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Shotgun tips

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  • Shotgun tips

    Yesterday I got my first unlock. Since I've been playing AT since day one, I chose to unlock the DAO-12. I've tried it out for a while now, but I find it largely disappointing...

    Aiming down the sight doesn't seem to help much with the shotguns and I'm more effective with the original SMG, in spite of everyone saying that it sucks.

    So are there any tips on how to use the shotgun or do I have to "spray n pray" (if that's actually possible with a shotgun)? I hope not, since I rather stick with the weak SMG and aim down the sight then...

  • #2
    i guess crouch or lay down, it reduces recoil. sorry about the shotgun, it sucks


    • #3
      crouching and going prone

      yeah, I do. Doesn't really seem to make a difference though. The bullet spread is huge, and I thought I would be able to take down enemies with one or two shots from rather close range - I can't even when aiming down the sight.


      • #4
        me too, I unlocked it cause it looked pretty cool and sounded awesome. But I was disappointed so I made another profile. Now if you really want something that will kill with least shots possible, go for the PKM like me.


        • #5
          yeah, the spread damage is very large. i didnt unlock it for that reason


          • #6
            Shoot once (under 10 m = dead)...if not
            Bunny hop and shoot again. Most are dead by now.

            You never go prone or stay still with a shotgun, or you're dead. If you played CS w/ SG, use the same strats. With DAO-12 you can pretty much go crazy because it has more shells and still has lots of stopping power.


            • #7
              I've unloaded 7 rounds from a jackhammer into someone at 10m....they survived and killed me with thier m-16.....
              hopefully patch 1.03 will fix up the shot guns a little.


              • #8
                As said I will reiterate there points, You need to keep moving and keep your crosshairs on thier center mass, this should take them down withing 1 to 3 shots and you should be able to dominate with that weapon.


                • #9
                  aim just above your target. depending on how far away you are form the enemy. great weapon if you can use it properly


                  • #10
           guys are nuts...I got that thing at Corporal. I just hop on a Strike at Karkand server and decipate everything. DMC's right takes 2 shots usually at full life. Don't bunny hop...just keep moving. It doesn't suck you just don't know how to use it. Same with the's not bad just got to know how to use it. Oh and DAO can take down atleast 5 or 6 enemies in a row with one clip if your in close quarters. (STRIKE AT KARKAND!)


                    • #11
                      Don't hold down fire, click rapidly. You may fire a few extra rounds but that beast will just about fire as fast as you can click. If someone is more than about 10m away pull out your pistol and use that instead, it very accurate. Learn to sneak up on people, or trick them into chasing you around corners.


                      • #12
                        I like using the U.S. shotgun more then the Mec's Auto shotgun. But I have become pretty good at using it.


                        • #13
                          new tactic

                          Oh, thanks for the suggestion! I'll try the "move around and keep firing with single clicks" tactic, instead of going prone, aiming down the sight and keep the trigger pulled, which I'm more used too (mainly from CoD, where you don't have shotguns). It sounds like that tactic would work...


                          • #14
                            Yeah, I made this same mistake unlocking the DAO-12. You have to be practically at knife range to kill someone and even then, you gotta have the crosshair dead on. Big unlockable mistake, especially when you see so many enemies like 20 feet away and you can't hit any of them.


                            • #15
                              shotgun is awsome if you can *gasp* adjust ur aim

                              i love the shotguns and it will be my next unlock

