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The MP44 Is Great!

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  • #46
    The MP44, is an absolute beauty especially in hardcore mode. Headshot a-hoy!


    • #47
      Indeed. I used it this morning. And after about 10 minutes, I got used to the iron sights with the depth of field on. Was hard. but once I got used to it, that thing is a beast.


      • #48
        This thread makes me sad because I just can't seem to get used to the MP44... I've tried a couple of times and kept getting owned. So I switched back to what works for me.

        I'm frustrated that I can't seem to adapt to this. I hear you guys enjoying it and can't understand why, but a number of folks I respect use MP44/AK47 with a lot of success.


        • #49
          Originally posted by SonicPixel View Post
          I'm frustrated that I can't seem to adapt to this.
          It took me a week of straight getting owned to get used to it to the point of me being able to use it effectively. When I use the iron sights, I aim lower, and use the top of the iron sights for sighting. Not the actual part, but off the top of the curve. Since I play hardcore, and this gives me a body shot. It's a kill. Just my tip. Maybe it will work. But I would really stick with what you are good with if it consistently gets you owned.


          • #50
            I think my first mistake is moving too much. I can see deviated shots flying all over the place...

            I'm going to give it another go and slow down a little. It's hard to be "Sonic" and not zip around like a crazed hedgehog on crack... :laugh:


            • #51
              Originally posted by SonicPixel View Post
              I think my first mistake is moving too much. I can see deviated shots flying all over the place...

              I'm going to give it another go and slow down a little. It's hard to be "Sonic" and not zip around like a crazed hedgehog on crack... :laugh:


              • #52
                im about 10 headshots away from red tiger and although i have loved using the weapon and it works for me, i still feel as though i want my silencer back.


                • #53
                  Silenced mp44 would be good, but why cant you stick a M203 or Gp25 onto a mp44. They just strap it on, don't they? (not sure). Or a scope, same process i think? Don't really remember...


                  • #54
                    I dunno... in real world, maybe...
                    I know that the newer M203, the M203PI, can be attached even on an AK, so wouldn't be a problem to strap it on an MP... but the gun as is is an homage to the ol' COD games, they didn't want to overload it with attachments, but maybe one WWII vintage sight wouldn't be outta place...
                    Take a look at this "what if" family of MP44 variants... look at the pistolegrenate one, or the "sniper/semiauto rifle" version...

                    I remember using the MP44 on the Dam map of COD1... that thing owned... and here, if well "perked trimmed-good used" can own, i can assure that...


                    • #55
                      I started using the MP44 this morning. Called the class Hitler

                      It feels quite like the AK.. albeit it jumps even more on the ironsights, but feels to spread less in hip mode. At any rate, anyone used to the AK won't have any problems with the MP44.


                      • #56
                        I've tried the MP44 and its got a slow rate of fire,and if it didnt give out so much damage,it wouldnt be so great


                        • #57
                          I find the low rate of fire can easily be countered with either Double tap or Stopping Power. I do prefer Stopping Power though, for those burst fire shots.


                          • #58
                            Use Double Tap with that thing. Its rather nice


                            • #59
                              Put a scope on the MP44...

                              I remember the Forgotten Hope mod for BF1942 had hidden/special kits with the MP44 with a scope.


                              • #60
                                I have managed to take out i think 6 enemies all shooting at me within a kind of crowded room, i used Stopping Power and after i got the kills i remember thinking "how the hell did i survive that".

                                The slow ROF really means that your shots can count unlike the AK where you may kill them faster, but you have probably wasted more rounds doing it.

