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Screen goes black when getting hit or dying

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  • #16
    Re: Screen goes black when getting hit or dying

    I was still getting the black screens in 181.xx but switching off AA in game and forcing in the control panel worked for me.


    • #17
      Re: Screen goes black when getting hit or dying

      I may be getting confused. The latest 185 and the one before that which I think was 181.?? fixed the issue.

      In the ones that didn't work I tried the forcing via control panel but the AA was not being applied - could have been just me though

      With 185.xx I have my nice smooth 8xAA applied again and all is well.


      • #18
        Re: Screen goes black when getting hit or dying

        yes it's 100% surely fixed, if you're having this issue then you're not using the latest drivers or something is messed up on your end.

        nvidia control panel AA never worked for 2142. it did allow you to play the game without the black screen bug but it never applied the AA settings. the only way to get AA during this period was to use nhancer application.


        • #19
          Re: Screen goes black when getting hit or dying

          Originally posted by Minmaster View Post
          the only way to get AA during this period was to use nhancer application.
          Omg, why didn't anyone tell me? I would have used this tool


          • #20
            Re: Screen goes black when getting hit or dying

            I see this is about the 8800GT, but has anyone else got a similar problem on the 9800GT, with latest drivers

            Kinda annoying when either getting arty or grenades near ya, as it lasts for ages, and I have been fiddling around with graphics settings and still get it


            • #21
              Re: Screen goes black when getting hit or dying

              Originally posted by LBraden
              I see this is about the 8800GT, but has anyone else got a similar problem on the 9800GT, with latest drivers

              Kinda annoying when either getting arty or grenades near ya, as it lasts for ages, and I have been fiddling around with graphics settings and still get it
              that looks like artifacting. try updating your drivers. also check your temps.


              • #22
                Re: Screen goes black when getting hit or dying

                I do not think nVidia would have changed their drivers in 3 weeks, thats when I got the drivers, when I installed XP on this rig
                as for temp files, clean them out every fortnight, and guess what, I did it on Monday and its still doing it
                now if you mean temperature, then you better get me a program that does not want to install half the ducking SPAM from the net or charge me to use, but if it is overheat, I am already running with more than enough fans to keep this cool


                • #23
                  Re: Screen goes black when getting hit or dying

                  do you have heat problems on ur rig? that doesn't look too good.


                  • #24
                    Re: Screen goes black when getting hit or dying

                    I have no cooling issues from what I see normally, in fact, my PC seems to be cooler than ambient night temperature, and its 15c here in my flat right now


                    • #25
                      Re: Screen goes black when getting hit or dying

                      this also can be a graphics card dieing or a psu who cannot give enough energie to the pc. have you checked those?


                      • #26
                        Re: Screen goes black when getting hit or dying

                        I only just got the card, and its a new and stronger PSU than I need, and sempf, it ONLY does it in 2142 when I get an explosive death, close explosion, or generic death, yet I have played CnC 3 w/add on, Act of War series, Enemy Territory QW, and a few other games, even tested Spore and am playing DoW II on this rig with no problems graphics wise (bar "dirty" ETQW due to gamma settings on monitor)

                        EDIT: I have reinstalled the graphics drivers, and reinstalled 2142, and now I am getting the first problem ( though out the game, even in just spawning, so I am afraid, its a puzzler, and yes I have the 182.06 drivers, but I dunno if it left the old 181.22 drivers, and if thats causing the problem


                        • #27
                          Re: Screen goes black when getting hit or dying

                          do u guys think that that it would fix the problem for laptops? i play BF2142 on my laptop, and i have the same problem >.<


                          • #28
                            Re: Screen goes black when getting hit or dying

                            I removed the AA from it, and all other settings are High now, and EL is on, and I have no bugs now, try that


                            • #29
                              Re: Screen goes black when getting hit or dying

                              182.06 on XP, no corruption. Try running driver cleaner pro. Use this guide:

