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no one cares about china?

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  • #16
    I'd like to see an infantry based map like Strike At Karkand but for the Chinese & US. Hong Kong Siege!


    • #17
      hehe battle for taiwan! you could have intel, amd factory's it will be great fun!


      • #18
        I love the chinese pistol.

        more on topic: The chinese maps to me that are the most fun are the ones where you can't lose your home base when you are chinese.


        • #19
          Booo the chinese


          • #20
            I generally like MEC because of all the Russian equipment they have, which is superior to US equipment. The maps are also really nice. Although, I do like some chinese maps too.


            • #21
              I agree, the MEC vs USMC are much more infantry based on certain maps, which are the best maps. The Chinese maps are much more airpower/armor based, where I am not that kind of player. I mean, the Chinese maps are so big that infantry is pretty much out of the picture. And its a big pain to run somewhere to find a vehicle to go to a flag. Takes way to much time.

              Now, a Chinese vs MEC map would be pretty fun, although unrealistic. You think that EA could come up with more Chinese vs USMC maps that are better... because that conflict is more likely to happen compared to all the Middle Eastern countries uniting against America.


              • #22
                There fine, I really dont like Dailan Plant, I know alot of people do, and I usually will place in the top 3 but I find it hard to find people and kill them, I like Songhua Stalemate, Fushee Pass as long as the server size matches the map size. Dragon Valley is fine but nothing special.


                • #23
                  Last night I was playing dalian plant as the U.S. force and was autobalanced to the chinese side (while I was squad leader on a squad that had been using voip for 3 hours straight...grrr). So I decide I'll join a squad to see if anyone else is chatting. I join a squad and they are all speaking chinese - talk about realism. When I asked if they spoke english they told me they were a group of native chinese who live in the US and play together. I stayed with them for a while just because the irony.

                  Sorry kind of off topic, but hopefully special ops will have some levels like Karkand with the chinese forces. I think we would see more discussion of the chinese forces if they had better levels. I do like the chinese special ops weapon.


                  • #24
                    im just talking about general popularity in starting this thread. mec is way more popular.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Fall0ut
                      MEC because of all the Russian equipment they have, which is superior to US equipment. .
                      :laugh: :laugh: that is actually pretty funny!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by =HzC=Heinz
                        :laugh: :laugh: that is actually pretty funny!
                        Hehehhe :laugh: :laugh:

                        ...wait, what are we laughing at?


                        • #27
                          i prefer the chinese weapons over the MEC


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by oWarrior_J
                            i prefer the chinese weapons over the MEC
                            I like MEC more.


                            • #29
                              Chinois Chinois!!

                              Je voudrias Chinois!
                              Je prefere Chinois!


                              • #30
                                I really can't stand the Chinese maps they're boring as f... !!

