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I will never buy another EA GAMES game

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  • I will never buy another EA GAMES game

    I am so sick of trying to get BF2 to play properly, I am giving up. I will never buy another EA GAMES product.

    I bought an ATI Radeon 800 just to play this game. It was fine until the patch. Since then I have reinstalled, updated punkbuster, updated drivers, everything i could find.

    Every time i join a punkbuster server, i can play for a few minutes, then my computer locks up hard. This does not happen on single player or non-punkbuster servers.

    I've had it. EA GAMES, go screw yourself.

  • #2
    Well that really sucks for you. I have a 9600xt and the game runs smooth as heck. Sorry to hear you wasted 350 bucks.

    Oh and what are your PC specs?


    • #3
      im running absolutly fine over here captain! and all the other majority of people.


      • #4
        The thing that is killing me is that it runs awesome on non-PB servers and singleplayer. I can rarely find a non-PB server though.

        XP Home
        1G RAM
        2.4Ghz P4
        ATI Radeon 800 Pro 256M


        • #5
          Im glad you guys are running fine. Thats great. Im not.


          • #6
            have you tried updating PB manually instead of it updating while you are playing the game?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Remy X.O.
              have you tried updating PB manually instead of it updating while you are playing the game?

              Yup, a couple of times, using pbweb.exe. It seemed to take longer before computer locked up, but it still locked up within a few minutes. It goes black, then blue screens with no error message.


              • #8
                welcome to NL's world. (NovaLogic). BF2 is good for me. NEVER HAD A PROBLEM YET. NEVER. YET.


                • #9
                  When you reinstalled the game, did you delete the BF2 folder beforehand?

                  Try a spyware/Anti-virus program aswell (You never know).....


                  • #10
                    There is an issue with sound that causes a hardlock. If you're using onboard sound either:

                    A) Set it to software


                    B) Get an Audigy2 ZS.

                    EA/DICE said before this game was even released that it was going to be very demanding of the system and would take full advantage of new technologies which older hardware may not be compatible with. I'm not sure why this comes as such a surprise to so many....


                    • #11
                      I hear ya man, and I feel your pain. I've had similar probs with BF2 after spending cash on a decent upgrade I felt I wasnt getting the most out of my hardware where BF2 was concerned. All other games run flawlessly on my machine on max settings and big resolutions apart from BF2.

                      I dont believe you though about not buying any more of their games but I know what you are saying


                      • #12
                        Ok, ill probably buy lots more EA GAMES games......

                        I am not running any onboard sound or anything. Regular old SB card.

                        I know they said it would be demanding. Thats why I doubled my RAM and bought a nearly top-of-the-line video card. If you read my entries above, you will see that this only happens on PUNKBUSTER servers. The video and sound are fine on single player and non-punkbuster servers.

                        When I reinstalled the game, i deleted all the folders and registry entries (including the one with the obfuscated name). Also ran spyware remover.

                        I read something about an onboard network adapter interfering with PB, but I cant disable mine. No option though BIOS, and it keeps reinstalling itself when I turn it off through Device Manager.


                        • #13
                          ok bye lol
                          he'll prob buy the expansion


                          • #14
                            Try updating your motherboards drivers. It shouldn't reinstall itself if you turn it off, and your BIOs should most definately provide a way to turn this on/off.

                            It maybe under serveral sub-menus, consult your motherboard manufactures website, and look for an FAQ and see if they don't have anything on turning it off. However this means you will need a network card (they are usually cheap like $30 at the most from BestBuy). So if you don't want to do that, and can't get it fixed, my best advice is that patience is a virtue. DICE has already said they were not pleased with the game as it left (I blame EA for pushing DICE into releasing the game to early) and they are hoping to correct a lot of the issues that were not flattened out before retail in v1.03 due out at the end of August.


                            • #15
                              Im loving it...i am running smooth

