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Game freezing

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  • Game freezing

    Since the patch BF2 keeps locking my computer up right after I get into a game when im trying to pick a team and a pack. First the game will freeze and sound will loop, then my whole computer will lock up. I cant alt, tab, alt f4, or ctrl alt del. I've updated punkbuster manually, but the game still locks my computer up.

    Anyone have anything else I can try?

    My Specs
    AMD Athlon XP 2400+.
    1 Gig DDR RAM
    Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB
    Asus A7N8X Deluxe Motherboard

  • #2
    Have you installed Catalyst 5.7 i so it could be that, i have had a load of problems after having that driver installed. Roll back to 5.6.


    • #3
      First of all try to change your page file on non system disc(it means not c: disk),and another way to enlarge your page file to 2+ GB.These settings helped me before i bought 2GB Ram.


      • #4
        It happens sometimes to me too.Can it be that i have 512 mb ddr??


        • #5
          Oggen, 512 should work fine, but your settings may have to be reduced.

          Kryptik, if you are using Cats 5.7 w/Catalyst Control Center, re-download the ones with just the ATI Control Panel. I had issues with CCC, but since I installed just the ones with ACC I have had no problems. If that doesn't work, check your sound settings as there was an issue with this causing the game to lock up.


          • #6
            My rig is Intel p4 3,2 GHz, 512 mb ddr, 200 gig harddrive and my grafic card is NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500.And i have the worst settings.


            • #7
              Oggen - The 512 meets minimum, but 1GB is recommeneded for sure. And the FX5500 is on the weaker side of the cards supported. So I wouldn't expect anything spectacular.


              • #8
                Welcome to the party, lol its a BF2 thing. Hope the 1.03 patches fixes this crap. If not EA is gonna have to do a lot of REFUNDING.


                • #9
                  Im using the DNA drivers. And I dunno how to change the page file.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ISHII[IL]
                    First of all try to change your page file on non system disc(it means not c: disk
                    Why would that matter? Its not like the hdd is getting used for anything else once the game has loaded up.

                    To poster, sounds like your machine is lagging/freezing up due to lack of ram.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Merlin
                      Why would that matter? Its not like the hdd is getting used for anything else once the game has loaded up.

                      To poster, sounds like your machine is lagging/freezing up due to lack of ram.
                      When program runs out of physical memory, it starts to use page file. Page file is located on hdd...
                      BF2 needs about 1.2 Gb or more memory to run just from ram, at high settings it needs even more than that. So having a big page file makes perfect sense and really makes a difference. Yesterday I checked how much memory bf2 reserves to itself... I was horrified that peak usage was 1,7 Gb. No wonder why game stutters/halts from time to time...


                      • #12
                        I know what page filing does, I was commenting on why ISHII[IL] said to use a non system hdd to use to page file. Once the game has loaded, apart from page filing the hdd is not used. So why set it to another disc?


                        • #13
                          My bad for not reading all posts/not understanding... Well, there's maybe some advantages having a page file on separate disk. No other operations are taking place in that hdd, so entire hdd's cache and read/write speed is at use for paging. But that's simply put overdoing it. What ISHII[IL] ment, I think, was that you should move cache file to a different partition, D: for example or make a partition just for page file.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Merlin
                            Why would that matter? Its not like the hdd is getting used for anything else once the game has loaded up.

                            To poster, sounds like your machine is lagging/freezing up due to lack of ram.
                            I have a gig of ram and it just started. The game ran fine for the first month. I never had a problem like this. I dont think its a lack of RAM.


                            • #15
                              I had my page file on C: driver(system driver),and i was suffering from glitches in the game,and after that i set my page file to non system driver(e: driver)and enlarged it to 3 GB.the game ran perfectly.

