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ok im really not sure about the medic unlock

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  • ok im really not sure about the medic unlock

    Think its the L-851 or something. I have to say, i dont know if i like it. Im a LC with 5000+ points now, and i only ever use the gun if i happen to be a USA medic.

    For China and MEC i prefer the assault gun they have as standard. But if im USA then its got to be that L-851 only because the standard gun i really hate.

    I find the L-851 totally un-accurate. Sure its ok from a great distance if you tap the trigger button. But even so i find the standard medic guns to be a whole lot more powerful and accurate. I can pick people off from a good distance no problem with it.

    Just thought id share my feelings and see if anyone has their opinion.

  • #2
    I agree. It is sooo inaccurate after a 3-Shot burst.


    • #3
      as a medic i find i dont need to shoot at things much. im waaayyy too busy healing-reviving people to even do combat. therefore the l851 was a waste of unlock points for me atleast.


      • #4
        just my two cents, but im not going to unlock the L85A1 due to its inaccuracy after the 2nd shot and its dmg (being somewhere around the M16), i find i only use my rifle as a medic in medium/close combat.

        honestly, L85A1 > all other medic guns at range in single shots... other then that i prefer the standard


        • #5
          Well, my first unlock was G36c, bu then I got L85A1...I'm really happy with it, its very accurate and has a powerfull scope which really helps..I get a lot of headshots on single shot, you jsut gotta get used to it


          • #6
            I like the support and that will be the next one on my list.


            • #7
              What do you guys think i should unlock next? I have a medic gun and i like it more than m16, and im between SF and Sniper. Which one do you think is better?


              • #8
                Originally posted by [i]_Bleed_to_Death
                What do you guys think i should unlock next? I have a medic gun and i like it more than m16, and im between SF and Sniper. Which one do you think is better?
                I have both the SF and sniper unlock, and i personally like the SF gun as my 1st choice.
                The sniper gun is basically the m24 except that it can shoot through protective glass. the m95 too is also less accurate the the m24 (in my experience) and as someone that doesn't like a miss when the crosshairs are on a target, i found this to be quite frustrating.

                The SF gun is slightly more accurate than the m4 but is great at close combat with a small spread radius. I always have this gun on me.

                As far as the medic gun goes, i have mixed opinions. It seems to me that I tend to be in tons of close combat situations and less times of seeing tons of enemies at a distance. The L85 is great at a distance (even with the reduced damage and having to take out enemies in a few shots) but its scope more than makes up for its decreased damage. At close range, however, I find that it downright sucks compared to the ak or the m16. So i dunno, glad i still have 10k points till my next unlock so i have time to think about it


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BiG_F0X
                  I have both the SF and sniper unlock, and i personally like the SF gun as my 1st choice.
                  The sniper gun is basically the m24 except that it can shoot through protective glass. the m95 too is also less accurate the the m24 (in my experience) and as someone that doesn't like a miss when the crosshairs are on a target, i found this to be quite frustrating.

                  The SF gun is slightly more accurate than the m4 but is great at close combat with a small spread radius. I always have this gun on me.

                  As far as the medic gun goes, i have mixed opinions. It seems to me that I tend to be in tons of close combat situations and less times of seeing tons of enemies at a distance. The L85 is great at a distance (even with the reduced damage and having to take out enemies in a few shots) but its scope more than makes up for its decreased damage. At close range, however, I find that it downright sucks compared to the ak or the m16. So i dunno, glad i still have 10k points till my next unlock so i have time to think about it

                  I am going to pick SF now, thanks for the reply


                  • #10
                    No prob, hopefully it works as well for you as it does for me.

                    Good luck


                    • #11
                      I started out unlocking the G3, but wasn't very happy with it, so I made a second account just to get Lance Corp quickly and try out the L-85 and I fell in love with it. It isn't the best at close quarters combat, but it gets the job done. I'll probably end up unlocking the PKM next, I've heard great things about it; that is...when I get my computer fixed (damn you ASUS and your faulty chip fans!)


                      • #12
                        Hey guys, ive unloked the G3 and im happy with it but im now thinking about the next unlock. What would you choose, the medic one or the assault one. Ive not read many things about the assault unlock.

                        thx in advance,


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ryknow
                          Hey guys, ive unloked the G3 and im happy with it but im now thinking about the next unlock. What would you choose, the medic one or the assault one. Ive not read many things about the assault unlock.

                          thx in advance,
                          I'm sorry you've confused me. The G3 is the Assault unlock, so are you asking how that is, or do you already have it?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by [i]_Bleed_to_Death
                            I am going to pick SF now, thanks for the reply
                            I got that... you'll be pleased with it.....



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MazXFreddy
                              I'm sorry you've confused me. The G3 is the Assault unlock, so are you asking how that is, or do you already have it?
                              Sry, i meant i unlocked the spec ops weapons. And im now wondering which one to unlock then the assault class weapon or the medic one. Better now?? Sry, but i'm not english and some times confuses.

