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why god why the engineer kit

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  • #16
    Re: why god why the engineer kit

    Originally posted by Minmaster View Post
    if it's that easy to get it to save, then why haven't they fixed this?

    do we really need to ask this question..?


    • #17
      Re: why god why the engineer kit

      Originally posted by sempf
      the tric to do that is: make a custom server(prefered), spawn in with all the kit settings, then make the file it saves it in read only. then bf cannot rewrite it anymore. here are your local stats saved too but if you are brig gen it doesnt matter anymore. be sure to not leave the server till you made the file read only, leaving the server somehow screws your kit loadout up.
      I've tried this on two separate ocassions and it doesn't work completely. Now, having said that, I still think it is a good idea, because probably 4 or 5 out of the 8 classes will be perfect, and the other 4 or 3 bad classes will be frozen, and you always know what to fix, so it speeds up the process.


      • #18
        Re: why god why the engineer kit

        I always get spawned at the back base of Camp G as EU assault with the SCAR and no items in the 5 or 6 slots. :cry:


        • #19
          Re: why god why the engineer kit

          Yeah a lot of times when i join a server i automatically get spawned at the back base, then am instantly suicided thus a negative score....pretty random


          • #20
            Re: why god why the engineer kit

            I had a weird bug yesterday where I got rezzed and ended up with a Ganz (I was assault initally IIRC), and the kit had the IDS. Whenever I went to select the IDS, it would quickly switch to it and then immediately switch back to the Ganz. I even tried selecting it with the scroll wheel instead and same thing happened. I thought I needed to resupply one so I dropped an ammo hub and waited until I was full, then tried again and the same thing happened.

            I'm still going to stick with my original assessment, that being that BF2142 hates me.


            • #21
              Re: why god why the engineer kit

              I don't usually mind when it does it to me, gives me an opportunity to get a lollarific engineer kill on some infantry dude who will wonder what just explosively bitchslapped him across the face.


              • #22
                Re: why god why the engineer kit

                Originally posted by Lolyn View Post
                I don't usually mind when it does it to me, gives me an opportunity to get a lollarific engineer kill on some infantry dude who will wonder what just explosively bitchslapped him across the face.
                lol I was just thinking that! Branch out a little, field. Sometimes it is fun to run around and kill people with a random weapon that isn't normally used against infantry. :laugh::|::hmm::nod:smilysmilysmily.....


                • #23
                  Re: why god why the engineer kit

                  Originally posted by Chris--My--azz View Post
                  hehe i rarely get this glitch bf lets me do whatever i want
                  same, i guess you should just take your time when changing kits.


                  • #24
                    Re: why god why the engineer kit

                    one thing i've noticed that prevents it from happening is clicking on other spawn points before you spawn again


                    • #25
                      Re: why god why the engineer kit

                      Field, my son. Even though I am omnipotent and all-knowing, I have decided to answer you in this forum.

                      The engineer class is where your true talent lies. Embrace it. Soon you will behold its power.

                      Use it wisely.


                      • #26
                        Re: why god why the engineer kit

                        actually i was playing nothing but NS today cuz i want my clark and then i was using just recon and engi i was getting some real sweet AVR and mitchel kills it was fun


                        • #27
                          Re: why god why the engineer kit

                          god has spoken !


                          • #28
                            Re: why god why the engineer kit

                            Can't argue with God


                            • #29
                              Re: why god why the engineer kit

                              I ran some IP traces and they went back to the right hand of God. Seems legit.


                              • #30
                                Re: why god why the engineer kit

                                The engineer kit is good for Engineering - I feed my team mates this abiliy

