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Jihad Jet?

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  • #16
    Re: Jihad Jet?

    Originally posted by YoDiddy
    i jihad jeep only
    anything i fly i will suicide into it if im out of cannon ammo
    if its a transport chopper.... im just gunna ram squad or no squad on board.
    Lol, I do that by accident. It makes me angry when I could have just blown them up. you gotta love it when theres 6 people in a defenceless black hawk chopper


    • #17
      Re: Jihad Jet?

      Originally posted by J0rd4n999
      Lol, I do that by accident. It makes me angry when I could have just blown them up. you gotta love it when theres 6 people in a defenceless black hawk chopper
      its funest filling it at the jet pads with the jet campers, then rolling the chopper off in the water killing everyone


      • #18
        Re: Jihad Jet?

        And while you are doing this to your pilots, I'm beating the $h1t out of your helos, armor, cars infantry because you dont even have a token resistance up in the air to stop me. Take note, this is a recipe to get your @$$ handed to you and your team by taking out the top in your pecking order of valuable assets. This is the kind of crap I see on team, along with teamkilling, forcking tks, ect that instead of returning the tk, i just switch teams so I can just kill you squarly and over, and over, and over. By all means, keep taking out your jet pilots for me, you just make my job easier.

        BTW this post should be renamed how to be a selfish prick and royaly Fuk your team.


        • #19
          Re: Jihad Jet?

          I have to say this although its a little off topic..

          I see alot of talk about jet whoring and jet killing and j10 ble bla and pretty much all the other talk that goes on with jets..

          Me being a ground pounder because the obvious reasons with not wanting to fly "IE: actually playing the game and not waiting"

          But eventually today my curiosity got the best of me and i decided to do a little test.

          My test was to see if i could get the airtime badge or whatever its called.. just the basic one... in a jet.

          so first i started out on a nice chunky server, 50 players or so and i load fairly fast so i had a decent crack at a jet.

          Well i run up to the jet i want and BAM dead.... tk from my teamate... "No biggie" i thought.. "i expected some resistance in this little test of mine"...

          So the dude got the plain and i patiently waited for another jet to respawn..

          a few minutes later one did... YES!!! ITS GO TIME... I finnally get to try out some bombing techneiqes i learned on this sight Right??................ WRONG!

          Before i even get a chance to think about pressing the w key to move forward i get blasted from a j-10.. least this time it was not a teamate.

          The third time i respawned it didnt take long for the jet i had to respawn in front of me...

          Well low and behold i get into the jet... but whats this?? some dude lays down in front of my jet right before i take off.... its not even the same guy that tked me...

          So i get the tk death thingy for that one..... then i see two completly different people duking it out for the plane..... one wins.. takes the plane.......

          Finally i said.. hey i will just try a much smaller server... so i go into a ranked server with 20 or so folks in it....

          DEAR GOD... that was a big mistake..from the moment i set eyes on the jet the dude shot me... again and again i was tked from my own teamates.. they also would tk each other....

          Several people got kicked in this clusterFuk

          So in the end i finally got a jet... after about an hour and a half of trying... i am flying.. its great.. i hear BZZZ BZZZ BZZZ BZZZZ... well no bigie i will just fire my anti lock flares... sure enough the buzz stops withought me taking a hit...

          Then all of the sudden my ship just blows up.. then under the thing where it says how you die.. it says "DUDE A Killed DUDE B" No weapon used or anything...

          So needless to say i have given up on getting a medal for flying jets or anything... and i suggest that all new players do the same..

          If you want to learn to fly jets.. do what i did.. load up a empty local game and practice.... but all the practice in the world wont save you from greedy teammates and joystick pro's..

          Sorry for the lil rant.. but it seems foolish that new players will probably never get a chance to get jet badges without some sort of crutch..

          And i know there are going to be some people responding and saying "well i did cause im so fukin good!" well congradulations retard... you better at a video game than I


          • #20
            Re: Jihad Jet?

            Originally posted by ||3RB||MOBB
            And while you are doing this to your pilots, I'm beating the $h1t out of your helos, armor, cars infantry because you dont even have a token resistance up in the air to stop me. Take note, this is a recipe to get your @$$ handed to you and your team by taking out the top in your pecking order of valuable assets. This is the kind of crap I see on team, along with teamkilling, forcking tks, ect that instead of returning the tk, i just switch teams so I can just kill you squarly and over, and over, and over. By all means, keep taking out your jet pilots for me, you just make my job easier.

            BTW this post should be renamed how to be a selfish prick and royaly Fuk your team.
            Yeah but these people dont care if their team loses, nor do most other players.


            • #21
              Re: Jihad Jet?

              :rofl:LOL internet


              • #22
                Re: Jihad Jet?

                Originally posted by 666PROTECTOR
                :rofl:LOL internet
                and the people that know about it


                • #23
                  Re: Jihad Jet?

