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Computer reboots during play of BF2

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  • #16
    200 gb wd hard drive 10,000 rpm. :|: :|: :|:


    • #17
      Originally posted by DeathGiver
      Yes i leave my case door off. All my fans are running at over 2,000 rpm's or more. My video card fan is running at 100%. Right now my computer is at 30C.
      Leaving the case door off does not help with cooling it actually causes your system to be hotter. Put the case back on so that you can create a vaccuum with your fans. You should have one fan pointing out and one pointing in, to suck cool air in and exhaust hot air. Plus you prevent dust from getting in which can also cause your componets to run hotter then normal. Try to not have your computer in an enclosed cubby hole like many desks make for them. It should be out in the open which allow a good cycle of air to get through it.


      • #18
        Well it could still be your computer because ut 2k4 is easier on your vid card then bf2 is and the harder your card has to work the more power it draws. I just upgraded to a 6800 gt and also have a 350w psu and I also get reboots now. So im going to have to get a new one but when your looking at power supplys how much wattage (450w, 500w, ect.) isnt the only thing to consider. Your really need to find out how many amps it puts out on the 12v rail. that info would look like this +12v@18A=it has 18 amps on the 12v rail. I would reccomend around 20 amps on the 12v for your card.


        • #19
          I've been having the same problems. Other 3d intensive games [hl2] run fine so i cant believe its a heat issue. I managed to fix the bf2 reboot issue by removing the EAX setting under audio options. I've got the audigy zs with the latest drivers.


          • #20
            Its the game, not your system. I just laugh now when I hear everybody and their girlfriend jumping on these threads giving people all these elaborate tasks to help their computer run BF2 when in reality the game itself was coded by a pre-pubescent chimpanzee on valium.

            If your machine runs all your other 3D intensive games no problem and BF2 folds everytime then its safe to say that it's BF2's shoddy programming. Fingers crossed that the big bad up and coming patch next month will sort things out. Until then just keep plodding away trying different things until your windows installation takes a shite from all the changes that you've made to different deviced and driver settings that you need to reinstall windows.

            Can you tell Im peeved with BF2


            • #21
              Amen brother

              I've tryed different things even just ordered another gig of 3700 ram. Not for BF2 just to have 2.5 gigs total. I'm wondering if my having dual channel might be the problem. But over all its the game, punk buster??? Who knows.

              It only does it on Multiplayer.


              • #22
                managed to fix my reboot problems by disabling EAX followed by a reinstall. I'd appreciate to hear if this fixes other ppl's probs.


                • #23
                  I uninstalled and reinstalled BF2 and it doesnt reboot anymore.


                  • #24
                    I'm still having the same problems with CTD and rebooting.
                    So far I've tried different drivers,total reformat,added another gig of 3200,bought a OCZ 520 psu,pulled hair out etc......
                    It only happens now and then but it's just annoying when it shouldn't be doing this at all.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by BF2_Joe
                      100% at 30?

                      you need a new cooler at 100% should be around 20°C
                      I think he must close his side case panel for better airflow! because if you let it open, the intaken air is goeing directly outwards, and than its not goeing over the pc parts that needs to be cooled ! My temps are goeing up if i open my side panel (fast write and bad english )


                      • #26
                        I too have reboots during gameplay... at random... I have no cooling problems..
                        nor is my power supply bad.. freshly formatted hard drive with ONLY nortons,
                        adaware, and BF2.. strictly a BF2 machine, ALL parts brand new..

                        I will add this also occurs on my other 3 machines.. periodically..
                        including a Nvidia 6800gt/256 on a Athlon XP3000 2GB Abit..

                        Using Fatality An8-Sli AMD 3000/64-2GBDDR3200-ATI PCI-E-X800XL/256 5.7s

                        I dont think we will EVER fix all these problems.. personally, I believe
                        the game is just a graphics/resources nightmare for pcs.. The game
                        engine is buggy.. Look over these forums and you can count no less
                        than SEVERAL hundred DIFFERANT problems people have with their
                        machines playing this game..

                        I have 4 PCS.. with 4 Differant video cards.. dozen or so DDR-3200 512MB chips..
                        All freshly installed WIN XPs.. no virus' no spyware problems.. I have tested this
                        game on ALL of my machines, and none of them go an entire day without a crash,
                        reboot, or freeze. I have also spoken with at least 100 other people who have
                        come into my store who have purchased this game.. nearly ALL say they have

                        I purposely built a PC with above average parts last week for this game.. my
                        Fatality AN8-Sli with a ATI X800XL/256 PCI-Express 2GB 3200DDR..New HD..
                        The game runs better.. graphics, load times, max res settings, runs fast.. BUT
                        it still crashes about 1 out of every 5 games..


                        • #27
                          Well if anything I'm glad to know it's not my rig.
                          I can put up with the 1 in 5 crashes (which is my avg too).
                          Hopefully 1.3 will contain some fixes for us.


                          • #28
                            It doesnt reboot anymore.


                            • #29
                              Hey Death, I had the same problem..kept rebooting but my single player worked fine.

                              Try playing on a server once without Punkbuster. Thats what I did, found out I could play on non PB servers. Never did get it fixed..lost my mind slightly after 3 hrs of trying to find new mobo drivers ( supposedly updated drivers fix the PB crash/reboot thing) and destroyed my disks.

