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Kill/death ratios

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  • #31
    Im at 1.9 or something like that.

    I have played a lot as a medic but i am beginning to feel that it's just not worth the trouble.

    I am plying sniper to get a my K : D ratio a little bit higher and i unlocked the M95 when i got to Corporal but now i feel like i shouldn't have because the aim is a tad worse on the "better" sniper.

    I find that i rack up more kills if i use my sniper in close quarters combat with 75% headshots and the remaining 25% i finish off with one pistol shot.
    My K : D ratio with sniper is usually 20:3 but that requires a decent stand off or a good hiding place.

    What usually kills me are APC's.

    Here is some fairly accurate percentages:

    ME VS ENEMY...

    SNIPER VS INFANTRY at 30 meters or above: 10:1
    SNIPER VS SNIPER as 30 meters or above: 5:1

    SNIPER VS INFANTRY at 30 meters or less: 3:1 (Quick body shot then pistol)
    SNIPER VS SNIPER at 30 meters or less: 10:1 (Usually headshots)

    SNIPER VS TANK at close range: 1:4* (I dont kill them. I manage to run away one out of four times)
    SNIPER VS TANK at far range: 0:0 (I dont have to run and i dont kill them, only spot them)

    SNIPER VS ATTACK HELI: 1:10 (I hide and try to shoot the pilot, i get killed by a rocket or gunner)
    SNIPER VS BLACKHAWK: 1:1 (I kill one or two in the chopper and usually get torn apart by the miniguns)
    SNIPER VS TRANSPORT HELI: 14:0 (Any chopper that isn't an attack or blackhawk is a free target. Never been killed so i set this to how many i killed to what i remember.)


    MEDIC VS APC: 1:10 (Grenades work 1 out of 10 times. And i heal myself)
    MEDIC VS TANK: 1:4 (Grenades are useless and i heal myself and run)

    MEDIC VS HELI: 1:3 (I run and hide and survive 1 out of three times)

    SPECOPS VS INFANTRY: 5:1 (The M4 is like a automatic sniper rifle.)


    SPECOPS VS HELI: 1:3 (The occasional C4 kill is what gives me a 1:3 K : D ratio here. I dont run if i can get under a hovering chopper.)

    TANK VS INFANTRY: 5:1 (After five kills the tank is history with me as the driver...)

    TANK VS TANK: 1:1 (Both tanks take equal damage most of the time.)
    TANK VS APC: 2:1

    APC VS INFANTRY: 7:1 (The APC is a massive infantry killer)
    APC VS TANK: 1:1 (I usually spot tanks before they spot me but all they have to do is fire two shells as far as i know.)
    APC VS APC: 1:1 (No body wins this. First a rocket then a massive barrage of 25 mm fire then we get out and do the infantry style fight to the death.)

    Here follows some attack heli stats with my friend as the gunner. (I collect both our kills/deaths here.

    HELI VS INFANTRY: 20:1 (Wham kablam, AT rockets are mean!)
    HELI VS TANK: 30:1 (TV GUIDED OWNS THEM and if not i finish them with rockets)
    HELI VS APC: 25:1 (Basically the same as tanks but APC's can kill us if we are damaged)


    HELI VS USS "CARRIER" GUN: 10:1 (TV GUIDED most of the times)

    HELI VS GROUND/POLES/BUILDINGS: 0:30 (Okay im not a flawless pilot!!!)

    Here follows some attack heli stats when im alone in a chopper.

    HELI VS TANK/APC: 10:1

    HELI VS ATTACK HELI: 2:1 (I do quick switches to the gunner and launch tv guided whenever i can, the heli starts spinning but does not crash)
    HELI VS TRANSPORT HELI: 100:1 (Same as with attack heli but the transport heli does not fight back as mutch)

    Well thats stats for you...



    • #32
      Usually its near 1:1.

      Little bit better with my Sniper class, which i usually play.


      • #33
        Im usually assault or special ops with G36 so I usually get a 2.0 K/D or higher...


        • #34
          I play medic 90% of the time, and my K/D ratio is obscenely bad, Its about 1:2.

          But on the flip side, I revive on average about 4 people to every one of my deaths so its all good to me. When I play a medic, I'm not there to kill the enemy, I'm there to heal and revive. Sometimes I will help with a quick suppressing fire, or take an obvious shot so I can safely revive, other than that its back to the paddles/ med bag.

