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BF2 Tips?

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  • #16
    Re: BF2 Tips?

    Idd say join a squad and even if htey are not working as a team observe the Squad leader (unless he is a sniper) so just drag along behind him and shoot at the enemy the game just takes experience.


    • #17
      Re: BF2 Tips?

      Teamwork is good


      • #18
        Re: BF2 Tips?

        Originally posted by DesertFalcon View Post
        Idd say join a squad and even if htey are not working as a team observe the Squad leader (unless he is a sniper) so just drag along behind him and shoot at the enemy the game just takes experience.
        Originally posted by Chefmoto1 View Post
        Teamwork is good
        Yeah i was trying that last night, no one seems to want to work as a team. I joined the squad but my squad leader would just wander off and none of the other guys were anywhere close either.


        • #19
          Re: BF2 Tips?




          • #20
            Re: BF2 Tips?

            -Let the other guy go first :laugh:


            • #21
              Re: BF2 Tips?

              Originally posted by nadicus View Post
              -Let the other guy go first :laugh:
              Hell no TK his ***!!!


              • #22
                Re: BF2 Tips?

                Originally posted by Sniper1432 View Post
                Hell no TK his ***!!!
                Lol nice avatar, and im not even a Star Wars fan... lol.
                TK's always make your team happy!


                • #23
                  Re: BF2 Tips?

                  Play IO for much more fun and a better KDR. Play non-IO only when you're going to use vehicles.

                  Go onto IO servers, and you'll improve your shooting, your strats and your KDR by leaps and bounds. I started BF2 before IO was possible, and I had a less than 1:1 ratio for over a year. Now on IO servers I usually got 3:1 or better. Last night went 45 and 12, while commanding.

                  Yeah, vehicles are fun, but in my experience, they make the game all about vehicles, and not about infantry combat. I like infantry combat much more. Playing as a foot soldier on a vehicle/arty server is just a great way to ensure a lousy KDR, lots of frustration, and trips to the spawn screen. You might even end up turning into a vehicle addict like so many of the other guys there, because the vehicles give such outlandish advantages.

                  Vehicles = easy points = better stats & badges = vehicle "whores".

                  I advise playing IO, especially if you're a CS player, because nobody has huge advantages over anyone else: it's much more of an even playing field.

                  Nobody's got a tank, but everybody's got a gun = more fun.

                  Yeah, there's nade-spamming, but it's better than getting spawn-camped by some nice guy in an APC with three supply crates stacked around him, who takes 27,384 hits with AT rockets to die.

                  Best part of IO is you'll never find yourself cranking away 20:0 as a sniper or support guy in a great position only to have some lame 7 year old commander drop a jeep on your head to kill you. Or even better, call in an arty strike just as your squad is spawning on you at a flag. That always makes my day.


                  • #24
                    Re: BF2 Tips?

                    Keep your eyes and ears open. Watch other players and always be aware of where you are.


                    • #25
                      Re: BF2 Tips?

                      Whats an IO server?


                      • #26
                        Re: BF2 Tips?

                        Dont Die


                        • #27
                          Re: BF2 Tips?

                          Originally posted by Jimmy42000 View Post
                          Whats an IO server?
                          Infantry only


                          • #28
                            Re: BF2 Tips?

                            Oh, yeah thats what ive been playing lately is the IO servers and i like them way more. So much more fun.


                            • #29
                              Re: BF2 Tips?

                              Before you get in many kills and deaths, try and get the purple heart!!:salute:
                              To get: you must have a kill/death ratio of 5-20. Basiaclly it's a sympathy medal, but if you get it now while you're very new, you should have no problem fixing your kill/death ratio as you gain experience.

                              But remember, do it very early on, or not at all.


                              • #30
                                Re: BF2 Tips?

                                Every weapon has different sights.

                                Ignore your stats.
                                Stay on the edge of the battle.
                                Use single shot at distance, and burst, semi- or auto at close range.
                                When avoiding detection, do not do anything to give away your position (i.e. shoot randomly, throw grenades, throw medic packs or ammo packs).
                                Practice with the pistol because it is there for when your main weapon needs to be reloaded during a shootout.
                                If you drive a tank or apc, play as engineer so you can repair it. If you can't repair it, die with it. Don't bail out and leave it sitting there for the enemy.

