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why god why the engineer kit

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  • why god why the engineer kit

    i dont want the damn thing i dont want it i just want my assault rifle but then when i respawn my soldier is hefting up that big ugly a$$ rocket launcher and instead of a med kit i have a repair tool i hate the engineer kit so much and the game just gives it to me over and over again i dont know why it wants to punish me like this it actually makes me hate the game sometimes.

  • #2
    Re: why god why the engineer kit

    Don't you get it? You and the engineer kit were meant to be, don't fight it Field, let it in and take it for what you were destined to engineer!!!


    • #3
      Re: why god why the engineer kit

      Yeah Field, that rocket launcher has 4 chambers ()for you to love.


      • #4
        Re: why god why the engineer kit

        yea, follow your calling, your destiny is to be a great engineer.

        for me, it keeps auto-switching me to support. i guess my destiny is to be a nade spamming ammo-supplyin' whore.


        • #5
          Re: why god why the engineer kit

          It's because you once said Motion MINE


          • #6
            Re: why god why the engineer kit

            hehe i rarely get this glitch bf lets me do whatever i want


            • #7
              Re: why god why the engineer kit

              Just in case: before spawning for the first time, set-up all your kits.

              Boy was I glad when I accidentally spawned with a Lambert Carbine instead of my Pilum, when I could've been holding to a sniper rifle instead. :P


              • #8
                Re: why god why the engineer kit

                Don't fight your other side, Fields. It's time to come out of the closet and deal with it...


                • #9
                  Re: why god why the engineer kit

                  the game wants me to spawn in with a scar and rockets as pac.... and if i switch it to herzog and krylov it will spawn me with a krylov and rockets:S. and if i am eu it wants to spawn me without any unlocks for the first time. but anyway the game decided i am destined to be a assault whore.


                  • #10
                    Re: why god why the engineer kit

                    one of those quirky bugs that's unique to BF 2142. just like the game switching to another class in the middle of customizing your loadout. APMs on support! huh? nah....doh!


                    • #11
                      Re: why god why the engineer kit

                      Originally posted by Minmaster
                      one of those quirky bugs that's unique to BF 2142. just like the game switching to another class in the middle of customizing your loadout. APMs on support! huh? nah....doh!
                      For me it always switches to support when that happens. It always happens if I'm in the middle of customising and I go from critical to killed, then on to support it goes. And I'm seriously wondering how the whole kit saving feature was supposed to work anyway. I mean, I'd understand if it just set you all back to defaults every time you started playing again (like before), but now it always puts my engineer kit as Pilum and the vehicle sonar, neither of which do I use, for Assault it gives me Voss and the nadar, again neither of which do I use, and Support gives me the Ganz and the IPS shield, same story. I'm just wondering why it decides to give me those things in the kit. In the case of the IPS shield, I've never selected that thing, so if it 'saved' that configuration from somewhere it beats me where.


                      • #12
                        Re: why god why the engineer kit

                        The game seems to bug out on me sometimes and not give me any RDX. It's not equipped and I can't equip it either, the slot is just grayed out :/


                        • #13
                          Re: why god why the engineer kit

                          Originally posted by WolfAlmighty
                          For me it always switches to support when that happens. It always happens if I'm in the middle of customising and I go from critical to killed, then on to support it goes. And I'm seriously wondering how the whole kit saving feature was supposed to work anyway. I mean, I'd understand if it just set you all back to defaults every time you started playing again (like before), but now it always puts my engineer kit as Pilum and the vehicle sonar, neither of which do I use, for Assault it gives me Voss and the nadar, again neither of which do I use, and Support gives me the Ganz and the IPS shield, same story. I'm just wondering why it decides to give me those things in the kit. In the case of the IPS shield, I've never selected that thing, so if it 'saved' that configuration from somewhere it beats me where.
                          same with me...IPS shield, mine defuser, stabilizer, herzog, all items i never use but somehow makes its way into my kit save...argh! sometimes i wish it wouldn't save the kit at all. :evil:

                          i remember when they first implemented the kit save feature in one of the beta patches, people were saying it actually worked. and then something broke it while the patch was being finalized. sort of the story of 2142 if you think about it...things working and then suddenly broken. :laugh:

                          there was someone who said there is a way to save your kit, i forgot exactly how to do it, but it involves something like loading out, spawning, then dying, then leaving the server. never bothered to try it myself though. if anybody remembers the exact instructions, please post!


                          • #14
                            Re: why god why the engineer kit

                            the tric to do that is: make a custom server(prefered), spawn in with all the kit settings, then make the file it saves it in read only. then bf cannot rewrite it anymore. here are your local stats saved too but if you are brig gen it doesnt matter anymore. be sure to not leave the server till you made the file read only, leaving the server somehow screws your kit loadout up.


                            • #15
                              Re: why god why the engineer kit

                              hmm makes me wonder, if it's that easy to get it to save, then why haven't they fixed this?

