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Single Fire

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  • #31
    Re: Single Fire

    Originally posted by 33TheGame33
    Single shot is good, Burst fire is best. Burst fire is good in any range short or long.
    I disagree, but that's my opinion. I find that after the first burst you're accuracy goes down the toilet.


    • #32
      Re: Single Fire

      I prefer burst fire for CQC. For med-long range with the M16 Single shot works well.


      • #33
        Re: Single Fire

        Originally posted by bdm
        I started playing Medic lately (and yes, I'm a total Medic whore) and I was doing fine with the AK, but the M16 was giving me a lot of trouble with the 3 shot bursts. So I decided to try out single fire and I was p00nin' balls.

        - Waste less ammo to kill your enemy
        - Better accuracy

        - Sometimes when you run into someone with a machine gun you will get pwned if you don't click fast enough

        What are your thoughts on single fire?
        I think single shot is great, better accuracy, saves ammo (Just like you said).
        I use it a ton with the M4, end up getting 25+ kills and no more then 10 deaths.
        Single shot is great.



        • #34
          Re: Single Fire

          that L85A1......i think its garbage....lying prone, firing in single shot NEVER hits the mark.....this gun is useless garbage.....except close range, on full auto......

          that gun sucks balls


          • #35
            Re: Single Fire

            Originally posted by AlphaCueUp
            that L85A1......i think its garbage....lying prone, firing in single shot NEVER hits the mark.....this gun is useless garbage.....except close range, on full auto......

            that gun sucks balls
            you obviously havent used it a whole lot it seems. half of my 25000 assault rifle kills are from this gun, and in the right hands it is unstoppable. lying prone single shot you can't hit jack?? if you know where the exact spot on the xhairs is its tough to miss, (keep in mind accuracy was jacked up in patch 1.2). a few millimeters above the tip, my personal favourite gun for hitting mounted machine gunners and strafing sideways opponents at barely within visual distance. the amount of lucky headshots with the L85a1 exceeds almost all guns, (g36e rpk and M16 in there too), it does enough damage per shot to kill in 3 hits rather than 4 with most guns, and 1 to the head whereas most guns (32 damage or less) take 2 to the head. would say i am about equal in skill with it as the G36e, and that gun is far easier to use to even the most novice of players, the M16 feels rather clunky to me but in single shot yes it is deadly accurate. about the whole single shot thing, since ive bound my page back button on my mx518 to single shot my survivability at distance has skyrocketed. i keep guns in full auto almost all the time unless i come up against someone to far for that particular gun to be effective even in quick bursts. with a button on your mouse bound jumping to sideways to prone on full auto and landing in single is second nature, G36e is probably the only rifle i rarely use in single shot as its so damn accurate at any distance, but i am always out of ammo , almost half of my over 900 golds has come at the hands of this badboy


            • #36
              Re: Single Fire

              Originally posted by Bloodsport
              I tried this and I can't hit anything at 100M +
              are you legally blind?


              • #37
                Re: Single Fire

                Originally posted by Light|Bred.DNM.
                are you legally blind?
                No, check my stats. I just can't figure out where the point of aim on it is. I much prefer the AK 101, M16 or when I feel like ripping everyone apart the G36E.

                On a side note, I can only use 3 round burst weapons now, as I hit my mouse and I can't fire full auto. It fires like 3 or 4 rounds, then stops and I have to re click. Not good for the AK as in close quarters full auto rules with that gun.


                • #38
                  Re: Single Fire

                  Originally posted by Bloodsport
                  No. Did he say anything? I can check the chat logs...
                  Don't remember. Nah, waste of time if he was good, then good for him bad for me

                  There was one cheater thoug. He was also medic using the same weapon. He shot constant bodyhits to me, from so far that it was actually difficult notice him with SVD scope. I don't remember his name either. I usually neglect those fellows. If they ruin the game I'll just leave the server.

                  Originally posted by Bloodsport
                  No, check my stats. I just can't figure out where the point of aim on it is...
                  That truly is one big enigma for me also. Target laying 20 m away perfectly still. 2 second aiming for ensuring the sight points is in the middle if his face = 40% propability to miss; 50% propability to get a body shot; 10% propability to get a head shot.

                  I can castrate flies with the sniper rifle, but making correct aim doesn't get you anywhere with this gun.


                  • #39
                    Re: Single Fire

                    Originally posted by Bloodsport
                    No, check my stats. I just can't figure out where the point of aim on it is. I much prefer the AK 101, M16 or when I feel like ripping everyone apart the G36E.
                    Don't worry, it doesn't really matter where point of aim is, since 100+ m the deviation on guns makes sure that the bullets won't hit the point of aim anyway .. Given enough range, it doesn't matter at ALL anyway, since being 3 pixels off left or right might give the same odds on scoring a hit. That said, I do actually hope they correct the sight pictures on the weapon where the point of aim isn't where it's supposed to be (say, AK / SVD). Here's the thread with sight pictures ;

                    L85 is less accurate than M16 when proned and zoomed anyway. It has equal min. dev, mut has 1.2 prone modifier whereas M16 has 1.0. It also has 50% greater deviation added/shot - right after the first shot, even AKs are more accurate than L85. The only saving grace is 34 damage, which guarantees 1-shot kill on lucky headshot, but the headshot usually gives you a win with any weapon anyway.. 2 guys with 100% health, the one who gets that 1 headshot will win so often, that it doesn't matter whether your gun did 90 or 100 damage on headshot.

                    I'm setting myself up on "you don't know how to use it" comment by someone else, so here's the reply already : You can kill with ANY gun, but any other medic rifle does the killing better in every meaningful way. If I go 20-0 with a pistol vs. assault rifles, it doesn't mean that pistol is better, it just means I played well with it (or more likely, the opposition just absolutely sucked)

                    On a side note, I can only use 3 round burst weapons now, as I hit my mouse and I can't fire full auto. It fires like 3 or 4 rounds, then stops and I have to re click. Not good for the AK as in close quarters full auto rules with that gun.
                    Been in the same boat with several mice. If there's still warranty left in your mouse, return it ASAP. I can guarantee that it'll detoriate and eventually the mouse1 doesn't work any more. As opening your mouse will void any warranty left, there's really nothing you can do about it that doesn't force you to get a new mouse in a month anyway.


                    • #40
                      Re: Single Fire

                      Too late, I already opened it


                      • #41
                        Re: Single Fire

                        About not hitting 3 in time...when you get uup close switch to burst...and when you go around corners or get in to urban area...then switch to semi again!


                        • #42
                          Re: Single Fire

                          Its not hard guys, the very top tip of the needle is where you need to place it. In the same way you aim at the top of the M16 sight.


                          • #43
                            Re: Single Fire

                            jeez, some people just arent fit for certain weapons. why cant we accept that? i couldnt use the g36c for a long time, and now i am good with it. its all about using the gun enough. so here, why does anyone care if someone cant use an L8?


                            • #44
                              Re: Single Fire

                              L85A1 is the best gun in the game if you "are used to the gun".. then... if I should put it that way..

                              IE.. ALWAYS, always, ALWAYS go for the headshot.. you need to have good aim. Shoot 1 shot, then 2, then 1, then 2, then 1, then 2... etc.

                              Never burst 3 shots.

                              Remember you aren't going for body shots, otherwise pick a different gun.

                              But this gun will out snipe snipers on some maps (karkand, sharqi.. etc.. high fog maps)

