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Blood/Gore patch, you know we all want one

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  • Look at this image I made a few months back. I do computer animations, and character creations. Going for realism. I have a lot of these and working on one for a Battlefield2 wallpaper. Pretty nice, eh? Like to see in games? I bet your nerves are active now, right? And this is a computer image. What makes this image any different from what is not real and real? Having Blood and gore in a game is the same thing from reality. Their is no difference.

    Computer Character image

    Computer Image #2


    • First of all, resize that ****. Second of all, I don't know what kind of graphics card YOU have, but no character in Bf2 looks like that on my computer.


      • So you have a 12inch CGA monitor, 1mb trident card? Get with the times. Also it is a computer image. Get it?


        • 32v32 with blood splatter on half the map = graphics lag and worst performance.

          If you want blood splatter go play cs:s .. I'll sell you my account...


          • well cs handles 32 v 32 with blood fine. i play in a big 64 player server and i never get lag, especiallly when they optimized it all last week, cs doesnt get lag, why should bf2?

            and yes we are talking about an optional mod, so all the people who dont want blood dont have to get it. however when someone who doesnt wants blood wants to stop me from seeing blood, that just pisses me off

            in many ways bf2 has been made more like css than the past incarnations so leaving out blood was just unneccessary.


            • I remember downloading a bloodpatch for MOHAA, just to see my hits better (I got better that way TBH). :O

              In BF2 you see the xhair flash so I don't really care if someone makes one or not, but I'd download it.


              • however when someone who doesnt wants blood wants to stop me from seeing blood, that just pisses me off
                Lets say if we didn't step in for the way video game are being made at all, it would be a crazy world (Gone that way anyways). And that is for video games alone. Their is a game out their worse than "GTA". A person in jail has confessed that "GTA" made him do it. He, Killed many cops, and he is no child (Adult). And look how cheezy the graphics are in that game. So, it is nice for us people who are against blood and gore are doing you a favour. I am worried about you young punks. What your going to do this world when you lead your country. "Screw this and that", "A-hole", "I like to see this and that in game", "Body parts fly off", "Blood, gore", "FU". Very angry world already and Age of rage. Well, when your time is about up. You'll be sorry, that you guys wished that you guys had more respect. Your time will come. Believe me it will. So, in the mean time, go get your blood and gore. I give up on all you corrupted minds here.


                • vicious dog, i really doubt you are worried about us 'young punks', infact i really am worried about u 'old people'lol. if anyone really blamed a video game for going off and murdering people, they are sick, and not the game developers who make it.

                  hell movies are far more graphic, the alien film had alien rape in it which is probably more taboo than anything which has been in any game so far.


                  • Hell, ban comics, pc games, movies, music. Lets just go and read books. WAIT, some books have violence in em. Lets ban books k


                    • Hell, ban comics, pc games, movies, music. Lets just go and read books. WAIT, some books have violence in em. Lets ban books k
                      Your going a bit off their. "Ban this and that."

                      hell movies are far more graphic, the alien film had alien rape in it which is probably more taboo than anything which has been in any game so far.
                      Just as agreeable.

                      Watching a sci-fi movie a few years back with my wife and friends. Only graphic scene where this guy got his head sliced off (Got me off guard). My 5 year old son happen to walk in the room and saw it. He came into the room to ask a question, and got side tracked. I wasn't amuzed. We got rid of the movie (out of the house) after seeing that.


                      • i agree we need a blood patch. not an extream amount but abit more blood just to givew it that bit more reality feeling. and befor you all get on my back about thin reality thing i know this game isn't anything like reality and i like the game play.


                        • I really could care less about a blood patch. The game isn't very realistic as it is.


                          • i have a puppy.


                            • i have a 12" ****


                              • Originally posted by [13]VisciousDog
                                Lets say if we didn't step in for the way video game are being made at all, it would be a crazy world (Gone that way anyways). And that is for video games alone. Their is a game out their worse than "GTA". A person in jail has confessed that "GTA" made him do it. He, Killed many cops, and he is no child (Adult). And look how cheezy the graphics are in that game. So, it is nice for us people who are against blood and gore are doing you a favour. I am worried about you young punks. What your going to do this world when you lead your country. "Screw this and that", "A-hole", "I like to see this and that in game", "Body parts fly off", "Blood, gore", "FU". Very angry world already and Age of rage. Well, when your time is about up. You'll be sorry, that you guys wished that you guys had more respect. Your time will come. Believe me it will. So, in the mean time, go get your blood and gore. I give up on all you corrupted minds here.
                                Judas Priest records played backwards make me want to kill.........your arguement is false.

