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Are You Random Killing

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  • #16
    I have no mercy for statpadders and K/P'ers. I just go in and AK them, if it's a problem they can AK me back.


    • #17
      One of my freinds was in a stat padding server, I jumped in C4 in hand and found them all lying on the burning car @ main road beside hotel

      I ran over to a apc (which had the admin in it) and put C4 on it. I then jumped on the rpk lmg turret and sprayed them to fk killin like 6 ppl. I then blew up the C4 killing the admin i typed "ROFLPWNED U NOOBS AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA" and the admin tryed to ban me and spelt my name wrong :laugh:


      • #18
        Originally posted by waaah_wah View Post
        Why? Just coz they are on a padding server doesnt mean they are actually stat padding Its actually quite fun to go on those servers and f*ck around.
        I am so going to do this tomorrow.


        • #19
          In 2142 - I'll join knife servers on Berlin - jump in the APC and groundhog people till an admin arrives or I get kicked. It's so fun racking up easy kills!


          • #20
            Re: Are You Random Killing

            Hey I like to go on those servers and start rifling off the screen shots to send to EA with pictures of names of those involved and the 10 kills at the top all by the same person to the same dummy.

            Don't know if EA is doing anything with the screen shots, but they do have the proof now to shut down the server or reset padders stats.


            • #21
              Re: Are You Random Killing

              Isn't it wonderful there are still so many BF2 servers out there you can simply find another server that has the game play you are looking for?

