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Bf2 is taking you hardrive space!

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  • #16
    Re: Bf2 is taking you hardrive space!

    Originally posted by skuppers
    Nope...Not how the system all.

    Temporary internet "stuff" ( I think you were trying to say ) builds up from use of the internet, not bf.

    The only cache files that build up are the server logo's...and that's like 100k per which would mean that 10 would = 1MB. Unless you played on 1000 servers in 3 hours, there ain't 100MB of temp.

    Its your porn collection.

    p.s. The edit button is for editing not bumping.
    Sorry dude, but hes right.

    When you load game go to your temp folder, there will be two files,

    e5.000001 or some other numbers and,
    a folder with same name *.dir with a few files in it.

    When i log on its about 1500k, its also running in process explorer,

    "C:\DOCUME~1\*****\LOCALS~1\Temp\~e5.0001" 292 "C:\DOCUME~1\******\LOCALS~1\Temp\""~e5.0001.dir.0 000"

    under description it says cleanup, before patch it would often hang out and had to be killed manually.

    But I dont think it gets too big, havent played for 4hrs though.


    • #17
      Re: Bf2 is taking you hardrive space!

      Now i have seen this topic has been uptaded i can sya that the mb are now about 20 mb nowe after a crapcleaner scan. So if think EA have updeted the problem now.


      • #18
        Re: Bf2 is taking you hardrive space!

        Originally posted by Dr. Bullet
        I still suggest a defrag at least once every two days (if BF2 is played). Just look at the fragmentation reports. I watched mine after I started playing BF2, and the percentage of fragmentation took a leap. Thus, it's a good idea to defrag at least once every two days.
        Do you know why? Ive noticed that when I check fragmentation BF2 files are always on the fragmented list.

        My other games dont do that?


        • #19
          Re: Bf2 is taking you hardrive space!

          i just ran crapcleaner (been usin it for awhile) and the only cookies i had were from this forum... and there were a lot. it shocked me.


          • #20
            Re: Bf2 is taking you hardrive space!

            Originally posted by King_Nesto
            i just ran crapcleaner (been usin it for awhile) and the only cookies i had were from this forum... and there were a lot. it shocked me.
            Should not be that many, an no more than other forums.

            And why is this in tips and tricks??


            • #21
              Re: Bf2 is taking you hardrive space!

              im not complainin, just was taken back a bit.

              mostly those stat sigs.


              • #22
                Re: Bf2 is taking you hardrive space!

                Those aren't cookies, those are temporary files.


                • #23
                  Re: Bf2 is taking you hardrive space!

                  Originally posted by exocet
                  Those aren't cookies, those are temporary files.
                  just noticed that after i posted it... had more the first time i ran it.


                  • #24
                    Re: Bf2 is taking you hardrive space!

                    I run all my adaware, xoftspy, and norton revery Wensday and Sunday before i go to sleep and my computer runs much better after them all


                    • #25
                      Re: Bf2 is taking you hardrive space!

                      Originally posted by exocet
                      Those aren't cookies, those are temporary files.
                      Beat me to it..


                      • #26
                        Re: Bf2 is taking you hardrive space!

                        Originally posted by glasseye
                        said the kid who couldnt find the edit button.
                        We have a winner!


                        • #27
                          Re: Bf2 is taking you hardrive space!

                          Originally posted by DrunkenPirate
                          Should not be that many, an no more than other forums.

                          And why is this in tips and tricks??
                          Becasue that was a tip for poeople who wnats to play bf2 faster. And why did ypou move this topic llike i said it's tip.

