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I will never buy another EA GAMES game

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  • #16
    Ill try the motherboard drivers.

    Actually, I found out from the vendor's website that there is NOT a setting in BIOS for the network adapter. I am using a seperate network card.

    Ill keep my ear open for a new patch.

    At least I have an awesome new video card to play Counterstrike on.....


    • #17
      i have some of those symptoms .. but not as bad.. every now and agian my computer will lock up hard like he says.. and im running an

      amd 64 3500+ (OC @ 2.42 ghz)
      2 gigs ddr 3200
      x2 SLI 6800 ultras

      i think its just the game bro not your comp. i would wait until the new patch comes out this month .. there are supposed to be 142 (or some where in that ball park) fixes to the game.


      • #18
        140+ is what they stated in Mid-Late July when it was announced.


        • #19
          Same here.

          Game played fine on old rig.

          Upgraded to 3500+ Venice, 7800GTX and 2Gig OCZ

          Now it hard locks anywhere between 5 - 45 minutes when playing.

          There is nothing on this forum, planetbf or eagames uk forums that I haven't tried to get it working properly.

          Will just have to wait for the patch like everyone else.

          Lucky Far Cry, Doom3, HL2, WoW and every single other game I own work perfectly


          • #20
            7800GTX seems to have issues with this game, not sure why.


            • #21
              Oh well, sometimes it doesn't pay to have the latest. My 9800 Pro that it replaced never missed a beat. I really regret jumping to Nvidia now.....


              • #22
                Nah, Nvidia is a good card maker, their 6600GT and the 7800GTX are two of the best cards out there. I'm jealous of you actually. Want to trade an X850XT PE for you 7800GTX? lol


                • #23
                  Then don't
                  Buy a game designed by Dice :P


                  • #24
                    I feel your pain. I recently upgraded to a gig of ram and a new vid card. I'm getting 15-20 fps and I've tried just about everything, including many driver versions. Very frustrating.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by hrbib21
                      I feel your pain. I recently upgraded to a gig of ram and a new vid card. I'm getting 15-20 fps and I've tried just about everything, including many driver versions. Very frustrating.

                      The XP 2400 is killing you IMO.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by KingOfKhaos
                        The XP 2400 is killing you IMO.
                        There are folks running similar systems getting double the fps. That's why I'm so frustrated. Besides, EA can kiss my royal white ass. I've upgraded enough. I do plan on upgrading the mobo and processor soon but, DAMN, this is ridiculous since every other game runs much better.


                        • #27
                          Well, need I remind you they gave fair warning. Before the game was even released, before the demo was released, they said that it was going to take full advantage of all the new technologies available (including atleast 1 that is not available to the public yet).


                          • #28
                            This will probably be my last EA game I buy from them too.

                            In the future I think I will just buy preplayed EA games IF they look worth my time. That way...I get to play the game...and EA gets no money from me


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by UttiniDaKilrJawa
                              This will probably be my last EA game I buy from them too.

                              In the future I think I will just buy preplayed EA games IF they look worth my time. That way...I get to play the game...and EA gets no money from me
                              Considering EA makes about 3/4 of all the major titles out there, I find this hard to believe.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by KingOfKhaos
                                Considering EA makes about 3/4 of all the major titles out there, I find this hard to believe.

                                Since when does a publisher make a game?

                                Second: cant wait to run it on my new pc.

                                3.2 GHZ DUAL CORE PROCESSOR
                                2 GIGS OF DDR2 RAM AT 667 MHZ
                                6800GT PCI EXPRESS
                                20 INCH WIDESCREEN MONITOR
                                AUDIGY2ZS/5.1 SURROUND SOUND
                                WIRELESS KEYBOARD AND MOUSE
                                16X DVD DRIVE WITH DVD BURNER
                                160 GB HDD
                                5 FANS THAT COOL IT
                                460 WATT PSU
                                6 USB PORTS
                                WIRELESS KEYBOARD AND MOUSE
                                OVER 3 YEARS OF SUPPORT

