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BF2 crash after the tittle screen

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  • #16
    Recommended Specs are:

    512mb of RAM (you have 480)
    1.8Ghz or higher (you have 2.0)
    128MB Video card (you only have 32)
    DX 9.0c (you have revision B)


    • #17
      Originally posted by BadBoY|GanGsTa
      Same prob huh w/ thiz shitty game? i have had seen too many threads bout thiz prob. my prob is when the game loads it crashs after the tittle and it returns me back to the desktop just like Grand Theft Auto San Andreas i was having the same prob but i fanally got it to work any suggestions?

      my spc r:

      Microsoft Window XP Home Edition Sony Electronics Inc.
      Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz
      2.02 GHz
      480MB of RAM
      and im running a SiS all my drivers r up-to-date
      and i have DirectX 9.0b and i can play GTA:SA perfectly w/ my video card =)

      thxs u`ll

      Your running 480MB of RAM you need 512
      Your stats are for BF1942 Get a AMD 64 3000 or higher.


      • #18
        you have a few options really.

        1. read the minimum specs before you buy a game

        2. give up and continue to play gta and others

        3. upgarde everything mentioned above in order to atleast meet the minimum specs for the game.


        • #19
          ok soo wut things(products) i have to buy to get the game woking perfectly besides buying a new computer cuz my pc works prefectly


          • #20
            You need a new video card and another gig of ram at least, to run the game i would say..


            • #21
              like how much does that cost all together? can u tell me wut video card i have to buy the best video card or a regular one that atleast i can get bf2 to work ONCE!!!


              • #22


                • #23
                  well im juz going to buy RADEON X850 XT PLATINUM EDITION


                  • #24
                    the same problem

                    ...and my specs are:
                    Barton 3200+
                    1024MB DDR400 2,5-3-3-6
                    Sapphire Radeon 9550(bios mod)@R9600Pro 420/533
                    ...the rest is rather unimportant, the fact is that I've been able to run the game for about a week or so, using this computer of course. I lost that ability when I first installed Catalyst 5.7, now, nevermind what I do, which drivers I install (Omega 5.6,5.7; DNA 5.7; Catalyst 5.6,5.7), even when using a fresh WinXP installation the game crashes right after the title and the blank screen. The same thing happens when using Win2k SP4 incl. Rollup Upd. The patches didn't do much good as well. Help?? :cry:
                    Oh, and PLEASE don't tell me to buy myself a new computer 'cause the game was running perfectly on high detail (when it did)...


                    • #25
                      My friend when using the analog port on his monitor the game works well, but when try to using DVI it is CTD... If you using DVI try to use analog port, maybe this will help.


                      • #26

                        I'm using the analog output, and, like I said, the game worked on my current configuration...what in the hell is preventing it from running now? and if that is of any help, bf vietnam doesn't work as well (YES, it worked earlier), only it spits out a critical error right after d.clicking the icon...


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by BadBoY|GanGsTa
                          well im juz going to buy RADEON X850 XT PLATINUM EDITION
                          I see,
                          You dont want to buy an new pc, why are you taking this card? Like your pc would ever run that card really. Well it would, but not as its suppose to be...

                          Get like 512 mb extra ram which is around 50 euro, and a new vid card, which u will get for like 150 euro already.

                          btw, that card is around 550 euro, get a dell pc for that money and ull have a better 1 that u got now....

