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I hate fences and doors so much!

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  • I hate fences and doors so much!

    I hate them so much that when I cut them I curse at them very loudly to show my frustrations and angers letting all the enemies know I am coming!

    Either doors and fences have feelings too or EA/DICE was too lazy to make them shut up during a break in.

  • #2
    Re: I hate fences and doors so much!



    • #3
      Re: I hate fences and doors so much!

      Originally posted by RYKUU
      Shes talking about when you knife open a door or fence you know how your guy screams out something like "take this mother****er" and stuff like that which then notifies the ppl inside the building your there.


      • #4
        Re: I hate fences and doors so much!

        It's similar with someone throwing 'nade near you. You can't see the 'nade, it doesn't harm you in any way, yet your soldier 'senses' it and scream like hell notifying enemies.


        • #5
          Re: I hate fences and doors so much!

          is BC2 set in a world where its illegal to use door knobs?


          • #6
            Re: I hate fences and doors so much!

            Originally posted by Minmaster
            is BC2 set in a world where its illegal to use door knobs?
            No, but this is RedInk.


            • #7
              Re: I hate fences and doors so much!

              We need more of these RedInk threads back, I miss them.


              • #8
                Re: I hate fences and doors so much!

                hehehe, there are so many audio cues in this game I love it, because random noobs don't realise their significance and I can hear them perfectly and from quite a distance with my headset

                but yeh, I try not to do stuff like knifing doors etc because the speech line your character shouts out is very audible, there are others like when a grenade is thrown near them or if an enemy dies nearby someone will shout man down lol

                might as well just create a big sign saying where you are hehehe

                usually I jump through the window, but for some reason it has become harder since the last patch lol


                • #9
                  Re: I hate fences and doors so much!

                  Originally posted by MrChris_CJ
                  usually I jump through the window, but for some reason it has become harder since the last patch lol

                  Also it means people won't know you are inside the building because 9/10 a broken door means someone is in there.


                  • #10
                    Re: I hate fences and doors so much!

                    Originally posted by =MNKY=Frosty
                    so it means people won't know you are inside the building because 9/10 a broken door means someone is in there.
                    yes i got that synce the begining of the game xD. normally i alllways use windows but wth happened.


                    • #11
                      Re: I hate fences and doors so much!

                      If you crouch as you knife the object you do not make the sounds. The sound of the object breaking is there, however your voice is not projecting across the map advising your opposition you are there.
                      I had to learn this the hard way, but it does work. :thumbsup:


                      • #12
                        Re: I hate fences and doors so much!

                        The whole audio cues thing is annoying, even if it's work in both ways and you can exploit it to your advantage. In BF:V if you wanted to scream some insults you could whenever you wanted.

                        Didn't know for the crouch+knife, thanks for the tip.


                        • #13
                          Re: I hate fences and doors so much!

                          yeah thanks dude.


                          • #14
                            Re: I hate fences and doors so much!

                            I play as engineer quite a bit so I just give any offending door half a clip or so from my silenced smg and down it goes with little noise to alert any nearby enemies.

                            You can even blast doors with louder weapons and still sneak up on any nearby enemies due to the usually unrelenting battle noises on most levels that masks any noise you might make.


                            • #15
                              Re: I hate fences and doors so much!

                              I find it's "safer" to blast a door with a shotgun as opposed to knifing it.
                              I usually shoot a window with my pistol and jump through, though.

