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Using AA is now considered hacking, apparently!

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  • Using AA is now considered hacking, apparently!

    I just thought this was funny:

    I was playing on shar-qe last night and some guy in the Cobra was just plain owning us. I don't know what was up with my team, but it just seemed like nobody was doing ANYTHING about the chopper. We couldn't take a single flag without the chopper showing up and blasting us all into oblivion. I got so frustrated at being killed over and over again by the chopper that after we finally managed to somehow take the flag by the brick wall, where the AA emplacement is, I decided that I would just dedicate the rest of the round to making that chopper pilot's job as difficult as I could.

    I manned the AA and got a lock, waited for him to drop his flares, and once I got the re lock I let fly with both missiles and got the kill. I then pointed the AA in the general direction of the TV station and waited for him to go for the chopper again. Of course he did, I got the lock, fired, and BAM! Another kill. Anyway, I got about six or seven kills in a row on him,and needless to say, we weren't being owned by the chopper anymore, as he was now finding it very difficult to get more than maybe 60 or 70 meters away from the TV station without getting a couple of missles directly up his tail-pipe!

    Then this message comes through the chat from the pilot:

    "Gator, how can you see me when I'm so far away?"

    I replied and told him that I couldn't actually see him. But I knew where the chopper was going to be, so I was just pointing the AA in that direction and waiting for a lock.

    There was a long pause, then came his response:

    "BS Gator! You hack!"

    So, I sent a message through the chat: "Does someone want to explain to him how the AA works in this game???"

    Then came the kick vote against me... which didn't pass.

    It just struck me as being very odd that someone could play this game enough to become as effective as he was at piloting the chopper, but still not have a clue about how the AA works!?!?!?!? Also, I guess when he's 'owning' in the chopper, everything is hunky-dory... but we he starts getting owned by AA, suddenly it must be a hack!

  • #2
    Yeah, but every game has their dummies.

    You can really rack up points with the any AA vehicle/weapon/ the begining of every round i usually run to the most appropriately placed stinger and shoot down those black hawks loaded with 6 people


    • #3
      i think he knew how it worked, he was just pissed u were owning him


      • #4
        its pretty gay though, that was the worst place for AA they need something interferring with the lock until the pilot can get in the air, i've been show from the farmost mec base while repairin gmy chopper on the top of that tower.


        • #5
          He was getting owned so he had to find something to complain about


          • #6
            Originally posted by Pvt.Caboose
            its pretty gay though, that was the worst place for AA they need something interferring with the lock until the pilot can get in the air, i've been show from the farmost mec base while repairin gmy chopper on the top of that tower.
            I don't think so. The chopper can really own on that map, and it's difficult to take it out in any other position than when it's near the pad, because there are so many obstructions around that it's difficult to maintain a lock. If you put obstructions in front of the pad, it would seriously overpower the chopper. And, it's already somewhat overpowered on that map if you ask me.

            Besides, considering where the AA installments are, if your team is doing their job, nobody should be able to sit in the AA installments long enough to constantly keep the chopper on the pad anyway. And, if your team ISN'T doing it's job, the chopper SHOULDN'T be allowed to take off unchallenged and turn the tide of the game on it's own. ...just my opinion.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Slapidus
              He was getting owned so he had to find something to complain about
              Yeah, that's probably all it was: sour grapes.

              But, what I find amusing is that for a good stretch before that he was absolutely DESTROYING us in the chopper. What would his reaction have been if someone would have called him a chopper whore or something? Why is it ok for him to own, but not ok for anyone to put a stop to his ownage? People just amuse me sometimes.


              • #8
                if you guys hadn't noticed, whenever you play BF2 online there tends to be lots of little "marks" all over the floor.......i recently worked out what it's the dummies that players continually spit when they get owned.....i say good on ya for teaching him a lesson, i've done the same, you don't need to visual the aircraft for AA to lock......its not hacking at all.......


                • #9
                  Yeah. Sounds like his ego is getting the better of his judgement. Can't believe there might be a counter to his "leetness". Smart thinking on your part gator. Keep on rocking those strats.


                  • #10
                    its an exploit not a hack, so keep on using it.


                    • #11
                      Just gotta ignore the whiners and moaners


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by anything
                        its an exploit not a hack, so keep on using it.
                        shooting down aircraft w/ AA is an exploit now? is stabbing ppl w/ knives and exploit as well?


                        • #13
                          It's not an exploit or a hack. People are so quick to label them either or.
                          It is simply being a 'good player'. Knowing the layout of the map and using it to your advantage is called....'using your brain'. Nothing wrong with that

                          I suppose though as most players simply play away brainlessly that anyone doing otherwise must be a hack.

                          If the heli-pilot in question had any skills about him he would have hit the flare button the second he entered the cobra. Alas he was not so skilled and just got lucky. Failing that he should have gone and directly taken out the AA instead of crying 'hack'. I cannot stand such sad.

                          I thoroughly enjoy it when a player has the smarts to take me out and relish the challenge to get him back. This is what the whole game is about....pitting your skills against other players. Play the game and enjoy or lose. Skillup!


                          • #14
                            Heh, I though AA from the subject was going to be Anti-Alaising (sp?). When I *was* playing this game, I upgraded my videocard and increased the AA value, and whoa Nelly things were alot clearer from farther away It did feel like I was cheating at first muahaha but I got over it fast.


                            • #15
                              "omfg you killed me, you haxor, feyget!"

                              people like this should not be allowed to breed.

