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Your most embarrassing BF2 moment.

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  • #16
    Re: Your most embarrassing BF2 moment.

    When I first started playing I jumped into a helicopter as pilot and I didn't know how to fly it. Suddenly everyone starts hopping in so I take off into the air and dive bomb straight into the ground killing everyone on board. Fark I was embarrassed. LOL


    • #17
      Re: Your most embarrassing BF2 moment.

      Letting my friends play BF2. I watched them typing crap into the chat box that made me cringe


      • #18
        Re: Your most embarrassing BF2 moment.

        Originally posted by Oli View Post
        Letting my friends play BF2. I watched them typing crap into the chat box that made me cringe
        ouch i know the feeling, used to do that in CS, still do actually its pretty fun, winding up silly little people that think they own the world coz they have a 1 k/d


        • #19
          Re: Your most embarrassing BF2 moment.

          Once I was chasing the US bomber on daqing in a Su-34 I tried to experiment with the guns and I shot some missles at him I thought I killed it but I was unable to move out of the way of its chasis and died. Then they said NICE RAM N00B and I said at least I got the kill first. But then I realized the reason their jet blew up was because the gunner jumped out and pulled his chute to quickly killing them both.


          • #20
            Re: Your most embarrassing BF2 moment.

            Trying to get into the UAV trailer


            • #21
              Re: Your most embarrassing BF2 moment.

              jumping out of a jihad jeep too soon and killing only yourself is pretty embarassing.


              • #22
                Re: Your most embarrassing BF2 moment.

                Flaming rammers only to do it yourself 5 minutes later isn't too good either :cry:


                • #23
                  Re: Your most embarrassing BF2 moment.

                  I used to find myself trying to cap my own flags for like 5 minutes wondering why I wasn't making any progress.....


                  • #24
                    Re: Your most embarrassing BF2 moment.

                    Taking the game too seriously and forgeting not only it's just a game, but that I'm supposed to have fun playing it


                    • #25
                      Re: Your most embarrassing BF2 moment.

                      Fly in blackhawk, in the middle of battlefield got message- "there is a problem with your connection":evil: , and then crash into some tree teamkilling all your squad :yay: and got kicked:dead:


                      • #26
                        Re: Your most embarrassing BF2 moment.

                        I was a support and was just about to use my LMG to blow up a sniper when he looked at me and drew his knife. I drew my knife like a good sport. He back-pedaled and I raced forward.... Right into his claymores.

                        Was in a tank and talking back and forth with this guy (bantering/trash talk). Then he told me that he was going to kill me. I was like there is no way I own to hard. And a millisecond later he blew up all the C4 he had on the back of my tank :cry:

                        Finally, I thought FF was off on the server I was on. So I ran over to a big clump of my team mates and started throwing C4. Then I blew it up-

                        [DST] Sniper2068[Teamkill]
                        [DST] Sniper2068[Teamkill]
                        [DST] Sniper2068[Teamkill]
                        [DST] Sniper2068[Teamkill]
                        [DST] Sniper2068[Teamkill]
                        [DST] Sniper2068[Teamkill]
                        [DST] Sniper2068[Teamkill]
                        [DST] Sniper2068[Teamkill]

                        (my old clan was DST). I got auto banned for 3 months



                        • #27
                          Re: Your most embarrassing BF2 moment.

                          Yesterday while commanding I sent artillery to an enemy grouped behind the
                          Jalalabad Hotel. A few seconds later my guys going running out to take on the
                          bad guys only to be blown to bits from my falling bombs.

                 bad. :cry:


                          • #28
                            Re: Your most embarrassing BF2 moment.

                            Originally posted by tight View Post
                            Yesterday while commanding I send artillery to an enemy grouped behind the
                            Jalalabad Hotel. A few seconds later my guys going running out to take on the
                            bad guys only to be blown to bits from my falling bombs.

                   bad. :cry:
                            Not your fault its the squads fault for not looking at the map. Remember though when you drop artilery aways away from your arty pieces then they will come in angled and not fully vertically along with being alittle more spread out.


                            • #29
                              Re: Your most embarrassing BF2 moment.

                              Originally posted by 'oUtL@w' View Post
                              When I first started playing I jumped into a helicopter as pilot and I didn't know how to fly it. Suddenly everyone starts hopping in so I take off into the air and dive bomb straight into the ground killing everyone on board. Fark I was embarrassed. LOL

                              Another funny thing to do is jump out, don't warn others and watch chopper crush into the ground, full of your passengers without a driver Ofcourse it is bad for your team


                              • #30
                                Re: Your most embarrassing BF2 moment.

                                One night I was playing bf2, using teamspeak with my friends. After a couple of hours, said bye to my friends, exited bf2 and back to the desktop. I proceeded to play a prOn film on, with the sound up since my flatmates were all out that evening.
                                Of course, like an idiot I had left teamspeak on. And of course, I use open mic which means that of course my friends who were still playing bf2 heard every single bit of the, shall we say, 'dialogue' from the film I was viewing. Luck just had it that everyone happened to be quiet for a while, so I didn't realize teamspeak was still running.
                                I was embarrassed, yes. I felt stupid, yes.

