speculation as to what you can and can't do in this game. i was testing a lot of stuff last night, and i was not able to crawl under a tank so i doubt it would let you go under it while it was moving.
    i unfortunately didn't think to test the mines when i was doing this testing.

    but as i've said previously, even if they drove over 1 mine and it went between the tracks, one of the other 4 mines should have blown up at least 1 tank. there's no way both tanks going up side by side missed all 5 mines.


    • #17
      And you said at the top you thought it might be a hack because he could see/not take damage from the mines. Well, not taking damage could possibly be considered a hack were it not for the fact a tank can go over them in the middle of the tracks. But seeing them? They aren't invisible you know.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Kaltagesta
        And you said at the top you thought it might be a hack because he could see/not take damage from the mines. Well, not taking damage could possibly be considered a hack were it not for the fact a tank can go over them in the middle of the tracks. But seeing them? They aren't invisible you know.
        i know they aren't invisible
        i meant like they can see the skulls and crossbones.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Wynterheart
          as for the mines going between the treads, i have heard that people can go prone and a tank can drive over them or even a mine. i have also heard its not possible to do that. there seems to be a lot of speculation as to what you can and can't do in this game. i was testing a lot of stuff last night, and i was not able to crawl under a tank so i doubt it would let you go under it while it was moving.
          i never bothered to try crawling under a stationary vehicle because i know you can go prone between the wheels/tracks when it runs over you and it wont hit you. i know because i've dodged many hit and runs that way and likewise had ppl do it to me while trying to run them over.
          i also know mines wont blow if you go directly over them, just like hitting a person.

          note: not everything you dont expect or didnt know about is a hack.


          • #20
            I ran over a mine in a tank once and it didn't blow me up. I just chalked it up to another bug.


            • #21
              Well there is a delay , if the mine was self exposed for 5+ minutes the mine becomes wortless it looses its armed power , all yousee is a circled metal thing on the floor.


              • #22
                As far as laying between the tracks on a tank, it does work, I have done it before, but its more luck than anything...the tank has to stay perfectly straight, if it turns the least little bit you are squashed like a bug.

                As far as the mines go, I had the same thing happen on strike at karkand, we were getting pinned in our last base (as mec) and I had a resupply crate, so I threw out 10+ mines on the bridges. Most people were easily dispatched (and I promptly put more mines out); however, there were a couple that went straight over all of them to no effect...was kind of mind numbing...don't know if its a bug or what, but it certainly sucked...


                • #23
                  lol, there is no "mine hack" period. think what you want, but its not happening...

                  could be a bug, and I won't say thats not a possibility. but explain the coding to me that'd create such a hack.....and what it'd look for / etc.. Bot, radar, sure, but mine hack, uh, no.

                  I play engineer most of the time, and have had tanks backing up to get me and not die from the mine I just tossed on the ground...happens all the time. Their treads have to hit explained earlier you can go prone and fit under a tank.

                  3 mines on a road = alot of distance for the tanks to miss them....thats all that happenend.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by The_Misfit
                    lol, there is no "mine hack" period. think what you want, but its not happening...

                    could be a bug, and I won't say thats not a possibility. but explain the coding to me that'd create such a hack.....and what it'd look for / etc.. Bot, radar, sure, but mine hack, uh, no.

                    I play engineer most of the time, and have had tanks backing up to get me and not die from the mine I just tossed on the ground...happens all the time. Their treads have to hit explained earlier you can go prone and fit under a tank.

                    3 mines on a road = alot of distance for the tanks to miss them....thats all that happenend.
                    it was all 5 mines jackass.

                    i'm no programmer but people can do all kinds of stuff to make hacks, so don't say it isn't possible. maybe it makes the vehicle appear to be infantry to the mine. there's gotta be some indicator that says there is a vehicle at this spot, blow up. i don't know how it would be done, i'm not a hacker.


                    here is what the road looked like with my mines:

                    x = mine
                    _ = sides and middle of road.
                    . = filler since this forum doesn't like blank spaces (moved my x to the beginning of the line)

                    thats the best way i can show how i had the mines laid down since i'm at work now. 2 tanks come up that road literally side by side. knowing the size of the roads and the size of the tanks, they take up more than 1 side of the road. now, by looking at that, that would cover every section of the road had the mines been side by side. you're telling me that the each mine went between the treads without them swerving to avoid the mine? i'm sorry, i don't buy it. so it could have been a bug, but its the 1st time i ever saw or heard of this "bug". thats why the title of my post says mine hack? with a question mark because i'm trying to find out if it is a hack or not.
                    only 1 person so far has had anything like this happen to him. and he doesn't know how it happened - maybe it went between the tracks?


                    • #25
                      ok, did some testing last night.
                      i was not able to run over a mine without it blowing me up. placed the mine directly centered between tank and apc treads. not once could i run over it without blowing up. you people who say it can be done are full of ****.


                      • #26
                        youre a nub dont talk. no such thing as "mine hacks"


                        • #27
                          Man, so much animosity in here...

                          First off, it's most likely a bug. Mines are actually like proximity mines for vehicles. Sort of like 360-degree claymores. Even if the vehicle doesn't drive right on it with its wheels/treads, even a tank can be blown up if it drives within a certain distance to a mine.

                          Second, mines do not have a "date of freshness"--they don't go bad over time. If you lay the mine down and 1) you haven't died yet and 2) you haven't laid more than 5 mines, then it won't disappear. Engineers can only lay down 5 live mines. If you refill your ammo and lay down more, your old ones disappear. This is built into BF2's code so that one engy can't lace a whole friggin map. That and it reduces the resources needed to track so many devices. Same goes for snipers and spec forces. They have limited drop quantities, too.

                          Finally, if you see something wierd like this, you may be seeing a bug or maybe even an exploit at work. Maybe BF2 has a code glitch that won't blow up a vehicle if its driving on an angle. Maybe you found a geometry leak that caused the mine to fall through the map. Or maybe you discovered something else. The best bet for you is to try and reproduce the glitch, then report it. If possible, get FRAPS and record the event if it's that reproduceable. Post it here and we'll believe you. In the mean time, you'll get responses like all the ones you got here.

