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Radio Commands lacking

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  • Radio Commands lacking

    I really liked the simple yet effective radio commands in Battlefield 1942. Not just the simplicity of selecting a command using the 'F' buttons, but also for the range of commands available. I feel the range in BF2 is quite lacking.

    I want the 'cover me' command, because I need to be able to be covered my a sniper when i'm running for an enemy base etc. Also some more commands like 'I need anti-tank support here' etc.

    I know EA hope for it's players to use VOIP, but for those without a mic I think these commands will be helpful. Anyone else agree?

  • #2
    yeah, good job would be cool to have too. Cause I end up just using thank you, meaning good job.


    • #3
      voip makes up for the lack of extra voice commands.


      • #4
        For the anti tank one, just spot the tank..


        • #5
          how about just buying a mic u can't be that poor

          LMAO :O


          • #6
            Yes, use VOIP where possible.

            But also we could use the old Fkey system back for radio comms. I loathe the comms rose, so hard to quickly fire a message off when also moving around. Sometimes I'll hit 1 or 2 wrong ones before I get the one I actually wanted, making me look like a noob retard.

            Much easier to program my finger macros for Fx Fy.

            However, don't LOSE the comms rose, it can stay. Certainly the new spotted system rocks (but needs to work on objects at longer range, at least when zoomed in somehow).



            • #7
              I miss the commands for spotting mines etc...


              • #8
                How can you care this much about the stupid radio, dude?


                • #9
                  i hear what your saying, but a mic isnt expensive, hell, i got this decent ones with stereo bass boosted headphones for 5.99 dollars. go get a mic.


                  • #10
                    I must agree the radio commands are lacking. I think a combination between the current BF2 and BF42 would be great. The advantage to having all those commands over VOIP is not just your squad will know about something.

                    But since ea will probably never fix this getting a mic seems to be the only solution. I bought mine 2-3 years ago off ebay for .05 (+$5 shipping) and its works great.


                    • #11
                      yea..I miss commands like requesting armor and helicopter support. Even requesting an airstrike would be cool. Also, saying "wait" would be nice for those people you're trying to heal or resupply with ammo that keep running away. True we got mics but Just having the option couldn't hurt.


                      • #12
                        taunts and a HOOAH command would be sweet.


                        • #13
                          I can't stand when people get all giddy over the voip channel!

                          Keep this frequency CLEAR! dummy!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dangerdog
                            I can't stand when people get all giddy over the voip channel!

                            Keep this frequency CLEAR! dummy!

                            you know u can jsut mute that person right?


                            • #15
                              Oh yea...I totally forgot about taunts... I'm only limited to teabagging and saying no way man when I hear then cry out for medic. I really miss taunts.

