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Best/Luckiest kills ever

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  • Best/Luckiest kills ever

    I must have had the luckiest kill ever yesterday!
    I was playing Danquing yesterday and i was in a BH and this attack chopper shot me down but i bailed :laugh: So i didnt want to hoof it so i tryed to kill myself, i took a nade and threw it staight over me as high as i could thinking it would land at my feet. at the same time the attack chopper that just shot me down flies over and the nade goes of, taking the chopper with me :laugh: :laugh: I got 2 kills and revenge. :laugh:

  • #2
    wow that is probably the luckiest kill. Would had been better if it was a BH with a full crew and u took out the whole thing.


    • #3
      Haha, nothing like being a sniper on the roof starting at a distance far far away. Then someone tries sneaking up behind you to knife you, but accidently move in front of you just as you shoot.




      • #4
        Last night I was in an attack chopper on the dalian plant map. I just took off from the carrier and was proceeding to a base held by the enemy. I had a gunner on board so we were both ready to lay waste. Off in the distance I noticed a J-10 coming right at me with guns blazing. This guy was flying low and fast and was going to pass right under me with just a few feet clearance. I thought for sure we were going to die, but I unloaded all my rockets and several actually hit him. I destroyed a J-10 head on as he approached me at 1000kph! He typed back: WTF? Nice Shot!


        • #5
          Saw a blackhawk, fired one round from my silenced pistol, it blows and i get 6 kills :yay:

          But the guy next to me saw it and though i was cheating :cussing: so he tked me :ar15: and got punished and banned :thatsbad:


          • #6
            Originally posted by Version2
            Saw a blackhawk, fired one round from my silenced pistol, it blows and i get 6 kills :yay:

            But the guy next to me saw it and though i was cheating :cussing: so he tked me :ar15: and got punished and banned :thatsbad:
            haha nice. had something similar happen to me. i was a sniper and the map was going to end in like a minute. so i see this blackhawk and i say what the hell and take a shot at it. it blows up! only 1 guy on board tho.

            again while sniping, on Sharqui Peninsula (my fav map), i was on a building across from the middle section with the building under construction. i saw this enemy up there trying to take the flag. i shoot him once with my barrett but he survived and ran to the one side with the particle board stuff. i was like hmm, this thing can shoot through the helo glass, what happens if i shoot the board. i try to approximate where he might be and shoot. you have killed so and so shows up on my screen, lol. that was just too cool. i tried it a few more times with the opposite board but i never got any kills or indication that it hit them. dunno if its a different type of board or i just got lucky.

            not so lucky on my part on this next one though...on mashturr city i was on a building sniping at a guy on the water tower on the far end of the map. as soon as i shoot a friendly blackhawk comes flying into my crosshairs and my bullet hits it. next thing i know the bh crashes and i get punished and kicked from the server. talk about bad luck...the tk system sucks!!!!!!! i get punished because some guy can't fly and my bullet happened to hit it last (just by accident). total bs.


            • #7
              killin 6 guys that were all huddled around a supply crate on Mastuur city. My team was elsewhere but we were losing the last flag. I decided to go try and get one myself and went to the one across the bridge. I came upon 6 guys huddled around a supply crate gearing up....I naded up and took out all of them. Lucky shot and ended up getting that flag.


              • #8
                Yesterday I was playing as a sniper on Gulf of Oman. While at the construction site by myself a Huey flies in and hovers over the flag. I snuck out of the scaffolding and along the road and threw two grenades into the chopper and then an APC spawned and I finished him off with a rocket and some machine gun fire.

                The best thing was I had just killed the same guy a few minutes earlier. I was on the hotel roof as a sniper when he flew a huey in and hovered over the flag. He was facing away from me, towards the MEC base so I jumped off, opened low and ran to an APC. I shot a rocket into the choppers side and BOOM! Ha Ha Ha! :evil:


                • #9
                  Originally posted by penguino
                  I must have had the luckiest kill ever yesterday!
                  I was playing Danquing yesterday and i was in a BH and this attack chopper shot me down but i bailed :laugh: So i didnt want to hoof it so i tryed to kill myself, i took a nade and threw it staight over me as high as i could thinking it would land at my feet. at the same time the attack chopper that just shot me down flies over and the nade goes of, taking the chopper with me :laugh: :laugh: I got 2 kills and revenge. :laugh:
                  Wow, that's incredibly lucky, were you playing on a BF Recorder server? I would love to see that.


                  • #10
                    Once I was walking down a road on Clean Sweep, and an FAV tries to run me down, I go prone, and the guy drives right over me. Thinking he's killed me he jumps out and continues on his way, only to get knifed in the back by the guy he "ran over".


                    • #11
                      I was on the crane in the dalian plant map covering the squadleader from helos with the anti armor class. A dune buggy was heading away from us toward the ocean so I figured why not took a shot at him and flew it right over his head and guessing the distance pulled straight down and blew him up. Probably at about a range 400 yds..........TOTAL LUCK...but I am getting good with that thing...


                      • #12
                        Altho this wasnt my kill, I was playing on Gulf of Oman 32 player and I was at my air port spawn. The other team was busting a bunch of air raids on our spawn so I was kinda mostly running for my life and avoiding air assults. OUr choper was fighting the other choper over the air strip and they where low to the ground too(10-15m off the ground). One of my team fires a anti tank rocket to try to hit one of the chopers but I guess the choper tried to avoid it to or just happen to move and the rocket missed him but as soo as the choper did that he Back up into the other choper and they both exploded. While chopper chunks where falling , the MEC bomber was talking off and was already a few metters off the ground when a large chunk of chopper landed on him killing him , there also happen to be a few people on the ground so I dont know if some othe falling air plane and choper parts got them but it was on funny ass scene to watch, I almost couldnt belive what I just saw.


                        • #13
                          This happened to one of my friends on Operation Clean Sweep. Me and him were MEC and we were on the flag closest to the US base, and he was sitting in one of the TOWs. So he just randomly shot the rocket towards the US base and killed someone.


                          • #14
                            Was playing on Karkand as MEC, and I had died and was waiting to spawn on my squad leader, who for some reason was not moving and was near the USMC main base. I spawned...only to come (literally) face to face with the enemy commander sitting in a humvee. I panicked for a moment before i realized that i was off to the side, and he couldn't see me, so he just continued to sit there. I pondered for a while about how to kill him before i decided on a little c4. Planted two packs and then ran into the commander's field of vision. He spooked and backed away from me, fully intending to blast me with the .50 cal. Unfortunately for him, just as he switched positions, i detonated the c4. =)


                            • #15
                              i was on the [LoG] server and took a low fly over the water in a jet and killed the person in the dingy leaving the carrier,with the bottom of the plane. head clean off twas great.

