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Using AA is now considered hacking, apparently!

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  • #16
    i had a simiar experience i believe on the same map.

    if this is the one i thinking of, where u start with 3 mec bases at bottom left side and the usmc have a dock across the water and a heli pad on big building at top right area.

    well was playing mec and i was not owning but definately benefitting my team and i kept getting a lock on me from somewhere even when i flew all the way to my mec heli pad, could not shake it.

    eventually i realized it was near the dock on their side to the left.

    so took off after dieing with gunner, started towards enemy and quickly got a lock.

    kept going, saw incoming missiles moved to the side and luckily did not get hit, did not oocour to me to use flares at that second.

    came close to the laugher knowing i had only seconds before he could launch again and hearing the lock i withgunner firing did strafing run with missles destroying launcher and its controller.

    after that kept a loose eye on that place if i had any locks happen but never got anymore trouble.

    i am simply mentioning this to show that a pilot can overcome that sort of issue and thus that this other pilot cannot have much of a way of saying you had a extremely high advantage that could not be over comed.

    i am definately on your side and i agree with blankoboy that the most fun i find is finding a way to beat a tough situation.

    btw first post, this topic got me interested enough to make a account instead of just reading

    o and well done GatorDawg at kicking his arse


    • #17
      Some people will always think others that are able to kill them must be hacking, because of course, there's no possible way you might actually be better. I'm a pilot, prefer helo's, but lately have taken up planes. Anyways, good job on taking him down, that's what it's all about. I myself had a really horrible night a couple days ago, I forget the map name, but I was in the helo as usual, and was the highest score on my side. The enemy finally wised up and got their 3 AA sites shooting at me, making it impossible for me to do anything. Of course, my fellow groundpounders couldn't do squat, so our side ended up losing horribly.

      People forget there are tactics that will overcome *anything* that the enemy is doing, whether it's BH whoring, spawn camping, or whatever. It gives me great satisfaction to take out that BH and get the 6 kills, or to knife that sniper camping the airfield. This game is all about tactics, and until people realize that, there will always be claims of "hacking". Sure, there are probably hacks out there, but their usage is much smaller then what people think.

      Back on topic though, good job, ignore the calls of hacker, and continue being a skillful player.


      • #18
        just because u can't see them with the naked "virtual" eye doesn't mean the heatseekers on ur AA can't!!

        it not an exploit, it adds realism to the game


        • #19
          Well their are the idiots out there.


          • #20
            Ya always some one that gets owned always screams hackssssssss


            • #21
              I'm just curious how you could survive for so long in that AA site... that map is usually crowded by snipers


              • #22
                Gator? Don't I know you from somewhere? O.o I'm sure I saw you on one of those maps manning an AA gun compulsively, but in my situation I dodged your missiles like 4/5 times and waxed you with the hydra rockets.

                Hmm.. Interesting how you meet up with people you know on these BF2 forums.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by XtremeDeformitY
                  I'm just curious how you could survive for so long in that AA site... that map is usually crowded by snipers
                  Let me tell you, I was curious too. Usually when you jump into those AA sites, you've got enough time take down a single chopper, or if you're lucky, maybe two, before a sniper takes you out, some inf. sneaks up behind you, or the chopper itself manages to sneak up without you noticing and strafe you with rockets. But, on that night it just never came... I'd say I sat there for a good 10 minutes before I got taken out, I spawned, went back to the AA and sat there for another 10 mins.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by MagnusFaustus
                    Gator? Don't I know you from somewhere? O.o I'm sure I saw you on one of those maps manning an AA gun compulsively, but in my situation I dodged your missiles like 4/5 times and waxed you with the hydra rockets.
                    And, I'm sure you've had a dream.


                    • #25
                      Well we were getting owned big time by this chopper and got to admit he was an awesome player.
                      However me and my squad was moving to a flag and chopper hovers above us I fired my GP-25 at the cockpit and the pilot was hit and died while the co pilot was still trying to hit us as the chopper went down..another grenade round and chopper was down. Moral of the story is if they complain use a nade and make them look like noobs that you naded them out of the sky!


                      • #26
                        please educate me since i'm a bit confused

                        as long as the AA is pointing at a flying object, with no obstruction, no matter how far across map, and un-seen by normal vision, you'll get a lock and hit him?


                        • #27
                          I think the range is 400m max.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Mr.Bojangles
                            please educate me since i'm a bit confused

                            as long as the AA is pointing at a flying object, with no obstruction, no matter how far across map, and un-seen by normal vision, you'll get a lock and hit him?
                            No. There is a maximum distance. On some maps, like Dalian Plant, aircraft that you can actually get a visual on will be out of range of the AA and you will not be able to acquire a lock. But, on other maps, like Sharqi, the maximum range of the AA well exceeds your visual range due to fog/sand conditions. On those maps it's possible to get a lock on aircraft that you can't actually see.


                            • #29
                              yeah I had a similar scenario, where a helio was owning us, but no one was hopping on the aa turret? dont know why, then some said "someone get on the AA" so I ran to it, locked on and let'em fly, then I waited till the helio respawned and took of again, then let'em go again, so to everyone out there remember to man those AA's if helio's are in your AO, you fellow men might not thank you , but at least you'll know that you've helped your team