          Two different styles of game play. But right now, my heal+revive score is greater then my kill score as a medic. And that's whats important (at least to me).


          • #35
            Originally posted by Relativity
            Geeze Shogun...I remember playing with you in are dangerous in any vehicle...and on foot.
            Its true. My secret is I play smart. Some ppl don't like that you dont go Gung Ho right away with an apc or tank or even on foot to try and cap a flag. My philosophy is to work it down where the player doesn't want to spawn there anymore then try to cap.

            And it also doesn't hurt to be a damn good pilot :P.


            • #36
              check out this guys k/d ratio...


              • #37
                I vary greatly with my K/D ratio. Typically I'll be below .500 or just about breaking even. Lately, I've been finding myself coming out on top which is nice, but I don't put too much emphasis on it. I have more fun playing the game the way it's encouraged to be played (read: Squad warfare) than worrying about what my K/D ratio is.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by phen0m
                  Its true. My secret is I play smart. Some ppl don't like that you dont go Gung Ho right away with an apc or tank or even on foot to try and cap a flag. My philosophy is to work it down where the player doesn't want to spawn there anymore then try to cap.

                  And it also doesn't hurt to be a damn good pilot :P.
                  I learned quickly from you. Because of your scary play style...I've learned to play very smart and my ratio went from 1:1 to about 4:1 if I'm alone. This isn't Unreal Tournament...I pick and choose my battles, I find good cover positions. Move slowly checking all works great.

                  Keep up the good work!

                  Oh yeah, I'll give you more credit for my play style change (One round I went 55 and 0 on Sharqi with me just being infantry and no flag caps).


                  • #39
                    K/D ratio can be, but is not always an indication of skill. My K/D ratio is positively atrocious. But, I can't play now for 10 minutes on a server without people hounding me to join their clan, it's getting to be rather annoying. They're not doing this because I suck. My style of play is very selfless, I put the team/squad before me, before racking up a bunch of kills and I'm good at it, and the team/squad benefits. I'm not mind-blowingly great, but I'm a pretty damn strong player. I'm almost always somewhere in the top 4 or 5 on any round I play, no matter what map it is, or the size. (I play the largest servers almost exclusivly, I don't like the small 16 or 24 player maps) My K/D ratio is 0.51.


                    • #40
                      My overall is 2.17, but I don't really count that. In my opinion the only one that means anything is the assault rifle stat. My current is 1.94. I'd like to get that above 2.0


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Canadian Bacon
                        But at least you can revive yourself which has helped me a lot.
                        What?? revive yourself!?! Is this possible... I don't think so.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Relativity
                          I learned quickly from you. Because of your scary play style...I've learned to play very smart and my ratio went from 1:1 to about 4:1 if I'm alone. This isn't Unreal Tournament...I pick and choose my battles, I find good cover positions. Move slowly checking all works great.

                          Keep up the good work!

                          Oh yeah, I'll give you more credit for my play style change (One round I went 55 and 0 on Sharqi with me just being infantry and no flag caps).
                          Glad I helped :P. It is always better and at least I have more fun when I play smart and pick and choose your battles.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by crashtest
                            Yeah, just hit G and you can pick stuff up. For example, if a spec ops puts C4 on a tank but dies before he can blow it up, you can pick his kit up and blow the tank up.

                            Stuff like this happens more than you think, so it is good to know how to react!

                            Also... your medic dies but you don't, pick his kit up revive him and you still have a medic (you) and another person in your imediate area still.. done this lots too


                            • #44
                              I ve got kill:death of 1:2 hmmmmm any way to help it?


                              • #45
                                In alot of the games I play Medics have the best Kill : Death ratio and score overall. The reason? The same as Enemy Territories really, they can heal themselves after every fight or even heal themselves while on the go. People die an awful lot especially after a lame arse Artillery Strike so all a medic needs to do is go in and revive 3 or 4 people and he/she automatically gets an uber high score. I used to play a Medic alot until I moved on to being an Engineer (the shotgun is just too fun to play with).

                                If I have a good team I usually come out with a 30 : 9 but if it's a one sided game and I happen to be on the losing team then it's more like 25 : 16 or something.

