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Shotgun tips

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  • #16
    Thanks for the tips!


    • #17
      Dude the DAO is an awesome weapon - prob my no 2 unlock behind the L85

      only issue is - its a close range weapon - use it when storming flags etc or from ambush. Keep the MP5 if you want ranged firepower, the DAO is for upclose and personal decimation of squads.

      If you have a supply of ammo handy you can spray and pray quite effectively - you dont kill a lot but you can rack up some lovely kill assist points by spraying an oncoming group.

      No 1 hint - RELOAD at EVERY oppertunity - if you have just fired 2 or 3 shots and have a second or need to dprint across a gap - reload as you run - allways try to have a full 12 shot mag incase you have to let rip in a hurry.

      No2 Hint - the sights are a waste of time , and when prone your shot pattern doesnt close up anymore so its worthless unless your laying down supressive fire and have aforementioned supply of ammo lying around to keep you topped up.

      No3 hint - team up with a support or sniper - use your AT missiles to kill vehicles and use the shotgun to add extra supressive fire, you wont hit a huge amount but you will soften up targets for the sniper/support guys nicely and can hit a fair spread of targets in as shot

      As for Damage - the DAO fires 12x8 damage (i.e 8 12 point projectiles)- same as the Saika Semi-auto shotgun but with a bigger mag capacity and slightly lower deviation - what does this mean - at point blank you hit with 90 points per shot! - anything past that you need to pump on average 4-5 shots into a target to guarantee a kill. Remembering this fact and some rapid clicking can make all the difference.

      In the End it comes down to a real simple equation - Closed Quaters = shotgun good/excellent : Wide open space = shotgun useless


      • #18
        yes the shotgun is completely useless at long range. However, the pistol is freakin great for long range. Even better than rifles. I'm serious too. If you get used to the pistol you can own even more than the shotgun sometimes. If you're kinda close/medium range on someone though, make sure you click like crazy and get as many bullets out as fast as possible. Pistol doesn't really lose accuracy after so many shots. I especially love it when I actually snipe enemy snipers with the pistol. Makes you feel good when you get them with a pistol and they're with this scoped rifle that kills in sometimes one shot. If you brag about it afterwards, it makes it an even better kill!

