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Baseraping, what is it really? You decide.

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  • Baseraping, what is it really? You decide.

    Okay, we need an "official" definition of the term "Baserape". I have gotten kicked off of 14 servers for "QUIT BASERAPING B****" "F*** OFF BASERAPING WHORE" and 12 others. My most recent was for knifing an enemy commander after blowing up his assets and supply crates to repair it. So puh-leez stay on topic. Maybe some server owners could spread the word about the term baseraping when we possibly reach a final def. that a majority agrees on. Discuss if you can only kill people at uncaps if they attack you, if you can kill commander, if you can take their vehicles, all that stuff. You know what to do.

  • #2
    Re: Baseraping, what is it really? You decide.

    My def of baseraping is when a team, or single unit is attacking an uncap and killing them when they spawn.


    Wake 2007: Z10 hovering with gunner at carrier.

    Spec ops should be allowed in to destroy assets, and only attack when fired upon, ummm like spec ops should be. Stealth before combat.

    If it's not an uncap, base raping is legal, but they must be taking the flag. If you get what i am saying.

    My 2cents.


    • #3
      Re: Baseraping, what is it really? You decide.

      For me baserape is going to the enemy uncapped and just whoring it up in armour or on a mounted gun killing you before you get a chance to move. I've been kicked for killing someone whilst capping a flag, sure its unfair but a flag I can cap is NOT a base. Thats the way I interpreted it when I had a server.


      • #4
        Re: Baseraping, what is it really? You decide.

        The right definition is, when someone/multiple people stops the output of infantry or vehicles from a base entirely... and you keep doing it. That's what it is to me anyways... whether it be one jet, or a whole team of infantry, etc..

        IE... you have a good chopper crew circling a base, killing everything that moves. That could be considered baseraping and spawncamping, because you can see when they spawn in.

        Often you will have a team pushed back to one flag.. naturally everyone will go there to try to finish the round, and yeah, it's technically baseraping.. but hey whos fault was it to get pushed to one flag?

        Originally posted by AckAck View Post
        For me baserape is going to the enemy uncapped and just whoring it up in armour or on a mounted gun killing you before you get a chance to move. I've been kicked for killing someone whilst capping a flag, sure its unfair but a flag I can cap is NOT a base. Thats the way I interpreted it when I had a server.
        That's spawn camping.. entirely different from base raping.


        • #5
          Re: Baseraping, what is it really? You decide.

          its when you go all out on attacking an uncap flag, using a tank/chopper killing everyone that spawns e.t.c

          the problem you have is with the ****** server admins. they make rules like you cant even defend yourself against aa from an uncap, you cant kill anyone when destroying assets and u cant steal vehicles.

          some servers are fairer and allow uncap attacking as long as you dont use a vehicle.

          other servers are worse, ive been kicked several times for stealing enemy vehicles from CAPPABLE flags. would i get kicked for using an enemy jeep? or tank? no..
          but because i kill a jet, bomb them before it spawns again and parachute straight into the cockpit and fly off. they kick me for stealing vehicles.
          because the admin was flying it previously.........
          was a german server so that explains it tbh

          all i can say is find a server where the rules arent so crap or is a public server with no rules.


          • #6
            Re: Baseraping, what is it really? You decide.

            Baseraping is attacking a flag point and killing people as they respawn, with absolutely no intent or action to cap the flag.


            • #7
              Re: Baseraping, what is it really? You decide.

              Baseraping stands for Bunny Anus Sniping Enabled rape.
              Question answered.


              • #8
                Re: Baseraping, what is it really? You decide.

                1000 million passes with the J10 on the carrier is baseraping
                and hovering with Z10 on wake spawn killing
                and i think that any form of killing ppl on uncap and any type of attack having an unfair advantage against the enemy

                my 2centsahha


                • #9
                  Re: Baseraping, what is it really? You decide.

                  Some of you mention its not baseraping if its uncappable (im by no means a whiner when it comes to baseraping, i think it was suppose to be part of the game) well i think that some cases are more or less worse. For example, sharqi+tv station+havoc....

                  thats gotta be the most common place to get your highest "kill streaks" in a helicopter, and that is much worse than attacking a ucb. By worse i mean just as unfair, not fun, and "n0obish." Face it, admins dont make these rules to make it fair, they just want to have their server their way (have fun in their opinion).

                  my definition of "baserape" is:

                  Attacking an UNCAPTURABLE base, and preventing them the slightest chance of slipping through and capturing another flag. This is attacking within a certain "range." For example, on Gulf airfield (MEC), its ok to attack tanks that are passed the big brown barriers. Everything within that is considered baserape.

                  Thats the way i see it anyway, you'll never get a definitive answer.


                  • #10
                    Re: Baseraping, what is it really? You decide.

                    If all the flags are taken and the base is the last spawn point, as much as we all hate to get base raped, it should be considered legit.


                    • #11
                      Re: Baseraping, what is it really? You decide.

                      baseraping is *fun*


                      • #12
                        Re: Baseraping, what is it really? You decide.

                        I have never ever been a victim of base raping. Sure I get base raped if I spawned and hadnt realize they are base raping, but other then that there is always another spawn point and always a way from all the gun fights.


                        • #13
                          Re: Baseraping, what is it really? You decide.

                          Baseraping is like spawnkilling with a certain delay giving the enemy at least a little bit of a chance.

                          In general: Not letting the enemy get out of their base/flag area without intention to cap the flag.

                          This happens mostly if it's the only flag left and it's quite difficult to cap this last flag if you have tons of enemies spawning there, so ppl take the easy way.

                          baseraping the uncap base is stupid. this base is uncappable for a reason!
                          Players that rape the uncap (even if it's the last flag) are some lower species (aka point/stat whores).

                          This is a game where every player wants to have fun and raping the uncap destroys the game for 50% of the players.

                          The legit tactic would be to defend all captured flags. That's how it was supposed to be....

                          Btw, Spec Ops should enter the uncap destroy the assets and even knife the commander if they get the chance without being accused of baseraping...



                          • #14
                            Re: Baseraping, what is it really? You decide.

                            LOL I got kicked from the Slaughter House Wake server for base raping the airfield flag........I was using the G36E medic rifle and kept running around the building killing everyone in sight as I was trying to cap the flag, got something like 10-12 kills in a very short time, I guess the 3 Star General admin got pissed because I killed him several times and when I ran out of ammo he killed me, tea bagged me then he kicked me for breaking the rules LOL
                            Signa was there, he told me the kick reason was base raping, so when I went on their forum and asked them about it they said they would check into it, but they never did


                            • #15
                              Re: Baseraping, what is it really? You decide.

                              ^^LOL :laugh:

                              Yeah, typical.

                              admins have to differ between baseraping and what you did.

                              You were alone trying to cap the flag. The guys you killed were just bad I think and should have been able to eliminate you.

                              Baserapers mostly act in groups. You can hardly rape a base alone unless you're in a vehicle.