                  I hate people that fly jets: the noobs ram you and the ones that can fly just use the B.S. cannon to take choppers down in less than a second.



                  • #24
                    Re: Jihad Jet?

                    Originally posted by ||3RB||MOBB
                    And while you are doing this to your pilots, I'm beating the $h1t out of your helos, armor, cars infantry because you dont even have a token resistance up in the air to stop me. Take note, this is a recipe to get your @$$ handed to you and your team by taking out the top in your pecking order of valuable assets. This is the kind of crap I see on team, along with teamkilling, forcking tks, ect that instead of returning the tk, i just switch teams so I can just kill you squarly and over, and over, and over. By all means, keep taking out your jet pilots for me, you just make my job easier.

                    BTW this post should be renamed how to be a selfish prick and royaly Fuk your team.
                    calm down buddy he wasn't the pilot


                    • #25
                      Re: Jihad Jet?

                      sometimes i jihad blackhawk.


                      • #26
                        Re: Jihad Jet?

                        Only into friendlies, it's funnier that way.


                        • #27
                          Re: Jihad Jet?

                          I like rigging the enemy planes/helis with C4, then driving away, only to see someone flying around with 6 pounds of plastic explosives up their rear.


                          • #28
                            Re: Jihad Jet?

                            To MOBB, he wasn't the pilot. Calm down.

                            To the guy that said he rams if he's out of cannon ammo. Go rearm over your airstrip/carrier.

                            I will put C4 on any vehicle except air vehicles. In this case, if someone runs up and puts C4 on me, I can hop out and not worry about him stealing it. Or, it's useful when I'm low on armor and about to die. Drive it to a flag being capped and blow it, or if the enemy armor APC is near, blow IT up. I don't just waste armor though.

                            But yeah, blowing the plane is a little selfish. Only time I ever do that is if I join a server and both the F-35's are on the carrier. I can easily tell when they've been stolen, and blow em up. It's better to lay AT mines down though on FF Mines off servers.


                            • #29
                              Re: Jihad Jet?

                              Originally posted by Elder
                              Only into friendlies, it's funnier that way.


                              • #30
                                Re: Jihad Jet?

                                ya, but i am the one wit 20 people shooting at my *** and dying the second i touch the ground:cry:

                                Originally posted by Narutoscryed
                                I have to say this although its a little off topic..

                                I see alot of talk about jet whoring and jet killing and j10 ble bla and pretty much all the other talk that goes on with jets..

                                Me being a ground pounder because the obvious reasons with not wanting to fly "IE: actually playing the game and not waiting"

                                But eventually today my curiosity got the best of me and i decided to do a little test.

                                My test was to see if i could get the airtime badge or whatever its called.. just the basic one... in a jet.

                                so first i started out on a nice chunky server, 50 players or so and i load fairly fast so i had a decent crack at a jet.

                                Well i run up to the jet i want and BAM dead.... tk from my teamate... "No biggie" i thought.. "i expected some resistance in this little test of mine"...

                                So the dude got the plain and i patiently waited for another jet to respawn..

                                a few minutes later one did... YES!!! ITS GO TIME... I finnally get to try out some bombing techneiqes i learned on this sight Right??................ WRONG!

                                Before i even get a chance to think about pressing the w key to move forward i get blasted from a j-10.. least this time it was not a teamate.

                                The third time i respawned it didnt take long for the jet i had to respawn in front of me...

                                Well low and behold i get into the jet... but whats this?? some dude lays down in front of my jet right before i take off.... its not even the same guy that tked me...

                                So i get the tk death thingy for that one..... then i see two completly different people duking it out for the plane..... one wins.. takes the plane.......

                                Finally i said.. hey i will just try a much smaller server... so i go into a ranked server with 20 or so folks in it....

                                DEAR GOD... that was a big mistake..from the moment i set eyes on the jet the dude shot me... again and again i was tked from my own teamates.. they also would tk each other....

                                Several people got kicked in this clusterFuk

                                So in the end i finally got a jet... after about an hour and a half of trying... i am flying.. its great.. i hear BZZZ BZZZ BZZZ BZZZZ... well no bigie i will just fire my anti lock flares... sure enough the buzz stops withought me taking a hit...

                                Then all of the sudden my ship just blows up.. then under the thing where it says how you die.. it says "DUDE A Killed DUDE B" No weapon used or anything...

                                So needless to say i have given up on getting a medal for flying jets or anything... and i suggest that all new players do the same..

                                If you want to learn to fly jets.. do what i did.. load up a empty local game and practice.... but all the practice in the world wont save you from greedy teammates and joystick pro's..

                                Sorry for the lil rant.. but it seems foolish that new players will probably never get a chance to get jet badges without some sort of crutch..

                                And i know there are going to be some people responding and saying "well i did cause im so fukin good!" well congradulations retard... you better at a video game than I
                                LISTEN TO HIM!!! HE KNOWS WHAT HES TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!

