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mine hack?

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  • mine hack?

    After playing some BF2 tonight I am convinced that there is some kind of mine hack that allows players on the opposite team to not take damage from them.

    i was playing the kubra damn map and laid mines down on the one paved road that leads to the top of the damn. 2 tanks came up that road side by side and not a single one took damage or even swerved around them. i had the mines placed alternately on each side of the road and even one in the middle.

    i saw one tank coming up the road and then i saw another behind him. when they started going up side by side i thought i would definitely get at least one of them. but nope, not a single mine went off and they both went all the way up the hill. they did NOT swerve around the mines. i watched them the whole ascent of the hill.

    after that i promptly left that server.

  • #2
    Erm, gotta run over them to blow them, i ve ran right over a mine before and it didn t blow as it went right down the centre of the tank, where people can go under if they go prone.


    • #3
      Actaully even if the mine is between the tracks it should blow up. I layed lots of mines under standing tanks or APCs, then someone just grabs one, moves just a little and blows up without even touching the mine I layed under it.


      • #4
        i guess its possible, but the way they were placed was so random i highly doubt it.


        • #5
          maybe another eng picked it up


          • #6
            no, i was in range to still see the skull and crossbones. no one picked up the mines.

            the mines were positioned in a way that no matter where they drove, it should have hit at least one. one tank i might understand, but not 2 tanks going up side by side, theres no way.


            • #7
              I've noticed the same thing but I don't think it's a hack. A while back I noticed an enemy APC cruise right over one of my mines. The flag changed color and he turned around, he was less lucky on the return trip over my mine.

              It's probably latency or something. My mines work much more often than they don't.


              • #8
                its because of the track split in between, under the hull there is open space where the mine goes under, however they must of been really lucky..........i have tested this theory before, works....


                • #9
                  Yeah, I think i've seen this happen on a few maps before.


                  • #10
                    If you just placed the mines, there is a delay before they "activate", so a tank can take advantage of this and run right through them. I found this out the hard way.


                    • #11
                      I know in DC, you were able to drive VERY slowly over mines.
                      Haven't tested in BF2 yet though.


                      • #12
                        Yeah, i agree that there seems to be some delay in drop to activation, i was running from a tank, dropped some mines and he ran over them (and me ) without blowing up.....


                        • #13
                          Yeah, I agree.


                          • #14
                            It really sucks to drive the across the entire map in Fushe Pass from base to base and get blow up by a mine.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by The Crazy Idiot
                              It really sucks to drive the across the entire map in Fushe Pass from base to base and get blow up by a mine.
                              That's why you should look what's infront of you on the road.

