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Infantry....Infantry...Infantry ARGGGGHHH

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  • Infantry....Infantry...Infantry ARGGGGHHH

    Let it be known that before going on in this thread i resent mass infantry maps, in most respects infantry combat in bf is imo not that enjoyable, usually boring and a lot of the time quite easy

    i prefer the old style classic battlefield gameplay, yes an actual BATTLEFIELD, that means vehicles of all manner and not just some god awful squad of guys spawning on some rooftops and holding down fire on grenade

    so (after that lengthy rant) i recently started playing more conquest because i enjoy the maps like verdun and suez, but how frikin hard is it to find servers running these maps, i might join one and get 5 minutes before the predictable onslaught of Camp Gibraltar or Fall of Berlin (That map is ****ing dire and you all know it)

    Im in the UK and so far ive found about 2 or 3 servers that run the maps, but i have made the thread to ask are there any servers out there that forego the "INFANTRY ONLY INFANTRY ONLY INFANTRLY ONLY" bs that i see on conquest servers all the time

    being in a squad of 4 people each in 4 walkers or tanks, thats the crap i want, you can get it in titan but can you get it in conquest?

  • #2
    I like to see the old fashioned armor-trains. Where a squad got together and broke the enemies lines by rolling armor. but in 2142 armor just seems different in away that makes it hard to picture an armor train. With Pilums sniping anyone who isn't rolling to people popping out and hitting the one-shot kill regions and on to the motion mines and invisible C4 spec-ops. I'd happily join you in an armor-rolling squad if there were more conquest games on large maps.


    • #3
      Recently I started playing more NS to try to get some awards for easy unlocks, and I have to say the armor train is pretty fun when you actually see it happen. I was playing a game on Bridge at Regamen where I was on the EU side, and at one point we had the goliath, 2 walkers, and a gunship flying over us. It was awesome to have engineers in each vehicles so we were in this little repair bubble, and letting the goliath go in front to take out motion mines we were pretty unstoppable. I def would like to see more maps like this, but I think titan is pretty good about being vehicle heavy. I disagree that all infantry maps suck. Granted it can get boring, but when all 64 people are choked up at the toll station on camp G and **** is just flying and exploding everywhere and its totally chaotic its friggin awsome. It really makes me feel like I am in the middle of an all out war.

      For your problem though find titan only servers and play engineer in a vehicle. I usually find if I am engineer and I am in a tank or APC and I roll up next to someone else in armor and they start getting repaired, they catch on pretty quick and are much more likely to stay close and start the formation of a mini armor division.


      • #4
        There is an MIA Suez Canal Conquest map that has a very good mix of armor and infantry.

        I do prefer infantry conquest maps, but I'm slowly starting to like the armor maps that you're talking about. Of course, Engineer is the last Role that I'm maybe that's why. I always felt so vulnerable with that crappy SMG when not in armor.


        • #5
          i love camp gibraltar i played for more than 80 hours on it and never get tired of infantry


          • #6
            So what you're saying is, it's not a battlefield if it doesnt have vehicles? Like battles have only ever been fought with vehicles?

            I would personally much rather play on a map with a "godawful" squad, than with a bunch of ignorant vehicle whores. So would a lot of people for that matter.


            • #7
              That's why I reccomend Belgrade. An excellent mix of Vehicles and Infantry Combat. One of my fav maps.


              • #8
                Originally posted by nemesis908 View Post
                So what you're saying is, it's not a battlefield if it doesnt have vehicles? Like battles have only ever been fought with vehicles?

                I would personally much rather play on a map with a "godawful" squad, than with a bunch of ignorant vehicle whores. So would a lot of people for that matter.
                i would tear into the obvious flaws behind your statement but the post would involve a lot of swearing

                anyway back to the topic, had 4 ppl on teamspeak with me on verdun conquest we were all engineers and we each grabbed a walker, now that is freakin cool, every tank turning to run

                and yeh i like Belgrade as well, best urban map imo


                • #9
                  Originally posted by LanDodger View Post
                  i would tear into the obvious flaws behind your statement but the post would involve a lot of swearing
                  You would if you could, but you can't so you wont?


                  • #10
                    Look, I see nothing wrong with infantry maps, but some people just like vehicle maps because it's the Battlefield "style".

                    There should be more big vehicle map servers on conquest, but infantry combat is fun too.


                    • #11
                      there's one called 2essurection UK or something

                      i personally find getting killed by tanks fairly boring


                      • #12
                        Your realy going to enjoy Highway Tampa if you want a squad thats more often a convoy of tanks than it is anything else.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by nemesis908 View Post
                          You would if you could, but you can't so you wont?
                          keep egging him on and I bet a lot of people could.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by LanDodger View Post
                            Fall of Berlin (That map is ****ing dire and you all know it)
                            You got that right. I want to find who designed that map (along with Minsk conquest - the vehicular option for an unbalanced cluster**** map) and wring their necks. I only like Berlin slightly more than Minsk (sorry Ghost ), but both maps can be deleted for all I care.



                            • #15
                              Hey I like Minsk conquest for all the sniping action at the beginning of the rounds, easy infiltrator pins ftw!

