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Best/Luckiest kills ever

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Wynterheart
    not so lucky on my part on this next one though...on mashturr city i was on a building sniping at a guy on the water tower on the far end of the map. as soon as i shoot a friendly blackhawk comes flying into my crosshairs and my bullet hits it. next thing i know the bh crashes and i get punished and kicked from the server. talk about bad luck...the tk system sucks!!!!!!! i get punished because some guy can't fly and my bullet happened to hit it last (just by accident). total bs.
    Now a lucky kill would have been the bullet going through the cabin and hitting the guy on the water tower


    • #17
      Luckiest kill I've witnessed(I wasn't the killer, I was the victim)was when I was in an attack copter by myself and had just won a copter duel. The other pilot jumped out and popped his chute, so I thought I would roadkill him in mid-air.

      Well, I ran into his parachute and my copter exploded, lol. He was laughing his ass off in global chat.


      • #18
        well my luckiest kill wasn't in bf2 but rather in dc, i shot the stinger randomly into the air because my friend and I were just fooling around and it hit a bh full with 6 guys and i killed them all


        • #19
          LUckiest shot...

          Hmmmmmm.....has to be , while playing as a sniper, there was an enemy chopper..............SUPER FARAWAY where you can't seee the pilot or passengers. I had theee m95 and the chopper was flying kind of slow....I aim to where I think the pilot is, fire, and get three kills...


          • #20
            Originally posted by Leviathan
            Wow, that's incredibly lucky, were you playing on a BF Recorder server? I would love to see that.
            Still can't get that to work without probs - isn't there an icon or something to the left of the ip on the serv.browser?


            • #21
              Man you guys are damn lucky!

