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BF2 been wakcy lately?

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  • #16
    Re: BF2 been wakcy lately?

    Gota love it when you go to snipe somebody, two hits and they don't die, they turn around and bam you're dead lol.


    • #17
      Re: BF2 been wakcy lately?

      Originally posted by stalker2200
      Gota love it when you go to snipe somebody, two hits and they don't die, they turn around and bam you're dead lol.
      yeah happend to me 2 days ago, but with my M95 shot him so square in the face and he didnt die


      • #18
        Re: BF2 been wakcy lately?

        Just let it go and if it keep happening then post back


        • #19
          Re: BF2 been wakcy lately?

          Originally posted by stalker2200
          Gota love it when you go to snipe somebody, two hits and they don't die, they turn around and bam you're dead lol.
          he could have easily ran over a medic pack...


          • #20
            Re: BF2 been wakcy lately?

            Originally posted by Sniper1432
            i shot this dude 3 times with my L961 and there was not one indication that I hit him lol..
            maybe you missed? :laugh:

            lots of crappy hit detection goin on. once last week i wen't prone directly (1 meter) behind a sniper knifed him 3 times, then proceeded to unload all 4 clips of my ak101 into his back in complete astonishment (not to mention he didnt move) i had to quit the server i was in awe, after a few secs he got up and tried his hardest to knife me, i had to run away lol it was sad.


            • #21
              Re: BF2 been wakcy lately?

              Originally posted by Monkmonkman View Post
              That's not that hard lol.

              Well I don't hop around.


              • #22
                Re: BF2 been wakcy lately?

                I've found that while I need to use up an entire M16 clip to kill an enemy, they only need 1 burst and I'm dead. The most annoying part was when I was behind a LMGer, shot him in the head 3 times before he turned around and shot me. This is with a ping of 30.

                Sometimes I can kill a newly spawned enemy (full health) from half way across the map with one single burst. Yet when I'm 15 metres away it takes forever to kill them. I can also shoot an enemy in the legs with one shot and he'll die immediately. BUT OH NO.... when you shoot them in the head you need the entire f**king magazine.

                In addition, when playing with the usually low ping's I get (10 -40), I find that even though I have escaped danger by running around a wall, I still find that his shots, even though no where near me, kill me. This usually happens with tanks and their great ability to shoot curving bullets.

                Originally posted by Neptune View Post
                theres more to it, i think there are 3 types of lag: Server, Ping, and Computer.

                Server: the servers just needs a reboot, and everyone is experiencing choppiness, while their frame rates are normal.

                Ping: only YOU see other people and helicopters choppy, everything is hard to shoot and just makes the game unplayable in extreme cases.

                Computer: your computer cant handle the graphics going on in game, and simply put you get a low frame rate, which can make you suffer in gaming performance if its <25.

                I get 80 frames on a server alone, while on a full kark server i get 30 frames with the same settings. About 70% of your framerate depend on how many people are on the server, what i find anyway.
                My frames are in the 100's with everything on full (16xAA, AF, the whole shebang) yet I get stuttering, but its not like computer stutterings, its more like.... something else... its very quick... can't put a lid on it.

                Happens about 10 minutes into a game and carries on for a bit.


                • #23
                  Re: BF2 been wakcy lately?

                  Im also getting this lag. I shoot people, but they just dont go down.

